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UNDP Indicators Show Iran's HDI above Regional Average


Nov 4, 2012
Reaction score
Iran, Islamic Republic Of
United States
TEHRAN (FNA)- The United Nations Development Program's 2013 report on Human Development Indicators (HDI) assessed Iran as standing above the regional average, showing that the country's growth and development is amazing despite the many years of the western sanctions.

"Between 1980 and 2012 Iran (Islamic Republic of)'s HDI rose by 2.0% annually from 0.443 to 0.742 today, which gives the country a rank of 76 out of 187 countries with comparable data," the UNDP report said.

"The HDI of South Asia as a region increased from 0.357 in 1980 to 0.558 today, placing Iran (Islamic Republic of) above the regional average. The HDI trends tell an important story both at the national and regional level and highlight the very large gaps in well-being and life chances that continue to divide our interconnected world," it added.

The UNDP report also named Iran among other countries, including Algeria, Kazakhstan, Venezuela and Cuba which were the top five HDI improvers in the High Human Development countries.


International Human Development Indicators - UNDP
Lebanon 0.745
Saudi Arabia 0.782
United Arab Emirates 0.818
Qatar 0.834
Israel 0.9
Lebanon 0.745
Saudi Arabia 0.782
United Arab Emirates 0.818
Qatar 0.834
Israel 0.9

I don't think a country living on other people's generosity, foreign handouts and donations is in the position to even compare itself with countries that have a proven track of being around for more than a few years, which stand on their own feet and don't burden others with their upkeep.
I don't think a country living on other people's generosity, foreign handouts and donations is in the position to even compare itself with countries that have a proven track of being around for more than a few years, which stand on their own feet and don't burden others with their upkeep.

Amazing that with all the NATURAL RESOURCES at Iranian disposal Iran is still a third world country.
Amazing that with all the NATURAL RESOURCES at Iranian disposal Iran is still a third world country.

even though iran still is doing much better

But to an extent you are right.
With this much resources,iran by now should have atleast a GDP of a trillion.
even though iran still is doing much better

But to an extent you are right.
With this much resources,iran by now should have atleast a GDP of a trillion.

Yep the potential was huge. Hopefully Iran get in good terms with USA and sanctions are lifted. Muslim countries can increase overall GDP to $10 trillion quickly from current $6 trillion if they get in right track.
even though iran still is doing much better

But to an extent you are right.
With this much resources,iran by now should have atleast a GDP of a trillion.

He? doing better how, Israel placed 15 while Iran 76, how is it better? or you mean Iran doing better than previous years?
Amazing that with all the NATURAL RESOURCES at Iranian disposal Iran is still a third world country.

You mean despite of the fact that Iran has faced sanctions against further developing and exporting these resources since 1979? Secondly, you can't compare Iran, as a state with 75 million people, with those small, often energy-rich, states.
You mean despite of the fact that Iran has faced sanctions against further developing and exporting these resources since 1979? Secondly, you can't compare Iran, as a state with 75 million people, with those small, often energy-rich, states.

No, i dont mean that because it is not true, sanction on Iranian oil export took force only in 2011
No, i dont mean that because it is not true, sanction on Iranian oil export took force only in 2011

They were strengthened in 2011, but sanctions against Iran's industry have been implemented way before.
No, i dont mean that because it is not true, sanction on Iranian oil export took force only in 2011

That's total bull ****

They were strengthened in 11, but American and EU led sanctions that were aimed at specific targets have crippled Iran's oil industry for decades. Even in areas that there weren't any sanctions imposed, commerce and trade were greatly reduced. Take the S300 fiasco for example. The Russians were allowed, and still are, to sell Iran the missile system as it's a purely defensive weapon. The security council resolution that came into effect in 07 only targets offensive systems. Yet, the Russians backed down.

When it comes to the oil industry, the giants in the field from EU and US have stayed back and refused to invest. This was long before 2011. European and American banks control world commerce. They have also refused to deal with Iran for 30+ years. In every sector you look at, commerce and trade is down right impossible. UN sanctions are only part of the problem. The American and EU led sanctions are actually the bigger problem for Iran and they have been in effect for decades.
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