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UN asks India to mediate between Israel and Palestine

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May 9, 2019
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United States
The UN team will hold meetings with Minister for External Affairs S Jaishankar, senior officials in the Ministry, political leaders, and think tanks to discuss how India could mediate in the issue.

NEW DELHI: The UN is exploring ways to engage India for mediation between Israel and Palestine to resolve the protracted conflict between the two in the Middle East.

A delegation of the UN Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People was on a two-day visit to New Delhi beginning from Monday.

The team includes UN Ambassadors and Representatives of Senegal (Committee Chair); Indonesia and Malaysia (Committee Members); and the State of Palestine (Committee Observer).

According to an official statement, the delegation 'intends to engage India, a country with good relations to both the State of Palestine and Israel, in looking for ways how it could play a more proactive role in the settling of the question of Palestine'.

The UN group will focus on enhancing the political and diplomatic support of India for a peaceful solution of the question of Palestine; and engaging Indian counterparts on synergies in capacity building for staff and institutions of the State of Palestine.

The visit would also focus on enhancing the coordination of the UN committee bureau and India on capacity building projects for the State of Palestine, including within the context of South-South and Triangular Cooperation.

The UN team will hold meetings with Minister for External Affairs S Jaishankar, and senior officials in the Ministry, political leaders, and think tanks.

Hum, interesting, can India play a middle man part in this. India needs better relationship with the state of Israel then the no state Palestinians, giggle, this is going to be fun.

UN to India, we know you have just annexed IoK, going against some of the UN's oldest resolutions, but however we would like you to mediate between Palestinian and State of Israel , a state which has annexed Arab land and building settlements on it.

UN is a worthless Org, same as IoC.
Hahahha Indians desperate to stay relevant.

Having said that Pakistan would support if India could play a productive role in achieving peace in that part of the world.
Lol. You are no one to bother about this. Let Imran babble something on this too.
You're the puppet of the west/USA to contain/conceal Rising China, and you're the garbage country in terms of taking care of your minorities (ESPECIALLY MUSLIMS OF INDIA)
Lol. You are no one to bother about this. Let Imran babble something on this too.
You are mistaken if you think I am bothered by this dispute.Let modi pick a side and stop playing hypocrite.
It's either Palestine or israel! You buy weapons from one and support the other :lol:

You're the puppet of the west/USA to contain/conceal Rising China, and you're the garbage country in terms of taking care of your minorities (ESPECIALLY MUSLIMS OF INDIA)
Contain China? More like canon fodder! They don't stand a chance at all.
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