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UNHRC resolution on Sri Lanka adopted

My countrymen includes our SL Tamil brethren.. Millions of them who lived peacefully among the rest of us and still do or are you implying otherwise? We Lankans don't need to give two hoots about aspirations and wet dreams of some separatist elements in South India?? It's for you'll to solve.. We we're trying to solve ours after eliminating the main obstacle in 2009.. It will take time, and govts will come and go.. But Rome wasn't build in one day

Yes the sinhalans are monks they have a lots and lots of love to shower on their brethren. Their love is so much that they do not have words to write it down in their constitution with equal rights.

Mate there are only few Indians in pdf who will buy your words, you can say crap with them.
@Gibbs Good video buddy. That guy thrashed US Foreign Policy.

Just to clear the air.. I support such a resolution as long as it does not infringe the territorial integrity or sovereignty of SL.. Sometimes the global community needs to needle third world regimes in to action before they become too complacent with political power.. These countries are too immature democracies to do otherwise
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Mate, it's just a Diplomatic statement, it doesn't ENFORCE anything on SL, just like the afzal guru resolution passed by Pakistan Assembly. Nothing will happen to SL, they have passed similar resolution a year earlier also.
That's the fkin problem. We just lost a great opportunity to increase our ties with Sri Lanka. For what ? Just for DMK ? This is as idiotic it gets.

Why doesn't GOI do regarding killings of Hindus in Bangladesh and Pakistan ?

Yes the sinhalans are monks they have a lots and lots of love to shower on their brethren. Their love is so much that they do not have words to write it down in their constitution with equal rights.

Mate there are only few Indians in pdf who will buy your words, you can say crap with them.

Those words are not intended for racial ignorants.. Who knows nothing about Sri Lanka's constitution yet keeps harping about discrimination.. About affairs of another country.. But for open minded Indians that does not look at the world through regionalist racism

Anybody interested in the SL constitution can read it here.. And make a intelligent informed opinion without buying in to separatist propaganda..


The Parliament of Sri Lanka - Constitution
That's the fkin problem. We just lost a great opportunity to increase our ties with Sri Lanka. For what ? Just for DMK ? This is as idiotic it gets.

Why doesn't GOI do regarding killings of Hindus in Bangladesh and Pakistan ?


Mate, don't just jump on conclusion just by seeing what is shown in MEDIA.

It's all on surface.

I Told you once before that we are masters of DIPLOMACY.

In Fact, SL should be thankful to Indian Efforts that the UNHRC resolution was watered down, it was only than India voted for it.

Earlier resolution had called for International scrutiny of SL war crimes.

Anyways, as i told UNHRC resolutions are Non-binding.

BTW, It was swift Indian military support that brought LTTE down on the first place.

SLN's Flagship was IN's Ex. OPV.

How else do you think SL Armed forces brought LTTE down just in few months which it couldn't do in decades??
@arp2041 Well I hope so. I trust our FP strategists, but not these UPA Ministers. I wish they have common sense to listen and do according to FP makers of India.
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@arp2041 Well I hope so. I trust our FP strategists, but not these UPA Ministers. I wish they have common sense to listen and do according to FP makers of India.

And who told you that Important Policy Decisions such as FOREIGN POLICY is taken by noob ministers??? :laugh:

Foreign Policy is made by bureaucrats in MEA, thats why if you analyze India's foreign policy approach over years, than you will agree that no matter which Govt. is at center, Indian Foreign Policy remains consistent.
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@arp2041 They make it, but Political Will is whole different issue. Remember when RAW was told to stop backing LTTE by Rajeev Gandhi ?

Its the minister that take the final decision.
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The part played by pro LTTE lobbying is very minute, If they have that much power they would have made the Srilankan war an issue world wide and should have done something to stop Lanka.

Fact is US and India do not want LTTE to exist and at the same time they also do not want Chinese supported Generals to come into power in Srilanka.

This resolution is to weaken Chinese lobby in Srilanka.

A thin line to walk for India here.

Well the only lobbying the US does is at the UNHRC sessions to pass it's resolutions.. Outside it nope.. But I was referring to KRAIT's assertion about anti Lanka lobbying.. That's mainly done LTTE front orgs in the west
The part played by pro LTTE lobbying is very minute, If they have that much power they would have made the Srilankan war an issue world wide and should have done something to stop Lanka.

Fact is US and India do not want LTTE to exist and at the same time they also do not want Chinese supported Generals to come into power in Srilanka.

This resolution is to weaken Chinese lobby in Srilanka.

A thin line to walk for India here.

You're confusing two separate aspects together.. US lobbying on the resolution for whatever it's motive was done in the corridors of the UNHRC.. As you likely said it's motive was to slap the wrist of the SL regime to remind it of getting too close to the Chinese.. Despite the red herrings they were never going to go beyond what was presented.. Again watch the video of the Congressional hearing I posted

The media blitz against Sri Lanka is done by the propagandists of the LTTE rump in the west and some elements in TN.. That was for a far more sinister ulterior motive and totally separate from the US sponsored one.. This was what KRAIT and I were discussing
Mate, don't just jump on conclusion just by seeing what is shown in MEDIA.

It's all on surface.

I Told you once before that we are masters of DIPLOMACY.

In Fact, SL should be thankful to Indian Efforts that the UNHRC resolution was watered down, it was only than India voted for it.

Earlier resolution had called for International scrutiny of SL war crimes.

Anyways, as i told UNHRC resolutions are Non-binding.

BTW, It was swift Indian military support that brought LTTE down on the first place.

SLN's Flagship was IN's Ex. OPV.

How else do you think SL Armed forces brought LTTE down just in few months which it couldn't do in decades??

Unfortunately that diplomacy cannot keep on going forever. Lets see for how long our government continues with their double face.

I am quite eager to know what our government will do 2014. The situation in TN is worsening day by day with students getting into act.

I am afraid GOI will prefer to do away with its own population and sleep with an enemy.
@arp2041 @KRAIT

Hmmmm.. If this story is true.. Contrary to popular belief GOI(Congress) nearly compromised the whole nation just for short term political survival.. Pity!!

The United States had rejected seven amendments to the resolution on Sri Lanka which was submitted to the UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC) today, NDTV in India reported.

According to the channel, the US had told India that it wanted the resolution to have broader support and so could not accommodate the Indian proposals.

India voted in favor of the resolution at the UNHRC despite the failed attempt to have it amended at the last minute.

Meanwhile , expressing ‘surprise’ over India supporting a ‘weak’ and ‘diluted’ US resolution against Sri Lanka at UNHRC, former UPA ally DMK said New Delhi had by its action “totally disappointed” the entire Tamil diaspora.

DMK parliamentary party leader TR Baalu told PTI that they had wanted India to propose amendments in order to declare that Sri Lanka had committed “genocide, human rights violations and war crimes”.

“We (also) wanted to have amendments for independent, credible, international inquiry into war crimes and human rights violations committed by Sri Lanka. But to our surprise, government of India has simply supported a diluted and a weak resolution,” he said.

India had not even tried to propose any amendments to the US-backed resolution which was adopted by 25-13 margin with eight abstentions, he said.
“Government of India has totally disappointed not only the eight crore tamil population but the entire Tamil diaspora,” Baalu added.

The Indian delegation at the Council said that it believes that the report of the LLRC and its findings and recommendation provides a window of opportunity to forge a consensual way forward towards a lasting political settlement through genuine national reconciliation and the full enjoyment of human rights by all its citizens.

India noted with concern the inadequate progress by Sri Lanka in fulfilling its commitment to this Council in 2009. Further, India called n Sri Lanka to move forward on its public commitments, including on the devolution of political authority through full implementation of the 13th Amendment and building upon it.

As Sri Lanka’s closest neighbour, India said it remains engaged in a substantial way in the relief, resettlement, rehabilitation and reconstruction process in that country. Our efforts have contributed to the resettlement of Internally Displaced Persons and the rebuilding of infrastructure and development, especially in the Northern and the Eastern Provinces of Sri Lanka.

While noting the commitment of Sri Lanka to hold elections to the Northern Provincial Council in September 2013, the Indian delegation said India expects the people of the province to be able to exercise their democratic rights freely and without delay as guaranteed to them by the Sri Lankan Constitution.
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@Gibbs Congress is famous to do so.
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Unfortunately that diplomacy cannot keep on going forever. Lets see for how long our government continues with their double face.

I am quite eager to know what our government will do 2014. The situation in TN is worsening day by day with students getting into act.

I am afraid GOI will prefer to do away with its own population and sleep with an enemy.

An outside enemy is far less dangerous than the enemy within.. From the looks of things policy makers in New Delhi knows that too well irrespective of the govt in power
Mate, it's just a Diplomatic statement, it doesn't ENFORCE anything on SL, just like the afzal guru resolution passed by Pakistan Assembly.

Nothing will happen to SL, they have passed similar resolution a year earlier also.

then what is the use of such resolution?
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