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Uniform Civil Code

Kashmiri Pandit

Oct 12, 2015
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What are the Pro's and Con's of UCC ?

What is the rational thought behind opposing it ?
There is only one religion which would oppose it..I hope you can picturize their thought process..
there are no cons to it.

no rational thought behind opposing it.
The window for its implementation will be post UP elections & before National elections.
@Kashmiri Pandit

Pros :
1. A common civil code will address the issue keeping our constitution in mind, which is to protect the rights of individuals and Rule of law.
2. The Constitution will be superior to other religious texts, which is not the case at the moment in few cases.
3. The uneducated Mullahs, Padris, Pandits ,etc will have less control on individuals life.

Cons :
1. As a co-operative secular nation we cannot interfere in the religious matters. Only in the case of Human Right(HR) violations SC or other judiciary bodies can interfere.
2. We cannot practice absolute UCC in all parts of our country, The SC should leave the matter to the State legislatures. Goa for example has UCC, and UCC as per article-44 is part of DPSP, which is not justiciable.

At the moment we are only looking at Triple Talak, but recently one girl from Jain Community died because of fasting for several days, which is just against the HR policy of India, but once the local administration tried to act the people from that community started protesting.

Other examples are the special provision given to the North-East states, where the culture is completely different from the rest of India, there you will observe Polygamy & Polyandry as common practice, we just cannot risk our countries Plural character by UCC.

India has never opted for the absolute path, UCC should be the middle way.

There is only one religion which would oppose it..I hope you can picturize their thought process..
Sir you have only heard the story of one side, plz read the news regarding death of a girl in Jain community few days back and the way people of that community started protesting after the local admin wanted to take action.

I know some Mullahs want to run their shop as well, but absolute UCC is against the principles of our country.
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