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United Bengal / Greater Bangladesh : Possible?

United Bengal scares the crap out of them as they would lose W Bengal to BD and also the NE states.

How can they lose the West Bengal to BD? If you guys start this it's more likely Indian troops would step in BD to redraw the borderline at the best interests of India.
How can they lose the West Bengal to BD? If you guys start this it's more likely Indian troops would step in BD to redraw the borderline at the best interests of India.

Not by military action by BD.

More a case of W Bengalis and NE getting fed up of the failing Indian Union and deciding that BD is a better bet.
I would recommend Bangladesh go after Assam instead. It's at higher elevation so better location to relocate your citizen's as sea level rises. Assam also has a large hydro power potential to assist your economic development and provide land connection to china, the world's largest consumer market. Bangladesh's current borders restricts it, Indian military is obsessed with Kashmir and Pakistan. Assam is easy pickings for Bangladesh.
I would recommend Bangladesh go after Assam instead. It's at higher elevation so better location to relocate your citizen's as sea level rises. Assam also has a large hydro power potential to assist your economic development and provide land connection to china, the world's largest consumer market. Bangladesh's current borders restricts it, Indian military is obsessed with Kashmir and Pakistan. Assam is easy pickings for Bangladesh.

West Bengal is actually a defacto part of Bangladesh already. Its culture is totally Bangladeshi culture. Even now a days Islam has started to win over whole West Bengal with 25% of population being Muslims already. Soon in next 10 to 20 years minimum 40 to 45% population will be Muslims. West Bengal has Murshidabad, Malda, two historical Muslim regions regions regions.

CM Mamata Banerjee is a Brahmin Hindu. She is monotheist and supporter of Muslim Bengal. Her roots are from Jashore District of Bangladesh. She recently renamed the state as Bangla. What else is the biggest proof that Bangladesh and Bangla are one?

West Bengal will merge with Bangladesh once Bangladesh becomes developed country. Assam is half Bengal. Bangladesh will make it economically dependent on Bangladesh one day day. So that Assam and entire NE India ve no option but to join Bangladesh.

Bangladesh will never merge with India but West Bengal / Bangla will merge with Bangladesh eventually.
West Bengal is actually a defacto part of Bangladesh already. Its culture is totally Bangladeshi culture. Even now a days Islam has started to win over whole West Bengal with 25% of population being Muslims already. Soon in next 10 to 20 years minimum 40 to 45% population will be Muslims. West Bengal has Murshidabad, Malda, two historical Muslim regions regions regions.

CM Mamata Banerjee is a Brahmin Hindu. She is monotheist and supporter of Muslim Bengal. Her roots are from Jashore District of Bangladesh. She recently renamed the state as Bangla. What else is the biggest proof that Bangladesh and Bangla are one?

West Bengal will merge with Bangladesh once Bangladesh becomes developed country. Assam is half Bengal. Bangladesh will make it economically dependent on Bangladesh one day day. So that Assam and entire NE India ve no option but to join Bangladesh.

Bangladesh will never merge with India but West Bengal / Bangla will merge with Bangladesh eventually.

Thanks for the input. New delhi will not let the region slip without a fight. Bangladesh should do what's is in its own interests. Sea level rise is a big threat to Bangladesh. Millions will need to be relocated. Bjp will never allow any migration into india or union with india. It would disrupt the demographic balance in India. There will come a day in the next 50 years when Bangladesh realizes it must oppose india militarily to save millions of its own citizens.
The fake nationalistic bond that binds India together will not last for long. Sooner or later this bond is bound to get lose. The division of India and the creation of greater bangla is only a matter of time.
Disintegration of India and Greater Bangla are two different things. I agree with you on the fact that India may disintegrate as it can't bear all those separatist movements that are going on in India right now but Greater Bangla is out of question.

U don't need to be super rich to be exploited or looted. As a matter of fact its exatly the opposite. Those who r rich and powerful, they hardly ever get exploited. Its the helpless ones who always get exploited, looted and discriminated against by the the corrupt ones in powerful positions.

The discrepancy that existed between West and East Pakistan was totally unprecedented. West Pakistan persecuted the helpless people of East Pakistan, looted their resources and then used those resorces to develop West Pakistan and in the process kept the people of East Pakistan to die out of hunger and disease.

Look at where we stand as a country now and where u r. If we were independent from the very beginning of 47 and haven't been looted for 20 long years BY WP, today we would've been in the position of Vietnam.
Well if you had that many resources and you were that able then you should had become a super power by now as it has been 50 years since your freedom from Pakistan and you still blaming that 20 yrs ? now you should actually start looking for your problems rather then blaming us for another 100 years or so
West Bengal is actually a defacto part of Bangladesh already. Its culture is totally Bangladeshi culture. Even now a days Islam has started to win over whole West Bengal with 25% of population being Muslims already. Soon in next 10 to 20 years minimum 40 to 45% population will be Muslims. West Bengal has Murshidabad, Malda, two historical Muslim regions regions regions.

CM Mamata Banerjee is a Brahmin Hindu. She is monotheist and supporter of Muslim Bengal. Her roots are from Jashore District of Bangladesh. She recently renamed the state as Bangla. What else is the biggest proof that Bangladesh and Bangla are one?

West Bengal will merge with Bangladesh once Bangladesh becomes developed country. Assam is half Bengal. Bangladesh will make it economically dependent on Bangladesh one day day. So that Assam and entire NE India ve no option but to join Bangladesh.

Bangladesh will never merge with India but West Bengal / Bangla will merge with Bangladesh eventually.

Its culture is totally Bangladeshi culture. - Actually other way round. All of the Bengali greats become great because of cultural influence of Kolkata. Language your biggest identity you speak diff dialects which you might not understand , but we formalized the write the way you write.
Kolkata controlled the faith of Bangladesh for more than 250 years..

Islam - Let say WB become 100% Muslim, do you think the Muslims will like to unite with Bangladesh? As you know the border is open, but never economic migration happens from WB to Bangladesh but other way round. All rickshawalas and all fruitsellers are Bangladeshis. Just saying.

Mamta - You are ... why providing false information. Her ancestors has nothing to do with Bangladesh. Her family originated from Rarh region in Bengal.

Assam - Assamese and Boros just hate you.. period. Its a BJP ruled state now... Even pre poll predictions are telling BJP will have more foothold in Bengal.

One advice, i believe you now must be understanding Hindi as well. Just a friendly advice, see Mungerilal ka Hasin Sapne in youtube.
Its all one linguistic group with the same political thought.

its just Divide and Conquer.
Its culture is totally Bangladeshi culture. - Actually other way round. All of the Bengali greats become great because of cultural influence of Kolkata. Language your biggest identity you speak diff dialects which you might not understand , but we formalized the write the way you write.
Kolkata controlled the faith of Bangladesh for more than 250 years..

Islam - Let say WB become 100% Muslim, do you think the Muslims will like to unite with Bangladesh? As you know the border is open, but never economic migration happens from WB to Bangladesh but other way round. All rickshawalas and all fruitsellers are Bangladeshis. Just saying.

Mamta - You are ... why providing false information. Her ancestors has nothing to do with Bangladesh. Her family originated from Rarh region in Bengal.

Assam - Assamese and Boros just hate you.. period. Its a BJP ruled state now... Even pre poll predictions are telling BJP will have more foothold in Bengal.

One advice, i believe you now must be understanding Hindi as well. Just a friendly advice, see Mungerilal ka Hasin Sapne in youtube.

Incomic migration might have happened in 70s and 80s but not any more. West Bengal went in a downward slope and Bangladesh has gone for upward slope. It is BJP propaganda that sells to lot like you that Bangladeshis are coming to India for fruit selling and beckming rickshaw puller. Bangladesh is struggling to find proper labors or maids and they will go to a different country? How much will be the financial gain?
BD section remained funny as it is..

Just enjoy it lol....they have miserable reality and existence and they know it..... so they come here to fantasize....that too on forum run by their 3 million genociders (as they say)...in open violation of their queen bee democratic mother of humanity.

You can't make this level of inferiority complex up LOL!
Just enjoy it lol....they have miserable reality and existence and they know it..... so they come here to fantasize....that too on forum run by their 3 million genociders (as they say)...in open violation of their queen bee democratic mother of humanity.

You can't make this level of inferiority complex up LOL!

The only fantasies I've heard at this forum were made up in New Delhi to hide its inferiority.... Abhi single handily shooting a squadron of F-16's down on his way back from bombing and killing 1,000 terrorist in Balakot....LOL!
We still believe in the basic principles that are the basis of the creation of Pakistan. Bengalis refute the principle, that is the basis for the creation of pakistan and form a seperate homeland that is based on ethnicity and not religion...
It is not exactly so. It is rather the geographic location that was the deciding factor to form a country that is ethnically a majority Bengali state. But, at more than 85% the Muslims remain the majority of the total population.

Pakistan was created on two far away lands but Jinnah proposed not a Muslim-only country but a Muslim-majority country where Muslims would have the independence to build their country according to their wishes. Jinnah never proposed Hindus to be driven away. He knew how it would affect the well-being of Muslims in India.

We are following this principle and we are building an economy that also he wished to happen very much. Without a modern economy, what really is the use of forming one or two separate countries? Acquiring military capabilities was certainly not the only goal, especially if it causes deterioration of the economic activities of the population?
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