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Unlike his predecessors, Modi challenging us on Dalai Lama: China

They believe the same, and have the same the theory

Please don't make predictions that we can't see it for ourselves before we die.

Why not I am sure you will be alive by 2060.
Why are chinese obsessed with Tibet ?
Why not give the tibetans the right to decide their own future through elections ?
Their human rights should not be ignored.
If they feel attached to china , the whole world will accept it.
Else UN will have a brand new country.
Unlike Kashmir, which is an international disputed land, Tibet is part of China which is not disputed by any government.

Why not I am sure you will be alive by 2060.
So what you mean is mid century.
Under his leadership, the relations between China and India turned from unfriend to hostile and will be sworn enemy in the near future. The two countries now are just doing whatever it takes to hurt each other out of spite. Funny t
Unlike Kashmir, which is an international disputed land, Tibet is part of China which is not disputed by any government.

So what you mean is mid century.

That is overly optimistic. Mid-millennium is more realistic.
Unlike Kashmir, which is an international disputed land, Tibet is part of China which is not disputed by any government.
I was speaking as a human being.
Is it good to suppress people who do not want to be part of china ?
Why not take a bold decision and show the world that china is not greedy for land and cares deeply about its inhabitants.
Kashmir is a part of India . Some paid misled youth do indulge in stone pelting , and Pakistan has infilterated sone terrorists , but it cannot be compared to tibet as tibet is kept closed to media scrutiny.
Some paid misled youth do indulge in stone pelting , and Pakistan has infilterated sone terrorists , but it cannot be compared to tibet as tibet is kept closed to media scrutiny.
Not even Indians believe this lie.
Why are chinese obsessed with Tibet ?
Why not give the tibetans the right to decide their own future through elections ?
Their human rights should not be ignored.
If they feel attached to china , the whole world will accept it.
Else UN will have a brand new country.
Surely you jest?
You talking about KASHMIR ?
You talking about KHALISTAN ?
You talking about NAGALAND ?
Today's Tibet, You India camera men can shoot whatever they want and talk to whoever they like. Video made by you Indians. It's nothing like India occupied Kashmir,isn't it?
What Chinese media says can not be official position of china as a country, both are large countries and must co exist mutually developing in peaceful atmosphere
Today's Tibet, You India camera men can shoot whatever they want and talk to whoever they like. Video made by you Indians. It's nothing like India occupied Kashmir,isn't it?
So if tibetans are so happy with the chinese , why not give them a chance to vote their future and shut up everyones mouth ?
Unlike Kashmir, which is an international disputed land,
So if it is disputed...what are you doing on the Pakistan side of Kashmir...Now see both can play this..you understand India's sentiments...and India will understand China's...!
So if tibetans are so happy with the chinese , why not give them a chance to vote their future and shut up everyones mouth ?
They can vote, every Chinese person can vote but that's only real in grassroots level. Did you give Kashmiris people right to vote?Happy or not doesn't depends on if you can vote, it's more to do with your standard of living.
So if it is disputed...what are you doing on the Pakistan side of Kashmir...Now see both can play this..you understand India's sentiments...and India will understand China's...!
Do you control the land? We deal with whoever controls the land for business.
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