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Universal spirituality and peace within

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Oct 8, 2010
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We all are experiencing life in the world in different names and forms , along with us numerous other life forms ..All are evolving with time , making progress within and changing surroundings to suit life .As human beings our progress in material world is phenomenal but whenever survival is in question we compromised with our spiritual development and concentrated on material aspect ..We took refuge in set of guidelines several times in our journey but journey has to continue in both direction .In this never ending journey towards ourselves let us revisit some of the good works done by us in spiritual aspect of knowing who we truly are ..
I'm pretty sure religious threads aren't allowed on the forum...

@waz @WAJsal

Asalamu Alaikum guys, is this stuff allowed?
there is no peace in this age of the kali yuga
Changing surroundings or destroying surroundings devastating the whole ecosystem. Negative logic or tanzeeh will take you no where absolute negative logic makes a person nihilist if by dying we lose our individuality our self our (I) which iqbal calls khudi than such existence is of no use to anyone, bliss can only be felt by an individual consciousness moreover reincarnation is the greatest scam in this world If a cockroach doesn't know why or if he is a cockroach and what he did to become a cockroach or even what being is because he is not intelligent and conscious enough he is just a cockroach and nothing else that's why we do not execute an insane person because he does not know or remember what he did or consequences thereoff so insects or other animals cannot be scapegoated for our conscious intelligent evil deeds what makes us us are our memories our aspirations our dreams our knowledge our love and hate affairs etc if all of the above are missing in an individual he she or it is a totally different individual or being. So no one should bear the burden of someone else's evil deeds its the alpha and the omega of justice. The whole philosophy is flawed. Its not about what he is saying its about what he believes and wants us to believe.
ps pantheism is atheism couched in spiritual language.
And Its not religion it philosophy of plotinus, adi shankar aka shankar acharya and others.
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why brahman the primordial consciousness is deceiving us i. e we feel that we exist as an individual our thoughts our dreams our memories etc are all maya than what is the significance of our individual consciousness zero because only brahman exists actually that means that brahman is just playing through us and have you ever though about its implications. i am horrified to even think about writing them.
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why brahman the primordial consciousness is deceiving us i. e we feel that we exist as an individual our thoughts our dreams our memories etc are all maya than what is the significance of our individual consciousness zero because only brahman exists actually that means that brahman is just playing through us and have you ever though about its implications. i am horrified to even think about writing them.
One can close his door and keep himself in safety of his home or he can wander out to look what exactly is outside ..There should be no compulsion for both of these opposites .The person who remains in home has got his own explanation and person going out has his ..If both feel comfortable in doing what they do then there is no problem , but one should understand both of these are complimentary to each other so there should be no hatred between the two ..As per your question of individual conscious you must define conscious ..Basic question in this regard is where you locate conscious ? Is it inside your body,/heart/brain or all these are appearing in conscious like table,chair appears in conscious ?

Changing surroundings or destroying surroundings devastating the whole ecosystem. Negative logic or tanzeeh will take you no where absolute negative logic makes a person nihilist if by dying we lose our individuality our self our (I) which iqbal calls khudi than such existence is of no use to anyone, bliss can only be felt by an individual consciousness moreover reincarnation is the greatest scam in this world If a cockroach doesn't know why or if he is a cockroach and what he did to become a cockroach or even what being is because he is not intelligent and conscious enough he is just a cockroach and nothing else that's why we do not execute an insane person because he does not know or remember what he did or consequences thereoff so insects or other animals cannot be scapegoated for our conscious intelligent evil deeds what makes us us are our memories our aspirations our dreams our knowledge our love and hate affairs etc if all of the above are missing in an individual he she or it is a totally different individual or being. So no one should bear the burden of someone else's evil deeds its the alpha and the omega of justice. The whole philosophy is flawed. Its not about what he is saying its about what he believes and wants us to believe.
ps pantheism is atheism couched in spiritual language.
And Its not religion it philosophy of plotinus, adi shankar aka shankar acharya and others.
It is wrong to assume law of karma doesn't work here ..When you do karma you are going inside your mental Construction and when you realise yourself apart from these constructions you are free from doership itself .In this state there is no doer and hence no karma ..

I'm pretty sure religious threads aren't allowed on the forum...

@waz @WAJsal

Asalamu Alaikum guys, is this stuff allowed?
Oh ..You are allowed to discuss everything in the world but not yourself just because religion also covers little bit of it right ? Religion covers almost every field so we should not discuss anything if that's true ..It is not religious thread .

there is no peace in this age of the kali yuga
It's relative term ..Your kid is in peace with himself than you .You go to peaceful state when you go to deeper sleep almost everyday .

One can close his door and keep himself in safety of his home or he can wander out to look what exactly is outside ..There should be no compulsion for both of these opposites .The person who remains in home has got his own explanation and person going out has his ..If both feel comfortable in doing what they do then there is no problem , but one should understand both of these are complimentary to each other so there should be no hatred between the two ..As per your question of individual conscious you must define conscious ..Basic question in this regard is where you locate conscious ? Is it inside your body,/heart/brain or all these are appearing in conscious like table,chair appears in conscious ?

It is wrong to assume law of karma doesn't work here ..When you do karma you are going inside your mental Construction and when you realise yourself apart from these constructions you are free from doership itself .In this state there is no doer and hence no karma ..

Oh ..You are allowed to discuss everything in the world but not yourself just because religion also covers little bit of it right ? Religion covers almost every field so we should not discuss anything if that's true ..It is not religious thread .

It's relative term ..Your kid is in peace with himself than you .You go to peaceful state when you go to deeper sleep almost everyday .

You have not even touched my questions please read them again
You have not even touched my question please read them again
Make it short and precise .I can fig karma and role of individual conscious related to Maya that's it ..
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