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UNSC Special Meeting on Kashmir Issue - Developments and Discussion- August 16, 2019

india sent this clown?

look at his introduction! Cut me some slack?! For what not being prepared or for not taking the meeting seriously enough to prepare?

First day at work. Nerves getting the better of him
India failed to get Russian backing for their crimes, instead, all P5 members refused to back India's state terrorism in Kashmir.
No sane mind here was hoping that P5 (minus China would support India) will support India, but Pak members here were talking that this is illegal.
Well Indian move didn't get called illegal. :/
No sane mind here was hoping that P5 (minus China would support India) will support India,
In that case, we have plenty of insane indians who were echoing their media in claiming

  • there was no meeting
  • There will be no meeting
  • Meeting wont change anything

list goes on! So....who is the sane one?
China's stand:

a fagg**!
I wanted to say that :ashamed:

His body language is horrible!

No sane mind here was hoping that P5 (minus China would support India) will support India, but Pak members here were talking that this is illegal.
Well Indian move didn't get called illegal. :/
where does it say so?
Nice graphical representation, while the world eagerly awaits the actual details of the closed door meeting which is yet to see the light. :enjoy:
I told you Modi's India is getting snubbed right left and center. Enjoy your ban, by the time you are back alot would be changed.
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