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Update on Corona virus.

My friend read op as I said we should not get them out as we know very little about this virus but the main concern is attending our people during this period in China and providing them help there. Even with proper screening you cannot confirm an infected with just screening and proper tests need to be done I agree to that part. Even with proper screening we will don't know the carrier of the virus till now and carriers escape cinvential screening but the demand of attending our people in China is valid and that should be met.
Chinese are not sleeping my friend. They may be taking drastic steps to control the spread of the disease but they arnt gonna let their People die of hunger. Chinese MOC is Sending supplies on Emergency bases to the Super markets in the region. The empty shelves you have probably seen is due to the fact that people are panicking and stockpiling Supplies for the long run. Rest assured no one there would be dying of Hunger. As per their last Media Brief:

Food like eggs, fish, beef and pork are being released into the market via over 300 local Spring Festival supply stations. Supermarkets, pharmacies and gas stations are asked to stay open, while restaurants are encouraged to deliver their food to households.

The screening for Corona as of now doesn't Exists. By proper screening mechanism i meant Isolating everyone for the Incubation period of the disease as far as i know we dont have a purpose built Isolation facility of a scale to put thousands of People in for 14 Days. Isolation wards in our Hospitals are mostly occupied and neither do they have the capacity to deal with those kind of numbers. Under CDC protocols for people coming from Epidemic areas which usually are followed here even after screening the people would be isolated until the proper diagnostic tests are done. Main purpose of Screening is to treat the patients on emergency bases and isolate them because waiting for the proper tests can take a long time.

Which is exactly what they are preparing for when US Airlifts its people from Wuhan.
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My friend read op as I said we should not get them out as we know very little about this virus but the main concern is attending our people during this period in China and providing them help there. Even with proper screening you cannot confirm an infected with just screening and proper tests need to be done I agree to that part. Even with proper screening we will don't know the carrier of the virus till now and carriers escape cinvential screening but the demand of attending our people in China is valid and that should be met.

My friend forget halal but those people will require some type of food or not? The cities are on lock down at least make sure they get food regardless of type.

Our staff cannot physically attend to them, nor should we pressurize authorities in the city to release immediate information. There are greater priorities.
Don't let them out of the city. Right now they can be carriers of the virus.
Chinese has a good disease control system, but from March Chinese tourism season starts. So, they will counter this issue as quickly as possible.
A new suspected case of the novel coronavirus has surfaced in Multan, taking the overall tally of fatal virus in Pakistan to five, The Express Tribune said in a report.

According to sources in the Health Ministry, two samples from Multan have been sent to Hong Kong for confirmation as there are no laboratories in Pakistan equipped to diagnose the pathogen, the report said on Sunday.

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) received the samples on Sunday night, they added.

One of the two suspected coronavirus patients in Multan is a Pakistani national, said the sources.

On Saturday, NIH chief Major General Aamer Ikram said a Chinese national had been admitted to the Nishtar Hospital, Multan and kept in the isolation ward after he showed symptoms of the disease including flu, cough and fever.

Test reports were expected to arrive in the next 24 to 48 hours. The patients will receive necessary treatment based on the results of test reports.

According to sources, the Chinese national, hospitalised in Multan, travelled from China to Dubai and reached Karachi on January 21. After landing in Karachi, he took a flight to Multan.

Three Chinese nationals were also admitted to Lahore's Services Hospital and shifted to the isolation ward on Saturday, The Express Tribune report said.

According to hospital sources, the suspected patients were residents of the Chinese city of Wuhan, the epicentre of the outbreak, and had recently arrived in Lahore.

Meanwhile, the Foreign Office said on Sunday that over 500 students and other Pakistanis living in Wuhan and other parts of China were "safe", Dawn news reported.

Chinese health authorities announced on Monday that the death toll in the country due to the coronavirus had increased to 80, with 2,744 confirmed cases including 461 persons in critical conditions.

How long before it spreads all over?
At the times of old, our Muslim elders used to hold themselves responsible for whatever evil will befall them, and refer to it as a punishment from heavens.
People of Baghdad did not say Genghis Khan was spilling their blood because he was an evil, but because they had earned the punishment through their own disobedience to the Creator.

So China oppresses Uighurs and faces punishment, and who is standing next in line for being in bed with the oppressor?

That's just my perspective and I do not claim to know everything.

Allah knows better and may He protect all innocents of my country and in China and else where.
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How much chances are there for a infected person to diw from Corona virus?
Coronavirus has and incubation period and can spread in that period so no screening or thermal devices can detect it during that period.

The problem with this is you will only be detected by screening if you have symptoms but if the virus is in incubation period you will still be infecting people and would go undetected from screening.

Govts needs to increase the quarantine levels. This threat is real and can infect populations without warning. WHO has to declare global emergency.
The incubation period of virus is 14 days and can spread during that period.

Many countries are evacuating their citizens without realizing they are walking into a virus defence trap.

Corona virus mutates very quickly and world bio weapons body need to keep a check on it that no country is allowed to mutate it and weaponize it.
Coronavirus has and incubation period and can spread in that period so no screening or thermal devices can detect it during that period.

The problem with this is you will only be detected by screening if you have symptoms but if the virus is in incubation period you will still be infecting people and would go undetected from screening.

Govts needs to increase the quarantine levels. This threat is real and can infect populations without warning. WHO has to declare global emergency.

This is highly scary. May Allah protect everyone from this virus.
WHO under the pressure of China isnt declaring it a global emergency. This is serious. Very serious
This is highly scary. May Allah protect everyone from this virus.

Why is it scary? Are you scared because of the media hype or do you know the scientific details of the virus?

WHO under the pressure of China isnt declaring it a global emergency. This is serious. Very serious

Perhaps because it isn't as dangerous as it is being made out to be.
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