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Upcoming Bollywood movie on 1971

he is only calling him a snake becasue he was one created by the demented Indians to uphold their agenda and do the dirty work the INDians were afraid to start on thier own...

The comment was made by a Bangladeshi, and Mujib demanded independent Bangladesh, if what you are saying is true, then Bangladeshis, at least some Bangladeshis are not happy about 1971. Could be true.
The comment was made by a Bangladeshi, and Mujib demanded independent Bangladesh, if what you are saying is true, then Bangladeshis, at least some Bangladeshis are not happy about 1971. Could be true.

actually many are unhappy as is apparent by the protests against the hanging of the pro-Pakistani leader....
actually many are unhappy as is apparent by the protests against the hanging of the pro-Pakistani leader....

Actually now I feel Bangladeshis are confused; confused about whether separation from Pakistan was good, whether nationalism comes first or religion, whether Mukti Bahini was heroes or separatists, they couldn't find any national heroes acceptable to most Bangladeshis, they couldn't find any institution that they can trust; not even their Supreme court, the country is like a ship without a captain! Probably they are still searching for their true identity.
Actually now I feel Bangladeshis are confused; confused about whether separation from Pakistan was good, whether nationalism comes first or religion, whether Mukti Bahini was heroes or separatists, they couldn't find any national heroes acceptable to most Bangladeshis, they couldn't find any institution that they can trust; not even their Supreme court, the country is like a ship without a captain! Probably they are still searching for their true identity.

the muktis were infact made to believe that their cause was just, just like any terrorist and ultimately they were wrong and todays Bangladesh is proof to that
@WAR-rior Leave it, let them live with their version of history. It seems Bangladeshis are much more apologetic than Pakistanis about 1971. Check this comment of a BD member in another thread:
" :chilli:vijay diwas jay hindu bharath matha bangla"

Vijay Diwas: 1971 Bangladesh war veterans to be honoured today Read more at: http://indiatoday.int

They are ridiculing their own Vijay Diwas, another BD member in this thread only called Mujib a "retard", another guy called him "snake", now you can understand.
People who call Mujib by names cant be Bangladeshis. Fake ids? :)


Sexual violence as a weapon of war

Violence against women, especially rape, has added its own brand of shame to recent wars. From conflicts in Bosnia and Herzegovina to Peru to Rwanda, girls and women have been singled out for rape, imprisonment, torture and execution. Rape, identified by psychologists as the most intrusive of traumatic events, has been documented in many armed conflicts including those in Bangladesh, Cambodia, Cyprus, Haiti, Liberia, Somalia and Uganda.

Systematic rape is often used as a weapon of war in 'ethnic cleansing'. More than 20,000 Muslim girls and women have been raped in Bosnia since fighting began in April 1992, according to a European Community fact-finding team. Teenage girls have been a particular target in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Croatia, according to The State of the World's Children 1996 report. The report also says that impregnated girls have been forced to bear 'the enemy's' child.

In some raids in Rwanda, virtually every adolescent girl who survived an attack by the militia was subsequently raped. Many of those who became pregnant were ostracized by their families and communities. Some abandoned their babies; others committed suicide.

Sexual violation of women erodes the fabric of a community in a way that few weapons can. Rape's damage can be devastating because of the strong communal reaction to the violation and pain stamped on entire families. The harm inflicted in such cases on a woman by a rapist is an attack on her family and culture, as in many societies women are viewed as repositories of a community's cultural and spiritual values.

In addition to rape, girls and women are also subject to forced prostitution and trafficking during times of war, sometimes with the complicity of governments and military authorities. During World War II, women were abducted, imprisoned and forced to satisfy the sexual needs of occupying forces, and many Asian women were also involved in prostitution during the Viet Nam war. The trend continues in today's conflicts.

The State of the World's Children 1996 report notes that the disintegration of families in times of war leaves women and girls especially vulnerable to violence. Nearly 80 per cent of the 53 million people uprooted by wars today are women and children. When fathers, husbands, brothers and sons are drawn away to fight, they leave women, the very young and the elderly to fend for themselves. In Bosnia and Herzegovina, Myanmar and Somalia, refugee families frequently cite rape or the fear of rape as a key factor in their decisions to seek refuge.

During Mozambique's conflict, young boys, who themselves had been traumatized by violence, were reported to threaten to kill or starve girls if they resisted the boys' sexual advances. Sexual assault presents a major problem in camps for refugees and the displaced, according to the report. The incidence of rape was reported to be alarmingly high at camps for Somali refugees in Kenya in 1993. The camps were located in isolated areas, and hundreds of women were raped in night raids or while foraging for firewood.

UNHCR (the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees) has had to organize security patrols, fence camps with thorn bushes and relocate the most vulnerable women to safer areas. Some rape victims who were ostracized were moved to other camps or given priority for resettlement abroad. UNHCR has formal guidelines for preventing and responding to sexual violence in the camps, and it trains field workers to be more sensitive to victims' needs. Refugee women are encouraged to form committees and become involved in camp administration to make them less vulnerable to men who would steal their supplies or force them to provide sex in return for provisions.

The high risk of infection with sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), including HIV/AIDS, accompanies all sexual violence against women and girls. The movement of refugees and marauding military units and the breakdown of health services and public education worsens the impact of diseases and chances for treatment. For example, one study has suggested that the exchange of sex for protection during the civil war in Uganda in the 1980s was a contributing factor to the country's high rate of AIDS.

War and civil unrest also contribute to violence in the home, according to recent studies. Death, upheaval and poverty increase tensions within the family and the likelihood of violence against girls and women. Men who feel that they have lost the ability to protect their women may compensate by exercising violent control over them at home.

UNHCR, the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and UNICEF are promoting reproductive health services for refugees to counter high birth rates, maternal mortality, STDs and HIV/AIDS. UNICEF provides support for women affected by armed conflict in countries such as Bosnia and Herzegovina, Burundi, Croatia, Georgia, Liberia, Rwanda, Somalia and the Sudan.

The post-World War II Nuremberg trials condemned rape as a crime against humanity. Governments must be willing to enforce international law and codes of conduct, while also supporting counselling and other services for victims.

Sexual violence as a weapon of war
Yes you are. Otherwise you wouldn't go on crying and talking nonsense in almost every thread.

Its strange you lie on people's face.

U make a movie demonising my country based on bs unproven fukin nonsense n we are jealous? Does this shit highlight the attrocities of ur bastard child proxy ? U have created such proxies in almost every country u border bar tiny Bhutan... Have some shame.

That's a Pakistani blog hosted on Blogger without any supporting link. Just check this portion: "There where 15 Indian Soldiers fighting with 1 Pakistani Soldiers so there was no chance of their Victory", should we conclude that 15 lakh IA soldiers were fighting on the eastern borders?

His interview has also been posted on this forum in another thread ... U can also find it on YouTube..
U make a movie demonising my country based on bs unproven fukin nonsense n we are jealous? Does this shit highlight the attrocities of ur bastard child proxy ? U have created such proxies in almost every country u border bar tiny Bhutan... Have some shame.

Truth hurts. You just don't want to accept what your country's generals did to innocent Bengalis. Moreover it hurts that much more because we weak Indians formed a new country out of Pakistan. You people down't want to know anything about the crimes you did in East pakistan and when the same is documented and shown worldwide you feel belittled and somewhat your ego takes a hit.

If you believe the things to be shown in movie are all wrong it gives you all the more reason to ignore.
Fact that you react in this way points to the jealousy and hatred towards India.

You should be the last to talk of what India is doing in other countries as you are the one living in a country known as the epicenter of terrorism.
[/QUOTE]quote="MKI 30, post: 5046425, member: 27774"]Truth hurts. You just don't want to accept what your country's generals did to innocent Bengalis. [/QUOTE]

Proof ?

Oh sorry I asked too much..

Moreover it hurts that much more because we weak Indians formed a new country out of Pakistan.

No kid u just got the opportunity.. The biggest shit was created by Bhutto himself.. Not to forget mujib ur boy..

As for u guys.. I understand where ur hatred comes from... The thousand year rule... N ur pathetic rss history books..

You people down't want to know anything about the crimes you did in East pakistan and when the same is documented and shown worldwide you feel belittled and somewhat your ego takes a hit.

Dead reckoning.. sarmila Bose .. N countless books written by ur own authors spit on ur ugly propoganda..

if you believe the things to be shown in movie are all wrong it gives you all the more reason to ignore.

You post this nonsense on a Pakistani forum n dare to question why I posted in this thread? How gullible..

Fact that you react in this way points to the jealousy and hatred towards India.

Did I abuse u? Any hate speech?
As for hatred take a look at ur posts n ur fellow Indians.. Or pay a visit to ur Indian forums.. The word hate would seem nothing compared to the shit the vomit.. Also PDF has more Indians than Pakistani members... Obsession?

you should be the last to talk of what India is doing in other countries as you are the one living in a country known as the epicenter of terrorism.

A frontline state in the war on terror.. With more sacrifices than any other... What r you? A slumdog states with a rich govt n starving ppl? N hated among all neighbours co of ur actions?ltte in SL,Moaists in Nepal.chukmas in Bd,big brother bully attitude towards smaller neighbours n countless proxies in my country... Genocide of Kashmiris etc etc... You are a joke.
The comment was made by a Bangladeshi, and Mujib demanded independent Bangladesh, if what you are saying is true, then Bangladeshis, at least some Bangladeshis are not happy about 1971. Could be true.
Its good to know some ppl still try to know about us ,but it should be the right history to know. Mujib never wanted a separate country, he wanted separate governing systems for this part only.and wanted to rule as its PM.
It was Maowlana Bhashani who wanted an independent Bangladesh.
The medical student who helped writing the 6 point demand and wrote the demand of independent BD is still alive.
This movie and all such propaganda movies should be dedicated to all those aman ki asha idiots who exist on this forum and also elsewhere in Pakistan. :lol:

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