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United States fails to ratify UN Child Rights treaty

Hasbara Buster

Aug 17, 2010
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United States fails to ratify UN Child Rights treaty

The United States remains one of only three United Nation member states who have not ratified the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, Press TV reports.

“The major issue here is children falling through the cracks here in the United States,” said Public Interest and Human Rights Attorney Roy Morris, blaming the current situation on the idea that "the UN Convention of the Rights of the Child has not been ratified here in the United States.”

“Sign the UN Commission on the Rights of the Child. At least you can go to a UN body and say, ‘by the way, this child’s rights are being violated’,” Morris said.

The attorney criticized the US government for failing to do enough to protect its children, adding that “there’s no place to go - you can’t even go to a federal court - the federal courts in the United States don’t want to deal with this issue.”

“We still treat - as a matter of law - children as property,” Morris said.

This comes as many children's rights advocates have condemned US President Barack Obama for failing to keep his 2009 pledge to ratify the treaty and to join international calls to protect children.

“If the US doesn’t want to answer to the international community, how can it expect all the other countries of the world to do the same? It can’t hold the moral high ground if it doesn’t want to ratify treaties like the UN Convention on the Right of the Child,” Morris concluded.

On December 14, twenty children and six adult victims were fatally shot by a 20-year-old gunman -- who later killed himself -- at the Sandy Hook Elementary School in the town of Newtown in the US state of Connecticut. Earlier in the day, the assailant killed his mother in another location.

Under the UN treaty, children have universal privileges including the right to health, life, identity and protection from abuse, as well as restricting the involvement of children in military conflicts, prohibiting the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography.

Nearly every country in the UN except the United States, Somalia and South Sudan, is bound to the convention.

PressTV - United States fails to ratify UN Child Rights treaty
I wonder whether people know that there is a very long list of International treaties that this rogue state has never signed or ratified, the same treaties which have been signed by countries they are demonizing and labeling as "rogue states". Oh, the irony :)
Press TV reports.

This story is most likely fake as most PressTV reports are.. Could we please have a link to another real news source that is reputable?
Usual Iranian hypocrisy.Unlike the US,Iran has ratified the treaty,but refused to follow the treaty citing following reservation.

“If the text of the Convention is or becomes incompatible with the domestic laws and Islamic standards at any time or in any case, the Government of the Islamic Republic shall not abide by it.”

Iranian Govt has routinely carried out execution of Juvenile offenders which is clear violation of the treaty.

At least US hasn't shown the same double standard like Iran.They didn't ratify the treaty because of they had reservation about the
Legal concerns mostly focused on issues of sovereignty and federalism.
They prefer to kill children.

Yes Iran does, and has, especially if they are a threat to the Mullah regime.

I'm very surprised you agree with us this time, perhaps you are having second thoughts?
Still no real source? I guess this story is fake.

Please lock this thread.
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