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Ukraine’s message to Pakistan

I know that better than you. Thats why I wrote "Inshallah" in the end. That is, I really hope so that it remains that way.


Than you must be knowing that "Inshallah" sort of assertions Makes no Sence.

Moreover, Turkey's and Pakistan's interests aligned really well. Both are powerful Muslim nations sitting at cross-roads of civilisations, trade routes, and so on.

This is not a precondition for a strong Natural allies.
I am taliking of a situation when Talibans acquire the weapon and not the situation when it is ignited.

If they acquire NW, all the counties of the world will be running around to de nuke Taliban. My statement is not targeted against any Particular country.

But your assumption that the Talibaan can acquire a NW is simply ridiculous.
But your assumption that the Talibaan can acquire a NW is simply ridiculous.

Looking to the capabilities and sophistication in guerrilla warfare they have achieved, It doesn't seems impossible to me.
The US is not only a betrayer but a back stabber.. Sri Lanka too learnt this the hard way
Looking to the capabilities and sophistication in guerrilla warfare they have achieved, It doesn't seems impossible to me.

Using guerilla tactics for urban warfare is, well, a little different then tactics to infiltrate a supremely heavily guarded facilities where NW are stored and still different in the use of that same weapon.

The magnitude of 'a little' in the scenario above can be explained by others.
remember me US gaurentee and mass conventional weapons packages to zia ul haq lolz he said its peanuts :lol:
PM Nawaz meets John Kerry in The Hague


THE HAGUE: Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif met with US Secretary of State John Kerry here on Monday.

During the meeting the two leaders discussed Pak-US relations. Mr. Kerry told Prime Minister Sharif that the United States will continue to work with Pakistan for the elimination of terrorism. The US Secretary State also assured the Pakistani prime minister of cooperation to over energy needs.

Speaking to the media following their meeting, John Kerry said the two countries were “deeply engaged.”

“We have great confidence in Pakistan’s nuclear security,” Kerry told reporters.

Prime Minister Sharif said: “there are a lot of challenges we are meeting these challenges in Pakistan.” The prime minister also mentioned his positive meeting with US President Barack Obama a few months ago in Washington DC.

Earlier, Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif arrived to attend the two-day nuclear third Nuclear Summit to be held in The Hague.

The summit would be attended by leaders from 53 countries, United Nations, European Union, International Atomic Energy Agency and Interpol.

The Prime Minister is accompanied by Special Assistant to the Prime Minister, Syed Tariq Fatemi and Foreign Secretary Aizaz Ahmad Chaudhry.

The first Nuclear Security Summit was held in Washington in April 2010 and the second one in Seoul in March 2012.

The summit is aimed at promoting nuclear security through voluntary national actions and international cooperation.

Prime Minister Sharif will address the gathering of world leaders on March 24. He will be one of the keynote speakers at a meeting on the future of the NSS process on March 25.

PM Nawaz meets John Kerry in The Hague - thenews.com.pk
When I said that Turkey should learn from Ukraine and how everybody is on its own...

One Turkish member said "Oh, Turkey sacrificed its soldiers for West. U.S/Europe will do the same if Turkey ever needs them against Russia etc. Nukes are over-rated..." blah blah blah...

And now I see this thread :lol::lol:

I wonder what Turks have to say about this?

Turkey needs a sophisticated and powerful ballistic missile program and probably nuclear weapons program too. Not now, but in coming decades. Turks should have Ukrainian example in mind...
Ukraine was/is not part of nato, therefore on paper it officially cannot count on the assistance of nato countries. Therefore Ukraine cannot be compared with Turkey fundamentally. i believe that nato will have to stand with Turkey as much as possible in order to 1) failing to stand with Turkey will tarnish nato imago 2) Turkey will change its future course permanently 3) non-nato nations will feel encouraged by nato's weak/hesitating stance 4) if the economical and military growth will continue like this for a few more decades, Turkey's increasingly importance will slowly become 'too big' for nato (and Israel which has some benefits thanks to nato too) to lose. However, the reality is different imo. i don't believe that nato will really back up Turkey when the benefits are less than the risks. Therefore Turkey must keep improving its economy and military and try to achieve independence in these fields as much as possible, and also stay away from entering EU (only keeping special trade agreements) while we are at it. We know the west is hypocrite and still quite hostile towards, but neither is Russia really trustworthy. we really should get nukes and bigger toys in the future for our own safety and not let our safety depend on another party, that is just naive.
There is only one role model for Pakistan in military strength and preparedness and that is 'France'!

Against them make ready your strength to the utmost of your power, including steeds of war, to strike terror into (the hearts of) the enemies, of Allah and your enemies, and others besides, whom ye may not know, but whom Allah doth know. Whatever ye shall spend in the cause of Allah, shall be repaid unto you, and ye shall not be treated unjustly.

Against them make ready your strength to the utmost of your power, including steeds of war, to strike terror into (the hearts of) the enemies, of Allah and your enemies, and others besides, whom ye may not know, but whom Allah doth know. Whatever ye shall spend in the cause of Allah, shall be repaid unto you, and ye shall not be treated unjustly.


I await a Boomer to call my own.
Ukraine would have tanked within a few years if it had tried to maintain its 1900 nukes and 780000 troops.

why is that, ukraine is still a better country than india? why doesn't india try to spend more money on its humans then on nukes and weapons of war
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