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Ukrainian Neo Nazis murder 43 Russians in Odessa

Declein73 said:
An 17 billion $ loan + more to follow. And it was the Russian speaking people of Odessa who did this, not Kiev.

You are one sick individual. The peaceful people of Odessa voted for their president. Neo Nazis from the west backed by NATO violently overthrew this government. Eastern Ukraine doesn't accept your NATO puppets. This is all they did. Say no. And for that they deserve to be burned a live. You are a disgusting cynical person.
LifeNews publishes the first video from the burned House of Trade Unions in Odessa, where 38 people died.
In the footage can be seen as the Maidan supporters walk inside the building, who set House of Trade Unions on fire, and take pictures of the bodies. At the same time, the survey is accompanied by catty comments, they cynically call the dead "squints". (dead people in slang).
On May, 2 in Odessa the confrontation occurred between Antimaidan activists on the one hand and the fans of Odessa and Kharkov football clubs and radicals of the "Right Sector", as well as Euromaidan activists - on the other. As a result of the confrontation turned into a real massacre.
There were several thousand radicals at place of collisions, many of whom were armed, they were chanting: "Glory to Ukraine!", "Death to the enemies!", "Get Muscovites to knives". Radicals used firecrackers, smoke grenades, batons and Molotov cocktails, by means of which they set building of the House of Trade Unions on fire.
Total, according to Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, due to fire, 38 people were killed: 8 people jumped from the windows of the building and fell to the death, another 30 got poisoned by carbon monoxide, another 50 suffered injuries, 10 of them are police officers.
Source: Радикалы позируют с сожженными заживо ополченцами - Первый по срочным новостям — LIFE | NEWS

So, let's repeat once again - "It was a peaceful meeting, nobody was going to burn anyone..."
Several girls urgently removed their pages from social networking sites. One of these cute girls still has photos of preparations. It was preparation to peaceful meeting, right?





Христина Їжак | ВКонтакте
Nobody knows for sure who set the building on fire.. but it was russians who killed 6-8? people with petrol bombs,firearms etc... ambushed Ukranian protestors...loyal to Ukranian govt...

You are right.It could even be russian agents,they are known as world class provocateurs who will not hesitate in killing their own to reach certain goals.

Shelling of Mainila - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Fat guy with AK in pro russian camp...peaceful protestors my azz...
They are brave in fighting foreign terrorists from russia. Go ukrainians, show Putin what it means to steal your country

There is nothing brave about burning people alive because they do not do not support a fake puppet government that toppled a democratically elected government with violence. Lets also drop the propaganda, they were Ukrainians.

I still find it disgusting that no western leaders have condemned this. Obama and the rest of the state department had the time to condemn a fake anti semitic letter but are quiet about this. Western leaders should be ashamed of themselves.
There is nothing brave about burning people alive because they do not do not support a fake puppet government that toppled a democratically elected government with violence. Lets also drop the propaganda, they were Ukrainians.

I still find it disgusting that no western leaders have condemned this. Obama and the rest of the state department had the time to condemn a fake anti semitic letter but are quiet about this. Western leaders should be ashamed of themselves.

Yes okay... lets consider them ukrainians.. so why mess up in the internal affairs of another country?
Fat guy with AK in pro russian camp...peaceful protestors my azz...

Just like the peaceful Maiden protesters with molotov cocktails, shot guns, rifles, pistols, bats, rods, knives, chains, ect The hundreds of police officers that were badly injured and killed were injured and killed by who and with what?

Yes okay... lets consider them ukrainians.. so why mess up in the internal affairs of another country?

This would be a great question to ask the western leaders since they were the ones encouraging the violence and overthrow of a democratically elected government.
There is nothing brave about burning people alive because they do not do not support a fake puppet government that toppled a democratically elected government with violence. Lets also drop the propaganda, they were Ukrainians.

I still find it disgusting that no western leaders have condemned this. Obama and the rest of the state department had the time to condemn a fake anti semitic letter but are quiet about this. Western leaders should be ashamed of themselves.

The crowd that got shot at it with AK's,that,seeing their people dead went into berserk mode.Maybe it would be a good ideea for Russians/pro Russian ukrainians not to shoot at unarmed civilians with AK's,kidnapp pro Ukrainian MP's,torture and killing them (see the case last week) ??

Are you familiar with the saying "play stupid games,win stupid prizes" ? Because it's spot on for what happened in Odessa yesterday.

Just like the peaceful Maiden protesters with molotov cocktails, shot guns, rifles, pistols, bats, rods, knives, chains, ect The hundreds of police officers that were badly injured and killed were injured and killed by who and with what?

This would be a great question to ask the western leaders since they were the ones encouraging the violence and overthrow of a democratically elected government.

Love how Russians defined protestors with bats,home made Molotovs as "Western sponsored fascists,terrorists" while pro russians armed with AK's,Night vision gogles,RPG's,etc are some instant naive protestors,you're average eastern UKrainian...yeah,right....
Just like the peaceful Maiden protesters with molotov cocktails, shot guns, rifles, pistols, bats, rods, knives, chains, ect The hundreds of police officers that were badly injured and killed were injured and killed by who and with what?

This would be a great question to ask the western leaders since they were the ones encouraging the violence and overthrow of a democratically elected government.

Lmao.. did the western leaders ask the ukrainians to protest against the russian stoooooge who went to russia for exile? did they send troops to annex ukrainian territory? did they arm people to kill ukranians aswell?
Lmao.. did the western leaders ask the ukrainians to protest against the russian stoooooge who went to russia for exile? did they send troops to annex ukrainian territory? did they arm people to kill ukranians aswell?

Yes. Yes and yes. How clueless can you possibly be.
It appears that a massacre did take place yesterday, but not in Slaviansk, but in Odessa were 38 people died when a building in which they had sought refuge was set ablaze. Here is what RT reports:
At least 38 anti-government activists died in fire at Odessa’s Trade Unions House after suffocating with smoke or jumping out of windows of the burning building, Ukrainian Interior Ministry reported. The building was set ablaze by the pro-Kiev radicals. Some 50 people, including 10 police officers, were also injured in the incident, the official statement said. It was not immediately clear whether those injured in Friday street clashes in Odessa were included in those numbers. According to the ministry, the Friday standoff on Odessa included “anti-Maidan” activists on one side and “football fans” from Odessa and Kharkov, as well as "euro-Maidan" activists, on the other. A criminal case on the charges of mass unrest has been opened. The Trade Unions House was set on fire by pro-Kiev radicals after they surrounded and destroyed the tent camp of anti-government activists that stood in front of the building on Odessa’s Kulikovo Field Square. It was torched in a storming attempt after some of the anti-Maidan activists rallying in the square barricaded themselves inside the building. Thirty of the victims were found on the floors of the building having apparently suffocated to death with smoke. Eight more died after jumping out of the burning Trade Union House’s windows, according to police. Earlier reports of the clashes in Odessa said that both sides used Molotov cocktails and, allegedly, gunfire. While the exact circumstances of this tragedy are unclear, it appears that we are dealing with the massacre of pro-Russian activists by nationalist thugs (aka "football hooligans").

At this moment, a Russian intervention in Odessa is far more likely than in the Donbass which seems capable of protecting itself without Russian assistance.
Lmao.. did the western leaders ask the ukrainians to protest against the russian stoooooge who went to russia for exile? did they send troops to annex ukrainian territory? did they arm people to kill ukranians aswell?

That guy invited Russia to invade his own country and saw no protest from him regarding Crimea.Now that's a leader who deserves to be hanged for high treason ,not reinstated as president.
This below is the mentality of fascist NATO trash. When will Russia learn that you can't reason with these animals? These rabid dogs must be put down or they will slowly tear Russia to bits.

These people have no god, no religion, no homeland. They only have hate in the heart. They are the twisted remnants of something that might once have been human. Not anymore.

human being can't see what happened in Odessa and blame the victims. Only fascists burn people alive.

Do not give them an inch. They are paid to post propaganda on this pro NATO websites. Don't let their lies go unchallenged.

The crowd that got shot at it with AK's,that,seeing their people dead went into berserk mode.Maybe it would be a good ideea for Russians/pro Russian ukrainians not to shoot at unarmed civilians with AK's,kidnapp pro Ukrainian MP's,torture and killing them (see the case last week) ??

Are you familiar with the saying "play stupid games,win stupid prizes" ? Because it's spot on for what happened in Odessa yesterday.

Love how Russians defined protestors with bats,home made Molotovs as "Western sponsored fascists,terrorists" while pro russians armed with AK's,Night vision gogles,RPG's,etc are some instant naive protestors,you're average eastern UKrainian...yeah,right....

flamer84 said:
That guy invited Russia to invade his own country and saw no protest from him regarding Crimea.Now that's a leader who deserves to be hanged for high treason ,not reinstated as president.

Turchynov invited nato to kill his own people. The only reason NATO didn't go is they fear what russia might do. What was your talking point again? Try to stay on message at least. Your employers won't be happy
This below is the mentality of fascist NATO trash. When will Russia learn that you can't reason with these animals? These rabid dogs must be put down or they will slowly tear Russia to bits.

These people have no god, no religion, no homeland. They only have hate in the heart. They are the twisted remnants of something that might once have been human. Not anymore.

human being can't see what happened in Odessa and blame the victims. Only fascists burn people alive.

Do not give them an inch. They are paid to post propaganda on this pro NATO websites. Don't let their lies go unchallenged.

Drama Queen much russkie ?

Btw,they didn't burn alive,they've died by smoke inhalation and jumping from windows.People in Kramatorsk,Donetsk and Slavyansk should take notes and see what happens when you go the terrorist way.-Weird how in cities with 100.000 people,even 1.5 million such as Kharkov we never saw more a few hundred pro Russians....Considering that half of them we're almost certainly paid...well...logic conclusions for erverybody.

I am paid you stooge ? Trash like you appeared in every forum,suddenly new accounts appeared in febr,march,april everywhere on international forums,in newspaper forums from every country and they all had pro Russian views.Your Bolshevik dirty stench is coming from afar.
Drama Queen much russkie ?

Btw,they didn't burn alive,they've died by smoke inhalation and jumping from windows.People in Kramatorsketsk and Slavyansk should take notes and see what happens when you go the terrorist way.-Weird how in cities with 100.000 people,even 1.5 million such as Kharkov we never saw more a few hundred pro Russians....Considering that half of them we're almost certainly paid...well...logic conclusions for erverybody.

I am paid you stooge ? Trash like you appeared in every forum,suddenly new accounts appeared in febr,march,april everywhere on international forums,in newspaper forums from every country and they all had pro Russian views.Your Bolshevik dirty stench is coming from afar.

You have no idea what you are talking about. These people were burned alive. There are pictures all over the news and the internet. Eye witness reports

Its not my problem if your nato propaganda media keeps you stupid..and yes you are a paid stooge. 3000+ anti Russian posts in less than a year. You are clearly a propagandist. And yes NATO employs thousands of your filth for exactly these purposes. You will all burn in hell for what you have done. Godless devil worshippers.

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