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ULFA slams Bangladeshis

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Apr 8, 2007
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bdnews24.com - 28 June 2013

Until such time they received sanctuary and support in Bangladesh, the leaders of the United Liberation Front of Asom (ULFA) maintained a calculated silence on Assam's contentious "foreigners" issue -- but that changes after Dhaka has thrown them out.
The pro-talks faction of ULFA led by its "chairman" Arabinda Rajkhowa led a delegation to Delhi this week to negotiate with the Indian government.

They dropped their demand for Assam's sovereignty and be part of India but the ULFA delegation said Delhi must take "concrete steps" to identify the "lakhs of illegal Bangladeshis" and deport them to Bangladesh.

"Unless that happens, we cannot come to a settlement with the Indian government," says Arabinda Rajkhowa (real name: Rajiv Rajkhonwar).

India is unlikely to accept the ULFA's proposal for a 1951 cut-off date to identify foreigners which would mean all who came to Assam from erstwhile East Pakistan would be considered foreign nationals fit for deportation.
In 1986, Delhi signed an accord with the All Assam Students Union (AASU) that maintained 25 March, 1971 as the cut off date but a clause in the agreement provided for a 10-year disenfranchisement of those who had come to Assam from East Pakistan between 1966 and 1971.

Minority groups in Assam opposed the agreement but Delhi implemented it to placate nativist sentiments.

The ULFA seems to be seeking some kind of a similar arrangement -- a 10-year disenfranchisement of the 1966-71 migrants that would mean their reduced impact on Assam's politics.

An infant political party primarily made up of migrants of East Bengali origin -- Assam United Democratic Front led by Maulana Badruddin Ajmal -- has gone from strength to strength in the state , first winning 9 seats in 2006 and then 18 seats in 2011 Assam state assembly elections.

Following the 2012 riots against the migrants, the AUDF seems to have consolidated its position even further.

"But it would be grossly unfair and illegal for Delhi to accept a 10-year disenfranchisement for a population group which already suffered it once in the 1986-1996 period. If challenged in court, this will fall through," says Hafiz Rashid Ahmed Choudhury, a former AUDF leader and a top lawyer.

Choudhury led the United Minorities Front (UMF) which was formed in 1985 after the Assam accord and later joined Ajmal's AUDFwhen it came up in 2006.

The ULFA formed in 1979 to wage armed separatist movement in Assam started off with attacks on minorities and killed UMF general secretary Kalipada Sen and attacked its president Gholam Osmani 1985-86 .

But later when it found sanctuary and support in Bangladesh in the last days of the Ershad regime with help from Freedom Party leaders -- a fact which their leaders have publicly attested to -- the ULFA went silent on the migrants issue in Assam.

In fact, one of its party document praised the contribution of the Bengali settlers to growth of education, agriculture, professions and trade in colonial Assam .

But after the Hasina government started its crackdown against the ULFA and handed over several of its top leaders to India after nabbing them post-2009 , the ULFA split into pro-talks and anti-talks factions .

The pro-talks group led by Rajkhowa is for negotiations with India -- and they are raising the migrants issue with a bang again.

The anti-talks group led by ULFA's military wing chief Paresh Barua who evaded arrest in Bangladesh, is known to be lobbying for shelter in rthe country again , using his long-time contacts.

ULFA slams Bangladeshis - bdnews24.com
Chetia being repatriated

Rajshahi Correspondent, bdnews24.com
Published: 29 June 2013 01:57 AM Updated: 29 June 2013 02:16 AM

The government has decided to hand over top ULFA leader Anup Chetia to the Indian authorities.

Prisons authorities have said Chetia has been shifted from Rajshahi to Gazipur’s Kashimpur Central Jail as part of the process.

Rajshahi’s Senior Jail Superintendent Touhidul Islam said the United Liberation Front of Assam leader was taken to Kashimpur on Friday morning amid tight security.

“He (Chetia) has been transferred as part of deportation,” he said.

The founder General Secretary of ULFA was arrested in Dhaka on December 21, 1997. He has been kept at the Rajshahi Central Jail after his prison term ended on Feb 25, 2007.

He was sentenced to three-year rigorous imprisonment and fined Tk 5,000 for illegal stay in Bangladesh and possession of forged Bangladeshi passports and foreign currency.

Another court had jailed him for four more years for illegal trespassing into Bangladesh.

Chetia sought political asylum in Bangladesh on three occasions – in 2005, 2008 and in 2011.

On December 7, 2008, he sought refugee status from the United Nations High Commission for Refugees.

However, after spending 16 years in Bangladesh prison, he wants to go back to India and cancel his request for political asylum.

Since his arrest, India has been asking the Bangladesh to hand over Chetia.

There is no legal bar to the repatriation after Bangladesh and India signed the extradition treaty on Jan 28, 2013.

Senior Jail Superintendent Islam said the ULFA leader had filed an application for sending him back to India on May 13. It was forwarded to the Ministry of Home Affairs.

The ministry on Thursday ordered transfer of Chetia to Kashimpur, he said.

Chetia being repatriated - bdnews24.com
"Senior Jail Superintendent Islam said the ULFA leader had filed an application for sending him back to India on May 13. It was forwarded to the Ministry of Home Affairs.

This could be utter lie and fake Awami League/ indian application to sending him back. Awami League created external enemy on Bangladesh dime and Bangladesh should take NO responsibility for Awami League deeds.
:cool:seems like the ULfA freedom fighters will remain freedom fighters for a long time

Not really. This Wednesday they officially dropped all demands of secession which as far as we are concerned makes them legal Indian citizens who have previously waged war against the state and even so deserve merit based on exigent circumstances. But they are adamant about deporting and or neutralizing all foreign immigrants..depending upon which government comes to power next year. This break though came out because of the Burmese and not due to any fresh actions by the GOI.
Deport the illegal Bangladeshis out, and that would solve a majority of problems in Northeast. Those scums are illegally occupying the resources meant for the indigenous local populations. But given the impotent government we have in Delhi, i don't have much hopes.
@Skull and Bones Do you know that the IB actually has the records of many of the illegal immigrants who settled down in the area..they can't track those who went migratory like and only stopped once they were further west but they have solid tracks on the rest since these guys went in for rashan cards, identifications- which unscrupulous babus gave them but they got tagged nonetheless. Now that the ULFA has made the formal request, think its worth it..coz blood will flow if we are to secure our interest?

Deport the illegal Bangladeshis out, and that would solve a majority of problems in Northeast. Those scums are illegally occupying the resources meant for the indigenous local populations. But given the impotent government we have in Delhi, i don't have much hopes.

Well we have Modi...and as the BDians keep reminding us he's already perpetrated one "genocide". :coffee:
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The main problem of the North east is the Illegal Migration, these illegal migrants are making these states a back ward ,illiterate and poor states.
The main problem of the North east is the Illegal Migration, these illegal migrants are making these states a back ward ,illiterate and poor states.

AND then their resident military professional tells us that fencing the border is an act of hostility. :rofl:

Some of the fencing was left in Tripura I believe..its picked up again..relatively its cut down on the number of immigrants at least..but the ones who came in in the 70s and 80s still need to be neutralized and the area sanitized.
Not really. This Wednesday they officially dropped all demands of secession which as far as we are concerned makes them legal Indian citizens who have previously waged war against the state and even so deserve merit based on exigent circumstances. But they are adamant about deporting and or neutralizing all foreign immigrants..depending upon which government comes to power next year. This break though came out because of the Burmese and not due to any fresh actions by the GOI.

Seems like the ULFA 'resistance' has betrayed their cause. Lets see if the people rise up.................
@Skull and Bones Do you know that the IB actually has the records of many of the illegal immigrants who settled down in the area..they can't track those who went migratory like and only stopped once they were further west but they have solid tracks on the rest since these guys went in for rashan cards, identifications- which unscrupulous babus gave them but they got tagged nonetheless. Now that the ULFA has made the formal request, think its worth it..coz blood will flow if we are to secure our interest?

Or maybe, IB and RAW can indirectly support the ULFA to bring on a carnage on the immigrants, with the covert help from Indian armed forces, as this would solve two main agenda, being.

1. Drastic reduction in the number of illegal immigrants, either by getting killed, or running back to their ancestral home grounds.

2. And keeping the image of the GoI clean, as all the blame will be put on the rogue outfit.

And on top of that, it's about sending a strong message to those who intend to enter our land illegally.
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Seems like the ULFA 'resistance' has betrayed their cause. Lets see if the people rise up.................

Sure they will. They ALL echo the same sentiment..they hate you more than they hate anyone else- even the evil bharoti oppressor. :rofl:

Time to learn from Burma.

Or maybe, IB and RAW can indirectly support the ULFA to bring on a carnage on the immigrants, with the covert help from Indian armed forces, as this would solve two main agenda, being.

1. Drastic reduction in the number of illegal immigrants, either by getting killed, or running back to their ancestral home grounds.

2. And keeping the image of the GoI clean, as all the blame will be put on the rogue outfit.

And on top of that, it's about sending a strong message to those who intend to enter our land illegally.

We are NOT going to kill them! We are not jihadis/terrorists/quazis!

We need to simply deport them back like the Burmese are doing.
There are no illegal migrants from BD. Just because chanakyan hindutva loons can't stand their muslim citizens doesn't make them illegal. If being muslim= Illegal in NE then soon whole of NE + WB would be majority illegal. Hope chanakyans get back to their senses for their own good and stop harping such propaganda crap. :coffee:

The main problem of the North east is the Illegal Migration, these illegal migrants are making these states a back ward ,illiterate and poor states.

Those states would always remain illiterate and poor since they are home to millions of oppressed illiterate tribes ruled and oppressed from Delhi. Coming up with excuses and blaming it on mythical "illegal" migrants won't cut it for U.
Sure they will. They ALL echo the same sentiment..they hate you more than they hate anyone else- even the evil bharoti oppressor. :rofl:

Time to learn from Burma.

We are NOT going to kill them! We are not jihadis/terrorists/quazis!

We need to simply deport them back like the Burmese are doing.

How are the NDFB, KLNLF and UPDS doing?

China must support their cause
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