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UN condemns US abortion decision


Oct 2, 2015
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UN condemns US abortion decision​

SCOTUS decision ending nationwide right to an abortion a ‘huge blow’ to human rights, says UN

The US Supreme Court’s ruling reversing 1973’s Roe v Wade decision will not stop women from seeking abortions, a spokesman for UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said on Friday following the high court’s decision. Instead, it may put their lives at risk.

Restricting access to abortion does not prevent people from seeking abortion, it only makes it more deadly,” spokesman Stephane Dujarric told reporters. “Sexual and reproductive health and rights are the foundation of a life of choice, empowerment and equality for the world's women and girls,” he added.
UN human rights chief Michelle Bachelet agreed, calling the court’s decision “a major setback” and “a huge blow to women’s human rights and gender equality.”

The Supreme Court’s decision to reverse the 50-year-old ruling protecting women’s right to abortion nationwide places the decision in the hands of the states instead. While some states prepared for the looming repeal by passing laws protecting abortion rights, others did the opposite, adopting “trigger laws” meant to formalize a ban or other restrictions on the procedure in case Roe was rolled back.

The UN Population Fund states that 45% of all abortions worldwide are unsafe. The agency also says that nearly half of all pregnancies worldwide are unplanned, with over 60% of those ending in abortion.

What is the Islamic view on abortion guys?
both Shia, Sunni or perspective of different sects would be appreciated

SCOTUS rolled back Roe v Wade is a lot more than just Abortion.

In fact, if anything, Abortion is probably the least affected because you will always have liberal state that allow them, and you usually don't do it after it is too late (like 30 + weeks in) which mean abortion for American is probably just a bus ticket away, and I am pretty sure there are pro-right group that are more than happy to pay for those ticket and send someone who live in the red state do an abortion on one of those blue state.

The problem is not about abortion, the problem, as Justice Robert put it, is how Roe v Wade being rolled over. Roe v Wade is a court case that has already been judged and affirmed. Which in legal term, that's a precedent. What SCOTUS effectively doing is they can overturn a precedent WITHOUT Prejudice, which mean without condition and you don't send it back to lower court and retried the case. That mean they can do it as long as you have 5/4 verdict. That give SCOTUS a whole lot of power to overturn just about anything. 1st amendment, 2nd amendment, 5th amendment, 19th amendment and so on, all have precedent case (like Miranda right with 5th amendment issue) all those can now overturn without going back to lower court. And Justice Thomas already opined that he want SCOTUS to look at other civil right issue.

Man, this is scary time ahead.

What about when the women was raped? Nobody can expect a women to carry a child created through one of worst kinds of crime
In US, this is not exempted unless state exempted it, in fact, state will grant visitation right or even custody right to the rapist that cause the pregnancy
Its not a big deal in Islamic countries. In Pakistan thousands and thousands of abortions are carried out every year.

In USA white think that abortions are the reason for their declining population which is BS. This will not reverse white becoming minority by 2040.
What about when the women was raped? Nobody can expect a women to carry a child created through one of worst kinds of crime
In US, this is not exempted unless state exempted it, in fact, state will grant visitation right or even custody right to the rapist that cause the pregnancy
It is the conspiracy of the United Nations, they are preventing the birth of the next US President. :D:D Hehehe

GOP Candidate Condemns Abortion for Rape Victims, Says Fetus Could Be 'Next President'

Its not a big deal in Islamic countries. In Pakistan thousands and thousands of abortions are carried out every year.

In USA white think that abortions are the reason for their declining population which is BS. This will not reverse white becoming minority by 2040.

Which is bullshit, the hardest enemies of abortion are hispanics. They are catholics and abortion is biggest sin for them. Its a funny side effect that democrats believed more hispanics means less voters for republicans but the hispanics are fiercest supporters for trumpism.
UN is the most useless organization with no actual functionality except for saying BS all the time.

UN doesn't protect the weak.
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