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United we stand, divided we fall


Nov 25, 2006
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Saturday, October 20, 2007
Ansar Abbasi

Let’s get united and overcome the divisions. Great responsibility falls on the shoulders of the rulers, political leaders and country’s media to find homegrown solutions to the serious challenges facing the nation. In the meantime our great friends in Washington are requested — give us a break please.

The Thursday’s suicide attack on Benazir Bhutto’s rally was undoubtedly the most unfortunate thing that has struck Pakistan at a time when the country was preparing for upcoming general elections. A rare glimpse of a real political activity that we saw in Karachi on Thursday during the last many years proved short-lived. But to be very frank it was already feared.

Although not many would have thought that the Pakistan People’s Party chairperson would be the target of a terrorist attack on the very day of her return from over eight years’ self-imposed exile, it was projected by all and sundry even by Benazir herself.

Benazir Bhutto and her spouse have pointed their finger on the intelligence bureau (IB) chief for the Thursday’s attack, there were some accusing Baitullah Mahsud masterminding the assault, the phantom al-Qaeda and local Taliban could be other favourite names to be taken on this occasion. But at this point of time perhaps no one precisely knows as to who was really the architect of Thursday’s killing.

Without having any idea of any conspiracy, generally it was feared that Benazir Bhutto’s life would be threatened as soon as she is back. Mostly it was discussed that Benazir’s stance on thorny issues like Lal Masjid massacre, Dr Abdul Qadir Khan’s handing over to the IAEA and allowing the American forces to strike high-profile al-Qaeda targets within Pakistani territory had hurt many here. Then her return after striking a deal with President General Pervez Musharraf through Washington’s facilitation had furthered her pro-American image at a time when the anti-American feeling in Pakistan is all time high.

This is high time for the PPP chairperson to do a little bit of her soul-searching. She needs to find the answer to the fundamental question as to what had made her the favourite target of unknown terrorists. If this is not the fact that she had made too many enemies here merely by issuing the kind of statements that might be pleasing for the international powers but not for the people of this country? It is perhaps only after her arrival, the PPP chairperson would have found that there is no tolerance level left here to accept the others’ viewpoint.

Being one of the country’s top leaders it was not suitable for Benazir Bhutto to issue divisive statements. Leading the political party that has roots all over Pakistan, why should she join those voices that are creating divisions in the society? Rather the political leaders like her and Nawaz Sharif, both of whom have the massive following all over Pakistan, should prove themselves to be the symbol of unity. Because they are the true leaders of the masses, whether one agrees to their politicking or not, they have the greater responsibility to get the nation united and shun the divisions that are yawning between so-called extremists and so-called liberals or enlightened moderates. Unfortunately today we are pursuing the kind of policies that are encouraging hatred within the society.

Dealing the challenges like the one we saw on Thursday superficially without addressing the root cause would take us nowhere. It would rather further our problems and promote extremism in the society. Dividing the Pakistani society and fuelling hatred between them might be the agenda of our nastiest enemy disguising as our great friend but we must understand that it would be devastating for Pakistan.

Foreign recipes to the problems, caused by our “great foreign friend”, would never work but would lead to our destruction. President Musharraf should realise that he, during the last several years of his rule, could not address the problem of extremism or talibanisation. He should give a sincere chance to the political leaders of the country and the leading political parties and alliance to sit under one roof, put their heads together and find answers to the challenges facing the nation. The media should encourage the government to take the initiative of bringing the political leaders and the political parties together to save Pakistan from serious damage. Personal egos need to be sacrificed for the sake of Pakistan.
Lets stand United against Terrorism
Lets stand United against our enemies
Lets stand United against Corruption
Lets stand United against Hatred
Lets stand United against those who are trying to divide us.
Lets stand United against Poverty
Lets stand United against Provincialism
Lets stand United against Illiteracy
Lets stand United against the enemies of Islam
Lets stand United against the enemies of Pakistan
Lets stand United against the enemies of Freedom

If we stand against them then we cannot be broken..!

Lets stand United against Terrorism
Lets stand United against our enemies
Lets stand United against Corruption
Lets stand United against Hatred
Lets stand United against those who are trying to divide us.
Lets stand United against Poverty
Lets stand United against Provincialism
Lets stand United against Illiteracy
Lets stand United against the enemies of Islam
Lets stand United against the enemies of Pakistan
Lets stand United against the enemies of Freedom

If we stand against them then we cannot be broken..!


who is the enemy of Islam, Pakistan and Freedom. thanks
Lets stand United against Terrorism
Lets stand United against our enemies
Lets stand United against Corruption
Lets stand United against Hatred
Lets stand United against those who are trying to divide us.
Lets stand United against Poverty
Lets stand United against Provincialism
Lets stand United against Illiteracy
Lets stand United against the enemies of Islam
Lets stand United against the enemies of Pakistan
Lets stand United against the enemies of Freedom

If we stand against them then we cannot be broken..!

Yes please let us know who is the enemy of pakistan and islam? i am eager to know this so please enlighten us, because i believe the enemy is within which is the military and dictatorship.
Yes please let us know who is the enemy of pakistan and islam? i am eager to know this so please enlighten us, because i believe the enemy is within which is the military and dictatorship.

Such a childish question !

but let me answer U.

Enemies of Islam:

Those whoa re reflecting the Islam wrong way, those who are using teachings of Islam the wrong way, those are are spreading terror in the name of Islam, those whoa are killing the innocent on the name of Islam, those who are presenting Islam as a religion of terror not peace, those who are not following what our holy prophet. THOSE ARE THE ENEMIES OF ISLAM

Enemies of Pakistan:

Those who never wanted Pakistan to progress, those who always thought of them selves first, those who disrespected there defenders, those who never accepted Pakistan from heart, those who are always finding ways to hurt Pakistan, those who cannot see Pakistan as a free state, those who never wanted Pakistan to become powerful, those who never wanted Pakistan to strengthen relationship with its friends, THOSE ARE THE ENEMIES OF PAKISTAN

Enemies of Freedom:
Those who wanted there rule, those who never cared about people, those who dont want people to get educate, those who are finding ways to break its unity, those who thought themselves to be the most powerful, those who never cared about Freedom of people THOSE ARE THE ENEMIES OF FREEDOM

i hope you understand now.

Such a childish question !

but let me answer U.

Enemies of Islam:

Those whoa re reflecting the Islam wrong way, those who are using teachings of Islam the wrong way, those are are spreading terror in the name of Islam, those whoa are killing the innocent on the name of Islam, those who are presenting Islam as a religion of terror not peace, those who are not following what our holy prophet. THOSE ARE THE ENEMIES OF ISLAM

Enemies of Pakistan:

Those who never wanted Pakistan to progress, those who always thought of them selves first, those who disrespected there defenders, those who never accepted Pakistan from heart, those who are always finding ways to hurt Pakistan, those who cannot see Pakistan as a free state, those who never wanted Pakistan to become powerful, those who never wanted Pakistan to strengthen relationship with its friends, THOSE ARE THE ENEMIES OF PAKISTAN

Enemies of Freedom:
Those who wanted there rule, those who never cared about people, those who dont want people to get educate, those who are finding ways to break its unity, those who thought themselves to be the most powerful, those who never cared about Freedom of people THOSE ARE THE ENEMIES OF FREEDOM

i hope you understand now.


So prophet said many other things such fairness and justice and unity of muslims, do you see the pakistani instituion working towards that?. Prophet also said no nationalism do we work towards that he also said work for khilafah do we work towards that?.

Enemies of islam, what about those who kill rape and torture muslims, like palistinians and chchnians etc etc wouldnt you say they are enemy also.

Eenemies of freedom, wouldnt you say that pakistan goverment and military is that, it doesnt allow people the freedon of chosing their leaders, it doesnt allow the freedom of democracy, freedom of supremem court and our justice system?

Your argument is flawed it is sesnless and blind.
Wilco according to ur definicition of enemy of PAkistan the top 'leaders' are enemy of Pakistan. who formulate and constitute 'national reconciliation ordinance'. who r their beneficiaries.
So exactly what is this topic about? I just see a bunch of kids fighting.

So prophet said many other things such fairness and justice and unity of muslims, do you see the pakistani instituion working towards that?. Prophet also said no nationalism do we work towards that he also said work for khilafah do we work towards that?.

Why blame there not being a Khalifat on the military? The military has no say in this, neither does Pakistan government. On the subject of fairness, I would say Musharraf has been the only one trying to achieve that whilst being surrounded by a bunch of illiterate grass munching baboons. Sure, we all know who introduces Hudood, who removed this unfair law? Bhutto? NS? OR perhaps Musharraf?

Enemies of islam, what about those who kill rape and torture muslims, like palistinians and chchnians etc etc wouldnt you say they are enemy also.

What about those who blow themselves up and kill innocent people? Are they also not the enemies of Islam? What about the Al Q statements to turn a progressing country into a warzone? are they not enemies of Islam?

Eenemies of freedom, wouldnt you say that pakistan goverment and military is that, it doesnt allow people the freedon of chosing their leaders, it doesnt allow the freedom of democracy, freedom of supremem court and our justice system?

The reality is that at no point in Pakistan's history have the courts been more free. That was clear when Musharraf lost the case against the CJ. That's never happened before in Pakistan's history. Neither have a bunch of semi literate reporters been given so much of a free hand by a "dictator". There is more freedom in Pakistani press than even the West. But it is of poor quality since education needs to improve more. Noone will agree with you that Pakistan does not have freedom of the courts, and freedom of the press. These all came under Musharraf's tenure.

As for democracy, it's coming, but Pakistan isn't ready for it. You cannot jump straight into democracy else corrupt politicians like Bhutto and NS will be elected. You need to educate the people so they hold these greedy schmucks accountable in the next election. Until Pakistan has 100% literacy, democracy will not work well. It will take a bit longer. Why listen to the West on this issue? Democracy is not always the best form of rule for a country. It depends at what stage it is in.

Your argument is flawed it is sesnless and blind.

Sorry, but he's making more sense than you.
Rana and Awaaz:

Wilco according to ur definicition of enemy of PAkistan the top 'leaders' are enemy of Pakistan. who formulate and constitute 'national reconciliation ordinance'. who r their beneficiaries.

Who is using Islam to take over children's libraries? Who is using Islam to issue threats of suicide bombings against innocent civilians? Who is using Islam to blow up people's businesses and shops? Who is using Islam to blow up, threaten and shut down schools run by Christian missionaries, and those that girls are educated in? Who is using Islam to behead unarmed captured soldiers who should be treated as POW's? Who is distributing videos of beheadings?

Who is preventing Pakistan from progressing? Who is threatening away NGO's providing essential health and educational services? Who is disrupting investment and economic activity by carrying out bombing campaigns against businesses and threatening and harassing people? Who is insisting on continuing with a medieval system, where the rule of Gun applies, women are prevented from being educated and voting, terrorists are given safe haven and allowed to conduct terrorist attacks both within Pakistan and in other sovereign nations?

Who wants to take away the individual freedoms and liberty of Pakistanis by forcing their version of "morality" upon them under the guise of Shariah?

I would like to know how you gentleman came to the conclusion that those who do the above are not the enemies of Pakistan, but Musharraf and the military are.
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Ansar Abbasi

This is high time for the PPP chairperson to do a little bit of her soul-searching. She needs to find the answer to the fundamental question as to what had made her the favourite target of unknown terrorists. If this is not the fact that she had made too many enemies here merely by issuing the kind of statements that might be pleasing for the international powers but not for the people of this country? It is perhaps only after her arrival, the PPP chairperson would have found that there is no tolerance level left here to accept the others’ viewpoint.

Being one of the country’s top leaders it was not suitable for Benazir Bhutto to issue divisive statements. Leading the political party that has roots all over Pakistan, why should she join those voices that are creating divisions in the society? Rather the political leaders like her and Nawaz Sharif, both of whom have the massive following all over Pakistan, should prove themselves to be the symbol of unity. Because they are the true leaders of the masses, whether one agrees to their politicking or not, they have the greater responsibility to get the nation united and shun the divisions that are yawning between so-called extremists and so-called liberals or enlightened moderates. Unfortunately today we are pursuing the kind of policies that are encouraging hatred within the society.

Ansar Abbasi no doubt narrating one of the "wahi's" he probably got from those "angels" he routinely sees.

What I gather from the above is a recommendation that our political leadership stay silent on the issue of "extremism" and on efforts to root out terrorism. That there are segments within our country that do not tolerate a difference of opinion, as Abbasi himself states, and respond by killing and violence, is indicative of a greater need to call out these elements, to highlight their oppressive and violent nature, to isolate them within society, and if they refuse to change, to prevent them from becoming a threat to society - one way or another. What Abbasi suggests is acquiescence, surrender to the extremists because they will commit violence, but that is exactly what they want, and that is the means they use to get what they want!

The "soul searching" that BB needs to do is not one of "appeasement" of radicals, but how to use her tremendous "star power" to further highlight the atrocities of the extremists and harness public opinion against them.

If the division within society is that between those who condone violence and oppression and those who choose moderation and freedom, then there is nothing to do but embrace this division, and work to rout out those who subscribe to the former by every means possible - education, development, and if need be, military action.

The United States had its civil war, those that supported slavery, racism and oppression were defeated - we may need to have ours.
Enemies of Islam:
Those whoa re reflecting the Islam wrong way, those who are using teachings of Islam the wrong way, those are are spreading terror in the name of Islam, those whoa are killing the innocent on the name of Islam, those who are presenting Islam as a religion of terror not peace, those who are not following what our holy prophet. THOSE ARE THE ENEMIES OF ISLAM

Enemies of Pakistan:
Those who never wanted Pakistan to progress, those who always thought of them selves first, those who disrespected there defenders, those who never accepted Pakistan from heart, those who are always finding ways to hurt Pakistan, those who cannot see Pakistan as a free state, those who never wanted Pakistan to become powerful, those who never wanted Pakistan to strengthen relationship with its friends, THOSE ARE THE ENEMIES OF PAKISTAN

THOSE were created and trained by the Pakistan to fight in Afghanistan and Kashmir then. Now they are enemies of Pakistan?

Why blame them? Instead of providing education, your government trained them to use Ak-47 and make bombs. You exploited their poverty and religious belief. You preached them the version of Islam that they practice now. You preached them the jihad culture. You need mercenaries to fight in Afghanistan.

Why don't I see people from Punjab province being sent to fight in Afghanistan and Kashmir? Why didn't the Pakistan government used the Punjabis to fight those wars?

So, its only the responsibility of these tribal to liberate Kashmir and Afghanistan. Only these people are bound to the religious duty and to die to please the GOD.

Enemies of Freedom:
Those who wanted there rule, those who never cared about people, those who dont want people to get educate, those who are finding ways to break its unity, those who thought themselves to be the most powerful, those who never cared about Freedom of people THOSE ARE THE ENEMIES OF FREEDOM

You mean the army?
Rana and Awaaz:

Did you even read his "definitions"?

Who is using Islam to take over children's libraries? Who is using Islam to issue threats of suicide bombings against innocent civilians? Who is using Islam to blow up people's businesses and shops? Who is using Islam to blow up, threaten and shut down schools run by Christian missionaries, and those that girls are educated in? Who is using Islam to behead unarmed captured soldiers who should be treated as POW's? Who is distributing videos of beheadings?

Who is preventing Pakistan from progressing? Who is threatening away NGO's providing essential health and educational services? Who is disrupting investment and economic activity by carrying out bombing campaigns against businesses and threatening and harassing people? Who is insisting on continuing with a medieval system, where the rule of Gun applies, women are prevented from being educated and voting, terrorists are given safe haven and allowed to conduct terrorist attacks both within Pakistan and in other sovereign nations?

Who wants to take away the individual freedoms and liberty of Pakistanis by forcing their version of "morality" upon them under the guise of Shariah?

I would like to know how you gentleman came to the brilliant conclusion that those who do the above are not the enemies of Pakistan, but Musharraf and the military are!

Sir i am not saying that military is Enemy of Pakistan. but i said about the leadership. can u tell me any leader in past made any serious effort to provide education to the poor part of the country. they dont want, if people got education then they will be able to raise their voice against their corruption. the people go to USA to get Govt. so what we can expect from them.
Why don't I see people from Punjab province being sent to fight in Afghanistan and Kashmir? Why didn't the Pakistan government used the Punjabis to fight those wars?

i think u read biased propoganda against punjab. when u will see any person from Pakistan then u will see people belong to punjab as well.
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