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UN Report Details 'Nazi-Like' Abuse in North Korea

And you mean to tell us that North Koreans can freely protest against the Kim Jong regime without any repercussions? Interesting...go ahead....

Protest? Hell no. Rebellion? Maybe. As long as there are popular support, a revolution is waiting to happen, anywhere.
Protest? Hell no. Rebellion? Maybe. As long as there are popular support, a revolution is waiting to happen, anywhere.

Not in a country that has no qualms about treating it's citizens like livestock. With borders sealed so tight and people spied upon so heavily by the State, how can an armed rebellion ever take place without external assistence and who'll be suicidal enough to begin one? Heck, what happens when they're all killed?
Not in a country that has no qualms about treating it's citizens like livestock. With borders sealed so tight and people spied upon so heavily by the State, how can an armed rebellion ever take place without external assistence and who'll be suicidal enough to begin one? Heck, what happens when they're all killed?

Those that are desperate enough, those that have nothing left to lose? Remember they are all suppose to be starving to death anyway?
You mean to tell me the North Koreans don't know that they are starving? Its again up to them to do something if anything about it.
We booth know the situation in NK very well you dont need to justifiy the actions of an extreme oppressive regime like NK.
Those that are desperate enough, those that have nothing left to lose? Remember they are all suppose to be starving to death anyway?

Yeah, those in the armed and police forces are taken good care of and hence are fiercely loyal to the regime. So, how exactly are these people going to get arms to start a rebellion? Starving people usually don't have the strength to fight bullets or prevail over trained soldiers, remember?
We booth know the situation in NK very well you dont need to justifiy the actions of an extreme oppressive regime like NK.

Whether you & I think that we know of the situation in NK mattesr not. What matter should be what the NKoreans think of their condition. I have no need to justify any action taken by NK government. I do however argue for non-interventionism, which was the norm in international relation, until "humanitarian intervention" became the justification for war of aggression against the interest of the very nation it meant to "rescue".
Yeah, those in the armed and police forces are taken good care of and hence are fiercely loyal to the regime. So, how exactly are these people going to get arms to start a rebellion? Starving people usually don't have the strength to fight bullets or prevail over trained soldiers, remember?

You know NK including the reserve has 40% of its population in military service, adding their family members, that's the majority of the population if not the entire population. You can't keep that many people happy when there are suppose to be mass starvation going on. You ask where can the bullet come from, there is where. Most of the rebellion actually involves military defection if not started by one.
Not in a country that has no qualms about treating it's citizens like livestock. With borders sealed so tight and people spied upon so heavily by the State, how can an armed rebellion ever take place without external assistence and who'll be suicidal enough to begin one? Heck, what happens when they're all killed?

Chinese first peasant rebellion brought down the QIN dynasty.

All of the early rebels were killed and forever immortalized. At least they rather die than to live under an unjust ruler.

Even Indian Maoists are willing to die when they took up arms to fight injustice. Put to shame these N Koreans.
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