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UNVERIFIED:Indian military personnel arrested for unauthorized launch of missile| Source: PDF Member Rafi

Clearly, you and your friends can do something practical. Set up news channels that support ISPR. Do it now; stop chattering about how it could be done, how it should be done, how it might be done....just do it.

The world will blink in wonder at the marvellous forensic abilities of your magic keyboards.

Since those appalling types keep getting elected, what can the world do?

Tell the electors to stop voting that way?
Tell the candidates to stop standing for election?
Tell the Election Commission to stop holding elections?

Just what is going through your minds? What is it that you think CAN be done? In PRACTICAL terms?
Don't panic just go to sleep 🥱😴
What is there that the military is not doing, that some kids on a forum like this are going to suggest?
For starters, lets assume for a a minute that it was fired by mistake, at very minimum your military should have immediately informed Pakistan military that some missile was fired by mistake so that the retaliatory measures were not activated.

But as usual, the very incompetent Indian military did not do that. And just proved that they have no control over extremist elements having their hands on hot button.

India being a nuclear state, this is serious ... damn serious!
I know they don't care, why would they? unfortunately our own people with inferiority complex don't care so why would the world?
The problem is our weak response. No matter how hard some people try to brush it under the carpet or give us the lollipop of UN. This weak response and no retaliation policy ( playing responsible or mature in our own imagination) will haunt us .
We have encouraged our enemy who will most probably use missiles after next false flag attack on their soil. Most probably during 2024 general election.
So I was right when I said this two days ago

I also wrote this paragraph:

The Eastern neighbour somehow achieved the capability of either weaponizing incompetence, or maybe rogue elements inspired by anti-Pakistan hate and RSS ideology, decided to strike Pakistan. How the heck is a nation supposed to defend against rogue strategic weapons flying towards it?
Me and @TNT have been telling some of the posters for months that we need to focus on our eastern border and sign that damned defense treaty with AFG but some low-lifes have hijacked the forum and constantly in the throats of their stragetic depth and greatest advantage while in the main time they could face an existential war anytime or any second but not preparing for it instead busy with petty such as tribalism and just petty stuff beefing on the western borders.

The reason I was telling you about this was linked to Pakistan security interests and I said it loud and clear Pakistan has only one security issues and terrorist elements these on the eastern borders nobody believed me. These liberals in Pakistan don't take Rss serious and take them jokingly which is a fatale mistake.

I also gently told some it is not the time to have a pointless quarrel with AFG but they failed to understand this as well.. But the truth is we need them and they need us this is beneficial for both. We need to develope interoperability to assure our continuity existence the priority for that is extremely necessary and takes over all other petty stuff.

The Winner is always the more prepared one period but we need to be prepared to the point we are ready for all sorts of eventuality and that we will come out of it victorious and stronger.

If we are prepared nothing can overcome us because it is not in our destiny period
I believe in Afghan/Pakistan unity on friendly and peaceful basis as most of the Pakistanis do. They are our brother sharing the same religion and traditions. But there are some rogue elements there too to spoil the relationship.

A number of Indian armed forces personnel have been arrested for suspected links to extremist groups.

They are suspected of interference in the guidance system of brahmos missile, causing it to go into Pakistani territory.

Additional, Indian govt has had to field very aggressive questions from its strategic partners, who want questions answered.

All personnel will in all likelihood be courtmartialed in secret, already family members of arrested personnel have been put under sever pressure for secrecy, Indian media have also been told to keep silent, this is an evolving story.

Pakistani agencies are monitoring the situation on a minute to minute basis.
What is the source of this extraordinary news?

Yup Indian army is infiltrated with rss bjp and vhp terrorists which world is ignoring.

The launch of this missile and uranium being constantly stolen is proof.
Presumably you have some evidence of this.

Additional. Indian military intelligence encouraged the indian armed forces to cancel all military exercises both joint and domestic because of this very fear.
Again, is there any foundation for this spicy information?

The indian govt is trying to stop all information coming out, its like their chernobyl.
But someone crawled, climbed walls, got through barbed wire, swam a river, ran through a mined forest, and with his last breath, confided this to you before dying.

No public source. This is all classified info.

No public source. This is all classified info.

Yet again Modi and Sanghis turned out to the best thing that happened to Pakistan.

More power to them.
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There is no source.

It is way worse than chernobyl.

The infected area has now exceeded 200,000 sq. kms.

Its was a land based missile, so most probably Indian Army.
Yes, launched from an air base owned by the Indian Army, that has taken it on lease for 99 years.

Source? if not then its bullshit. They wouldn't have launched an empty missile if they were really trying to do some damage.
There is no source. As of now. Just a troll.
If true - then the Indian nuclear weapons program is compromised as well and we have a rogue nation next door.

If you look at OP, it has being already done behind close doors. This is definitely unprecedented and unacceptable to anyone.

those who are asking for "Source"...has India ever provided source of their blatant news breaks?
This is one such, then? Right. Got it.
If it is accidental ....it must be prompted by non-state actors
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