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Undercover Army relief team ‘Shouted for Azad Kashmir and laughed at it later’

By Pranav Kulkarni| Srinagar September 16, 2014

On the night of September 12, responding to an SOS, a team of five Army personnel led by an officer launched a relief operation at Srinagar’s Lal Chowk, a separatist stronghold. Carrying out rescue work in the area needed recce and more importantly concealment of identity.

Dressed in civvies, the team began its operation at 2 am and worked till late in the evening on September 13. During the day-long exercise, the personnel witnessed firing at Army boats trying to ferry out stranded people to dry areas, and raised slogans of “Azad Kashmir” to maintain their cover even as they laughed at the rumours that Pakistan had sent 80 helicopters to help rescue operations.

“On the night of September 12, we received an SOS for two people. By 2 am, we were on our way. Knowing that it is a notorious area, we decided to conceal our identities. Dressed in civvies, we went in a Sumo vehicle. After crossing Gupkar, we realised that the vehicle could not go further. We did not have life jackets… and decided to swim… we waded through 800 metres,” said an Armyman involved in the operation.

At one point, the group found an abandoned wooden boat with no oars. Rowing the boat with their hands, the group reached Exchange Road adjacent to Lal Chowk at around 5 am. “There were four women and they did not have food or water. We had to ask our operation commander to send air support. We needed to be stationed at a height to receive the air support, and thus got on to one Dena Bank building,” the official said.

Considering the difficulty that the incoming helicopters might have in locating the team from amongst several others atop the houses, the group told their commander that they would “remove their shirts and stand in two groups — a few feet from each other — waving black clothes”.

“We sent the supplies, including some specific medicines. And with the peculiar arrangement that our men created on the top of the building, the helicopter located them easily,” said the operation commander. One of the flood-victims provided relief was an 84-year-old Kashmiri Pandit woman who was being looked after by a Muslim family.

After distributing the air-dropped aid, the group started rowing the wooden boat to return to its base. “At this time, two Army boats on routine rescue mission entered from south and were fired upon. We told the boats to retract and disengage. To row away from the scene, we navigated to a muhalla. Three Hurriyat men got onto our boat… they told us that Pakistan had sent a help of 80 rescue helicopters, which India denied.We went to a mosque. I told the maulavi to pray that the water recedes soon and peace prevails.The maulavi said that the tragedy has brought people of Kashmir together and prayed for Azad Kashmir… to remain under cover, we too shouted for Azad Kashmir.We all laughed at this later… (but) at that time, we were one amongst them,” said a member of the Army team.

‘Shouted for Azad Kashmir and laughed at it later’ | The Indian Express | Page 99
just a query.. pakistan even have 80 helos ?
:lol: "Muslim youths barred at garba venues in Godhra"

Before check our track records you should clear your own minorities problem and do something to prevent their flow to other nations.
With this much experience and perhaps elder than all of us
you are trolling very well.How can you generalize entire nation with one or two isolated incident?
That is something about people in Madhya Pradesh.I dont see this Garbha dance until now.Dont know more about it.
If parents in that villages took some decision there is some reason for that.

By not hating Pakistan? So according to you every patriot must hate Pakistan. I don't think so.

Man has created all the borders and countries, Allah(swt) hasn't. Most of Muslims think like me, sorry to break your bubble.

I dont say anything about hating other nations.
But a true Indian will always ready to give their life for this nation.
@acetophenol already explained it.
Check his post.

I've told this a thousand times and will say it again a thousand times again if needed. My country,India does not treat people from my religion,Islam in anyway thats wrong. India is perhaps the best place for a muslim to live in,miles ahead of the so called nations made exclusively for Islam. So,please correct your misunderstandings about my country and my people.
@sreekumar : kodutitundu bro,eniyum enthelumundel vilikane!

Thats Indian Armed Forces,pride of every Indian! No matter whether you love them or hate'em ,they'll do their duty! You mess with'em and they'll kick you arse,but thats a different matter:p

Thank you buddy.
These people are insulting our brothers and question their patriotism.We cant allow that.
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the story goes they received a call for help and they were on their way ASAP- no preparation no planning- just went under cover- with their natural indian faces- and no body notices the difference- During their help and act of kindness they even managed to find a dumb molvi praising "Azaad Kashmir" :lol:- the molvi must be blind as well - :D-
it amuses me- The Indians- :lol:-
Ignorant Pakistani - thinking that a "natural Indian" face is common across the length and breath of India.. :lol:

It amuses me more that a Pakistani thinks that Indian army generally needs to prepare first and take basic action unlike the other armies he has seen. Maybe your army needs preparation, "on receiving a distress call", even when the shit has already hit the fan and they are right in between :lol:

Our army has decent standard, can't be said about the ones you have experience with :D
islam will be in danger after oil dependence of world ends, by using fuel cell , syntactic fuel or , electric based vehicles . This is surely going to happen in next 50 years.

and i dont know why we are saving this fucking thankless Kashmiris instead we should try our best that flood is soo severe that all kashmiris die.
I thought I read a news article where both governments agreed to help each other out. Did anything come from that?
ANother RSS fool.There was no India before Muslim rule. We created this country. We are the first-class citizens of this land. Even Manmohanji said that muslims have first claim in India's resources.
Thats because he is talking to vote bank in his mind
I am not rss not even hindu
No you are not frist class citizen africans are the frist humans so does that makes them owners of earth
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Every Muslim in India has a soft spot for Pakistan. No big deal.
such a pain in the A$$ you are for Muslims in India (I BET U ARE NOT AN INDIAN)

ANother RSS fool.There was no India before Muslim rule. We created this country. We are the first-class citizens of this land. Even Manmohanji said that muslims have first claim in India's resources.
Really are you sick? Or did you fail your class 7th History class. Your knowledge of History clearly proves that you aren't an Indian. (Maybe ****)
Really are you sick? Or did you fail your class 7th History class. Your knowledge of History clearly proves that you aren't an Indian. (Maybe ****)
No i dont beleive hinduwadi historians like most of indian muslims.
No i dont beleive hinduwadi historians like most of indian muslims.
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