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Untouchability Came To India From Outside: RSS Leader

Okz, observing fast for Navrati so have to visit temple for now.

Man why do you guys stuff your face with sabudana khichdi on fast days? Its pure starch. That too nicely fried with chillies and peanuts and dahi.

What a fast! lol Poor Muslims ..

Or is it only in Maharashtra?

Cheers, Doc
Am from north India we have this for food in Navratri, but only once a day:D
So are you saying that Hinduism is just mythology? So Indians today make their mythological creatures gods and worship them? If not, what is difference between mythology and religion in Hinduism?

Yes !!! The gods of Hinduism, are derived from mythologies, although the Vedic Aryans god (Abrahamic cousins) is the monotheistic Brahman (Universal Being) - all the upanisads speak of Brahman e.g Brhadaranyaka Upanishad 5.1 (Yajur Veda) gives the definition of Brahman. Veda based philosophies such as advaita and dvaita are monotheistic

Yes !!! The gods of Hinduism, are derived from mythologies, although the Vedic Aryans god (Abrahamic cousins) is the monotheistic Brahman (Universal Being) - all the upanisads speak of Brahman e.g Brhadaranyaka Upanishad 5.1 (Yajur Veda) gives the definition of Brahman


O wise and learned one, please tell this humble person the difference between
  1. Brahman
  2. Brahman
  3. Brahma
  4. Brahmin
Which is applied to what? Or simply, what are the definitions?
O wise and learned one, please tell this humble person the difference between
  1. Brahman
  2. Brahman
  3. Brahma
  4. Brahmin
Which is applied to what? Or simply, what are the definitions?

brahma - Hindu mythological 4 head god - supposed to be the creator (Abrahamic - Abraham)

brahmin - one who is supposed to know brahman ?? mythological created from the Purusha's head, thus the highest caste in the vedic caste order

for - brahman see my link #49
Accha I did not know about Kaikai. To be honest, around the time of the Ramayana, the split must have been quite recent. So its interesting, these inter-marriages between the two arms.

@Joe Shearer ?

P.S. Your Asuras (and Rakshasas and Habshis and Chandals) are the poor forest tribal adivasi and south Indian Dravidian folk who are vilified and reviled in Vedic Hindu mythology. A significant part of that being their depiction as dark, bloodthirsty and hideous, compare to your fairer Gods.

Even your dark Gods are not supposed to be naturally dark but having fantastical etiologies of poisons (vish) etc.

Cheers, Doc
What is your opinion about Krishna and Mother kali? They are as dark as they come, darkness of their skin is highly appreciated, celebrated and revered by Hindus. I am sorry to say but what you are insinuating here is completely wrong, don't believe anything propagated by semi-educated wannabe leftists and btw I am no Hindu, you can ask any older member here even Joe sir.


Diti = Daitya
Aditi = Aditya (a generic name for a group that included the Sun God; Indra, Surya, Vamana were all Adityas). Also the mother of the Devas, as distinct from the Asuras.
Kashyap = the rishi from whom both the Daityas and the Adityas were born; also a Gotra, particularly of people whose names begin with 'Joe'
Hiranyakasipu, not as printed
How are you doing sir?
What is your opinion about Krishna and Mother kali? They are as dark as they come, darkness of their skin is highly appreciated, celebrated and revered by Hindus. I am sorry to say but what you are insinuating here is completely wrong, don't believe anything propagated by semi-educated wannabe leftists and btw I am no Hindu, you can ask any older member here even Joe sir.

How are you doing sir?

Doing well, thank you very much. Do continue.
Try not to be a fool in front of the Pakistanis and the Chinese. You are really embarrassing. Ask Sankranti; at least he knows his Hinduism.
I am sure he is active and kicking here, wonder under which username though :lol:
brahma - Hindu mythological 4 head god - supposed to be the creator (Abrahamic - Abraham)

brahmin - one who is supposed to know brahman ?? mythological created from the Purusha's head, thus the highest caste in the vedic caste order

for - brahman see my link #49

Yes and no.
....supposed to be the creator (Abraham)

Ibrahim, Abraham (AS) in the Abrahamic tradation is just a Prophet from whose family came the founders of Islam, Judaism and Christianity
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What a load of crock.

That said, Vedic Hinduism itself "came from outside" ... so maybe he has a point.

Cheers, Doc
1000s years ?? he is absolutely right, untouchability was introduced by the invading Vedic Aryans to subjugate original natives - Dravidians (aka Tamils) and tribal of the sub-continent

bro aren't there others in Dravidian's ? like people of AP, Karnataka.
Yes and no.
Ibrahim, Abraham (AS) in the Abrahamic tradation is just a Prophet from whose family came the founders of Islam, Judaism and Christianity

Now who is going to expound Hinduism to people at that level of lack of knowledge?

bro aren't there others in Dravidian's ? like people of AP, Karnataka.

It is probable, as @manlion has phrased it rather summarily, that most of India spoke a set of Dravidian languages. The new Indo-Aryan language replaced it, moving from the north-west to the east, along the Indus and the Ganges river basins, unable to cross the Vindhya mountains in the first instance, and leaving large swathes of Tibeto-Burmese languages in the hills. interleaved with variations of the Indo-Aryan language group.

That left the whole stretch of the Deccan and of the deep south still speaking Dravidian.

We have the group consisting of Telugu and Kannada, in those stretches now formed as political states as Seemandhra, Telangana and Karnataka, and the group consisting of Tamil, and its recent break-away, Malayalam, in Tamil Nadu, Pondicherry and Kerala and the other former French enclaves in Kerala. There are others, for instance, Tulu, but I am deliberately not reproducing the language tree for this group of languages in this brief note.

Underlying all of these, the descendants of Indo-Aryan in the north, descended from eastern and western Prakrit in terms of the current modern languages, and the formal language formed by placing Indo-Aryan from Vedic times in strict grammatical order and named Sanskrit, and the descendants of the Dravidian languages represented by the languages listed for the south (there are several more, but these are the significant ones), there is a layer of an even older stratum, of Mundari.
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