How old are you?
Were you old enough in the 60s and 70s to remember the plane after plane of Pakistani immigrants landing in Manchester and Birmingham and then the next day joining British work force in factories? Nobody forced them but also Britain needed them, otherwise no country in the world is so generous to let aliens come to their lands for no good reason. Also that era was far far more racist in Britain with Gangs of white shave heads attacking Muslims and all other browns .Certain areas were war zones and police did not help us either.
So its our hard work and struggle that we are well established in Britain.
About the Video, its our right to teach our kids why they should follow Islam and not Hinduism, and to tell them why worshiping a dairy cow is wrong.
Nowhere in the video does the speaker says anything hateful or violent about Hindus. He never said to kill them, beat them, spit on them or boycott them. he only targets and ridicules Hindu religious beliefs which to us make no sense.
if you do the same about Islam, you call it "Freedom of speech". If we do it, we are blamed of hate mongering.
Thats the thing. You know nothing yet pretend to know a lot.