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Untouchability:A life of humiliation,in Incredible INDIA

It looks like some Pak members here doesn't miss an opportunity to bash India, yes we have many problems, yes we are not the ideal nation in this world to which other nations can look up to. But the issue is that Casteism is present in Indian society for thousands of years & to think that it will fade away overnight is fooling oneself. The main thing is that India & Indians are committed to remove untouchability or for that matter casteism from all walks of life. We have taken many steps in this direction like giving reservation to the SC/ST people for there upliftment, seats are reserved in the Indian parliament for them, GOI has banned the practice of untouchability & it is now a criminal offence. How important the issue of casteism was for our political establishment can be seen by the fact that the architect of our constitution itself was a Dalit (Dr. BR Ambedkar). Former CM of UP Mayawati is an example of the dividend that these steps has yielded.
Lets convert this bashing thread in good discussion of our problem with sane arguments and defeat their purpose. In words of Develepro, think tank, Hijack the troll thread and make it your own is the best revenge....:triniti:
It looks like some Pak members here doesn't miss an opportunity to bash India, yes we have many problems, yes we are not the ideal nation in this world to which other nations can look up to. But the issue is that Casteism is present in Indian society for thousands of years & to think that it will fade away overnight is fooling oneself. The main thing is that India & Indians are committed to remove untouchability or for that matter casteism from all walks of life. We have taken many steps in this direction like giving reservation to the SC/ST people for there upliftment, seats are reserved in the Indian parliament for them, GOI has banned the practice of untouchability & it is now a criminal offence. How important the issue of casteism was for our political establishment can be seen by the fact that the architect of our constitution itself was a Dalit (Dr. BR Ambedkar). Former CM of UP Mayawati is an example of the dividend that these steps has yielded.

when someone gets beaten in our country by police all you indians start making threads and rubbih posts but this is much bigger problem and i am not making it...its what ur country and ur tv channels are showing and what ur people are talking about their sufferings from the so called casteism....
when someone gets beaten in our country by police all you indians start making threads and rubbih posts but this is much bigger problem and i am not making it...its what ur country and ur tv channels are showing and what ur people are talking about their sufferings from the so called casteism....

yes, it's what we are doing, because we want to eliminate casteism from it's roots, until & unless we don't discuss it (in TV,Radio, newspaper, etc.) how will we make people aware of this evil system, i ask u - do you have a better way than that? But to present the situation here in a completely different way as though India/Indians are favoring this practice is totally uncalled for.
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