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Unmasked: the man behind top Islamic State Twitter account

I'm wondering how come none of his followers reported his profile when he was celebrating rapes and crimes against kurds on his twitter account???

You noticed who were his profile follower mostly those who believe upon killings innocent....
I wondered how a educated like him can even think of supporting ISIS ? How one can be brainwashed so easily ?
Police should give him a same cheer up that he celebrated over killing .... No mercy plz.....
You noticed who were his profile follower mostly those who believe upon killings innocent....
I wondered how a educated like him can even think of supporting ISIS ? How one can be brainwashed so easily ?
Police should give him a same cheer up that he celebrated over killing .... No mercy plz.....
Frankly I'm flummoxed by the kind of support these ISIS guys get. What gets the guys to support the nefarious activities of ISIS??? is it just the mere thrill of supporting a group which threatens even the most powerful country on earth today???
I'm just wondering...
Frankly I'm flummoxed by the kind of support these ISIS guys get. What gets the guys to support the nefarious activities of ISIS??? is it just the mere thrill of supporting a group which threatens even the most powerful country on earth today???
I'm just wondering...

Its time to have zero tolerance for even such sympathizers...... I wonder why west remain relatively silent over ISIS except tokenized actions against these scums ..... There are many psychologically unanswerable questions in the minds of saner ppl n its better deal inhumanly manner with these Isis lunatics to save innocent ppl..... Isis has certainly some support from west behind the curtain.....
Where in this forum have I ever showed support for either Israel or any right wing Indian group ? Or are you just blowing off hot air through your mouth ?

Who on this forum have appointed you to give the members of this forum a citizen test? Who the f*ck are you to tell me which thread is for me and which thread to avoid, which country I should support or which I should oppose?
Who on this forum have appointed you to give the members of this forum a citizen test? Who the f*ck are you to tell me which thread is for me and which thread to avoid, which country I should support or which I should oppose?

Ok dinosaur (or will caveman be more an appropriate term for you:undecided:) , where is that 'citizen test" or directive to avoid or support or oppose which you refer to? Or are Bangladeshis still learning to read 21st century alphabets ?
Ok dinosaur (or will caveman be more an appropriate term for you:undecided:) , where is that 'citizen test" or directive to avoid or support or oppose which you refer to? Or are Bangladeshis still learning to read 21st century alphabets ?

You are one despicable liar or should I say a typical zionazi pet! Your f*cking post is not too far behind if you really want me to copy and paste it on your zionazi face! For your information I haven't forgotten anything, the fact is we don't need to be joined to any country to be able to speak the truth.
You are one despicable liar or should I say a typical zionazi pet! Your f*cking post is not too far behind if you really want me to copy and paste it on your zionazi face!

Go ahead and make my day. And wtf is a "zionazi" ?? Dude, you really need to mind your language and your English. I mean, in India people of my social status rarely see a Bangladeshi for anything else but a driver or a gardener or a maid. I am attempting to overcome my social prejudice by communicating with you. Please stop reinforcing my prejudice by communicating in the manner in which you are doing.
Go ahead and make my day. And wtf is a "zionazi" ?? Dude, you really need to mind your language and your English. I mean, in India people of my social status rarely see a Bangladeshi for anything else but a driver or a gardener or a maid. I am attempting to overcome my social prejudice by communicating with you. Please stop reinforcing my prejudice by communicating in the manner in which you are doing.

Oh please make my day, I enjoy watching a zionazi pet displaying its 'sooooocial prejudice' out of its frustration.
Frankly I'm flummoxed by the kind of support these ISIS guys get. What gets the guys to support the nefarious activities of ISIS??? is it just the mere thrill of supporting a group which threatens even the most powerful country on earth today???
I'm just wondering...

It is interesting that while thousands from all over the world are flocking to support the ISIS, we don't hear of anyone going to fight them.

So you have the paradox of some people claiming that ISIS are Jews (or Zionist tools) and the reality of it's popularity with a (large?) section and the fact that the "defenders of faith" are flocking in it's support, not it's opposition.
You noticed who were his profile follower mostly those who believe upon killings innocent....
I wondered how a educated like him can even think of supporting ISIS ? How one can be brainwashed so easily ?
Police should give him a same cheer up that he celebrated over killing .... No mercy plz.....

Does it matter? Educated or un-educated , rich or poor, It doesn't matter.

The Ultimate goal is "******** ********" , U know it all...
It is interesting that while thousands from all over the world are flocking to support the ISIS, we don't hear of anyone going to fight them.

So you have the paradox of some people claiming that ISIS are Jews (or Zionist tools) and the reality of it's popularity with a (large?) section and the fact that the "defenders of faith" are flocking in it's support, not it's opposition.
I have not heard that yet but why would anyone call ISIS a zionist tool?? Hows that even related?
Just curious!!
I have not heard that yet but why would anyone call ISIS a zionist tool?? Hows that even related?
Just curious!!

Because they claim that these people are defaming Islam, don't represent Islam, are acting in opposition to Islamic teachings, are acting against Muslims and Islam etc.

So they can't be Muslims or they are misguided Muslims and must be getting manipulated by them evil Zionists. Just like the Islamist TTP is supposedly being manipulated and supported by the evil Indian Hindus.
Because they claim that these people are defaming Islam, don't represent Islam, are acting in opposition to Islamic teachings, are acting against Muslims and Islam etc.

So they can't be Muslims or they are misguided Muslims and must be getting manipulated by them evil Zionists. Just like the Islamist TTP is supposedly being manipulated and supported by the evil Indian Hindus.
Ppl always find a way to point fingers at others rather than doing self introspection.Isnt it??
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