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Untouchability & Casteism (Castes) Still EXISTS even Today in India- 2015.Must Watch It

Part II -Untouchability & Casteism (Castes) Still EXISTS even Today in India- 2015-..Must Watch It

Part III -Untouchability & Casteism (Castes) Still EXISTS even Today in India- 2015-..Must Watch It

Part IV -Untouchability & Casteism (Castes) Still EXISTS even Today in India- 2015-..Must Watch It

@haviZsultan @jamahir @Akheilos @Spring Onion @nair
Untouchability and casteism are two different things.

I can tell you if you want to know.
Yes, all these things exist in India.
casteism and untoucability still exist.

One has to understand that, the things on which the society has been based from centuries, cannot be changed overnight.
Change is taking place, slowly and slowly.

And it is happening generation by generation.
In my Grand parents time, intercaste love marriage would have lead to honour killing.
In my parents time, intercaste love marriages have led to outcast by thr family.
And now when it came to me, I allowed to marry any girl Iove.

So, the change is happening, Slowly but steadyily.
Yes, all these things exist in India.
casteism and untoucability still exist.

One has to understand that, the things on which the society has been based from centuries, cannot be changed overnight.
Change is taking place, slowly and slowly.

And it is happening generation by generation.
In my Grand parents time, intercaste love marriage would have lead to honour killing.
In my parents time, intercaste love marriages have led to outcast by thr family.
And now when it came to me, I allowed to marry any girl Iove.

So, the change is happening, Slowly but steadyily.

In short Good things take time to happen while bad things happen in no time .
Exactly man. Caste system is in a way basis of Indian society.
It has been there, from the start of India. It will take time to get dissolved.

Yup ! IN many areas and Societies , Change is clearly Visible .
Sir pls watch videos and make it featured thread because if a person after watching this change his mind this will give you something that u can show rooz e qayamat i help humanity.
Have a link in your signature as well that will also help spread the word around the forum. Keep up the good work man.
@Ifrit , i am almost out of my download limit ( end of month ) so can't watch the vids now... will watch them when i recharge my subscription in a few days.

but yes, untouchability and casteism exist strongly in india... just a few days ago, @The_Showstopper posted a thread about a case in karnataka state where a young dalit intellectual was surrounded by sanghis and threatened with serious injury if he continued writing against casteism and brahminical oppression... he was told by these sanghis that he was born a dalit because he had done some "paap" ( evil deeds ) in his previous life ( the hindu concept of reincarnation ).

here, from ( Dalit writer assaulted for ‘anti-Hindu’ writings )...
Prasad, a journalism student, alleged, "They also smeared kumkum on my face and threatened to cut my fingers for my writings."

Prasad said he received some minor injuries in the attack, adding, "They (the attackers) said I'm born as dalit, because of sins I had committed in my previous life."

and do read below.

One has to understand that, the things on which the society has been based from centuries, cannot be changed overnight.

it could have changed within a year, if only india in 1947 had turned into a socialist country... lot other countries did change overnight through socialist revolution decades back.

In my Grand parents time, intercaste love marriage would have lead to honour killing.

whether within-caste, inter-caste or inter-religion, it happens even now... india is probably the "honor killing capital of the world".

from ( Parents held for 'honour’ killing of 21-year-old Delhi University girl - The Times of India )...
NEW DELHI: In a horrific case of " honour killing" in the capital, a 21-year-old final year student of Sri Venkateswara, a leading college in Delhi University's south campus, was allegedly murdered by her family because she had married a boy from another caste and region.
However, Bhavna's parents began to torture her after taking her home. It became so unbearable that she ran away on November 14 and told Abhishek about her ordeal. However, her parents yet again landed up at his house, apologized profusely and took her back.

This was when, Abhishek believes, the family decided to kill their daughter. On November 15, Bhavna's maternal uncle, Laakhan, called up Abhishek and threatened to kill both of them. "He was yelling and asking me to stay away from her. He said our marriage meant nothing and if I don't mend my ways, he would shoot us both," Abhishek added.

the case is from november last year and this is how the bhawna's parents killed her...
Sources revealed it was Bhawna’s mother who took the lead in beating up her daughter, insisting they should “end the matter”. She then strangulated her daughter to death, while the father held her by the feet.

yeah, wonderful and glorious mothers and fathers india has - "maat pita ke charanon mey swarg"... all crap... "glorious indian family culture" indeed. :lol:

if i am allowed two murders ( "do khoon maaf" ), i would like to pump 10 bullets into bhawna's father and 20 into the evil mother.

but no, let us ban beef, impose dress codes in colleges and keep "honor killing" alive for 500 more years and insult socialism/communism every day.
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Nice :enjoy:

A CASTE thread ............. next a RAPE thread ............. next a TOILET thread. .............and the Cycle goes on in PDF :lol:

Enough Idiots here to enjoy this show of the ridiculous.
Mark my words even if, all the people convert to Islam or christianity , casts will remain, and those who have already converted like, chauduries, bhatts, raos, rajas, and many many others don't leave their casts, and has the khans left their khan title?
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