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UN wants consensual sex decriminalised in Pakistan

But bro from the perspective of Sufi/Barelvi folks they say the salafis are wrong, in actual fact most Muslims around the world say that.
As for Barelvis being the majority this is a well known fact and they are the majority by a massive margin.

Although seen as a majority sect in the country,


Spreading takfir and disunity amongst the Muslims while keeping an immaculate appearance and observing the rituals with seducing precision was the hallmark of...you guessed it....Khwarij.

There are always exceptions of course, therefore I am speaking in general terms, i.e. vast majority.

Funny thing is that the most damage inflicted upon any of the imperialist/invading forces have always been at the hands of either the Hijazi Arabs, Turks, Egyptians, or the Persians whom all are strongly leaning towards non-denominational Islam, whether Sunni or Shia. Quiad-e-Azam was a non-denominational Shia twelver as well.

History bears witness to the fact as to which Muslim groups supported the inception of Pakistan and which did not. The biggest cowards/scum are those who turn in to puppies when confronted by the rulers of their time while simultaneously displaying trends of arrogance, selfishness, false sense of self-righteousness and holier than thou attitude. Preying on the weak by bombing or executing unarmed men, women and children.

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