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Umtas missile ready


Jan 21, 2013
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25 December 2013

Roketsan'ın UMTAS developed anti-tank system when the Turkish Armed Forces will be delivered? What's the latest in marketing activities? Here is the answer ...


Mohammad TEXT / Kokpit.aero

Developed by ROKETSAN umtas shot anti-tank system testing continues.Umtas IIR seeker missile tests carried title attached is scheduled for completion in the first half of 2014.

Roketsan'ın export activities under the Pakistan Armed Forces in the coming days by the authorities planned visit to Turkey umtas anti-tank capabilities of the system to the authorities planned to appear as live firing test is expected.

Kokpit.aero 'or in the information, "Pakistan Armed Forces, according to the needs, Pakistani officials several times with interviews were conducted. Products to our extreme interest, available during the interviews experienced the biggest problem of Pakistan's current economic downturn. This topic Defense Industry Undersecretariat has a work. recently solved this problem in a positive way we expect. "


Umtas anti-tank system in 2014 is scheduled to be delivered to the Turkish Armed Forces. Land Forces, tactical wheeled armored vehicle procurement project, the tests are continuing Armada Otokar armored vehicles belonging to the company on an integrated umtas system continues to fire tests. Military officials acquired knowledge, the "Land and air vehicles integration performed umtas missile tests successfully in progress. Konya / Karapınar in the shooting area long trial in the desired performance too was obtained. Naval Forces authorities followed in fire tests, following the classification society and ROKETSAN among officials umtas system we are negotiating about. "


Maximum range of 8 km and has a range of at least 500 m UMTAS, day-night and in all weather conditions tasking features. At-Forget and At-Update user mode with UMTAS, target update capabilities offered by the flexibility sutra back shot, sutra hidden behind the target butts, precision strike point to adjust and kick efficacy assessment opportunities provide a fixed and moving targets against can be used.

National Attack helicopter is still being developed (T-129) is defined as the official anti-tank system UMTAS to various platforms (helicopters, UAV, Land Vehicle, Fixed Platforms, Light Attack Aircraft, Marine Platform) can be integrated.

Umtas missile ready | kokpit.aero
Pakistan must get it as we are in need of effective FnF missile for our armed forces which can hit tanks and small ships.
good choice ... heli can turn the tables in any tank battles
UMTAS can be launched not just from helis but from fighters, land based assets & sea assets which makes it more effective and coupled with cirit guided rockets the combination becomes more deadly.
@Aeronaut true Turkey can offer many effective western standard systems with TOT which will increase our defensive and offensive capabilities many folds.
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