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Ukrainian Neo Nazis murder 43 Russians in Odessa


Jun 26, 2012
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Russian Federation

seriously who cares about sanctions putin needs to bomb the sh@t out of kiev

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seriously who cares about sanctions putin needs to bomb the sh@t out of kiev


The problem is that you can not bomb Kiev. Of the three million inhabitants of Kiev just 200 thousand - maddened by Nazi propaganda and professional terrorists. Others - normal people. By the way, 80%-85% of Kiev - Russian-speaking.
Terrorists got a just reward.Pro Russian terrorists attacked a much larger pro Ukrainian demonstration opening fire on them.The crowd retaliated at which point the terrorists fled into the building which was set on fire by the angry crowd.They literally burned like rats.

And now more interesting facts...5 of the identified burned terrorists were not even Ukrainians but from Transnistria,clearly russian provocateurs which got what they deserved.Nothing to see here people.
Is this the Georgia incident all over, back again?
Evry loss of human life is tragic, but we should not forget, that this were terrorists who opened fire on the crowd. The masses did not run away but started a counter attack. The terrorists did hide in the building and died there in the fire.

If you live by the sword, you die by the sword.
Since that subject opened lets tell ALL story why that bulding burned in first place : At the morning on the square right in front of that building some Pro-Ukranian protesters kidnapped by some "masked polite men" in vans when Pro-Ukranian protesters heard this they came to same square to make another protests and search for kidnapped protesters.At this point again one masked polite men from the roof of that building sprayed Pro-Ukranians groups with AK bullets! Its said to be 6 Pro-Ukranians killed by this man later crowd of course with full of anger started to march toward that building but residents of that building stopped the enrty of Ukranians to chase gunman and choose to protect him after that point this event happened.BTW fate of those kidnapped Pro-Ukranian protesters in the morning by masked polite men with vans are still unknown.

Pro-Ukranian protesters wrapped in Ukranian flags they were carrying lying dead on street after gunned down by one masked polite guy from the roof of that building.


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I bet the MOSSAD did this
JEWS hate the slavic and want them to kill each other

It reminds me of the car bombs killing dozens of arabs each time in Iraq or Syria, made by zionist Al Qaeda

I agree with much of what you say on the forum but to say all Jews hate Slavs is pretty ridiculous. I think there are more Slavic Jews than anything else. Ukraine has a huge Jewish population and most if not all are of Slavic descent.

Please remember, the Jewish people as a whole are not responsible for the actions of the few. I know many good Jewish people that are either completely clueless of what their Israeli government does or they simply don't support their actions.
Terrorists got a just reward.Pro Russian terrorists attacked a much larger pro Ukrainian demonstration opening fire on them.The crowd retaliated at which point the terrorists fled into the building which was set on fire by the angry crowd.They literally burned like rats.

And now more interesting facts...5 of the identified burned terrorists were not even Ukrainians but from Transnistria,clearly russian provocateurs which got what they deserved.Nothing to see here people.

Nobody knows for sure who set the building on fire.. but it was russians who killed 6-8? people with petrol bombs,firearms etc... ambushed Ukranian protestors...loyal to Ukranian govt...
Sow the wind and reap the whirlwind.

Some of them attacked and killed Ukrainians earlier
Declein 5611449 said:
Sow the wind and reap the whirlwind.

Some of them attacked and killed Ukrainians earlier

So what will the kiev junta reap after what is has sown? I'm pretty sure its hell fire.
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So what will the kiev junta reap after what is has down? I'm pretty sure its hell fire.

An 17 billion $ loan + more to follow. And it was the Russian speaking people of Odessa who did this, not Kiev.
Visitors terrorists (with fire arms) disguised as football fans killed and burned alive nearly 50 people - among them local deputy and old poet. How can West blame the victims and excuse the killers? My mind does not fit it. In Western news all say exactly the opposite. As if in a looking glass. It's unfathomable.
It was a Nazi punitive action against the locals demanding freedom and democratical refferendum.
I agree with much of what you say on the forum but to say all Jews hate Slavs is pretty ridiculous. I think there are more Slavic Jews than anything else. Ukraine has a huge Jewish population and most if not all are of Slavic descent.

Please remember, the Jewish people as a whole are not responsible for the actions of the few. I know many good Jewish people that are either completely clueless of what their Israeli government does or they simply don't support their actions.
I agree with that statement.

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