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UN Snubs Pakistan on Jammu and Kashmir

you my friend have your nose so far up modi's a55 that you've been turbo a55 gassed relax yourself lol naseerudiin was the one crying two days ago and got told to f off in your secular state so why dont you do us all a favour and take your nose out of modi's backside and know your on a pakistani forum where you have no business being and shut your mouth
What naseeruddin said and what was reactions of indian's is our internal issue. No body asked imran khan to poke his nose, now dont blame anyone if imran khan is shown his place and told to mind his own business.
Its nobody else's false but imran khan's own for this insult.
indian atrocities in Kashmir will not go unchallenged , Pakistan will continue to raise the issue till Kashmir is free from indian occupation
indian atrocities in Kashmir will not go unchallenged , Pakistan will continue to raise the issue till Kashmir is free from indian occupation
Your issue is that world community is not taking Pakistan seriously. You need to establish yourself before world takes you seriously.

The only thing that draws worlds eyes on Kashmir is possibility of nuclear war. And in that case, world's opinion is usually against Pakistan because Pakistan threatens to be the first user of a nuclear weapon in conflict. Its a self defeating position. You cann't highlight India's atrocities on Kashmiri while threatening to use nuclear weapons.

India wins this diplomatic battle by simply telling the world that Pakistan is not a responsible nation and your nuclear threats simply solidify India's claims.
Does anyone know what the exact official UN position on Kashmir is?

In simple, clear, easy-to understand words.
Modi will never poke his nose in pakistan's affair. Yeah, he might expose pakistan in international platform on terrorism issue, but that is not internal issue, its a global headache.

LOLOL Modi and his minions sleep, eat and dream Pakistan, their policies are Pakistan centric, their elections are based on Pakistan hate, more you show your hate towards Pakistan more chances of wining.
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