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Ukraine says Malaysian airliner shot down, 295 dead: agency

What's the goverment relation to this ?

That separatist moron was bragging on twitter that he shot down an Ukr plane.What don't you understand ??? While he was celebrating 300 innocent lives were taken by those morons.

they shot down jets
a passenger plane is not that hard 1 9K38 Igla missile and say good bye

The cruise attitude of airline is more than 10km. Igla cannot reach. To pull it off, this kind of SAM artillery need good radar and other ground unit support.

The only suspicious bad guy is Ukraine government.
Why was that flight in that zone? especially when there are several flights shot down in past few weeks?
I am sure the airliner must be aware of this conflict....

The thing is that the plane was flying at 10.000+ metres,at that altitude it should have been obvious that it was not a Ukr military plane as it was about to leave Ukr ai spece in a few minutes but those brainless monkeys at the radar on the ground couldn't put 2 and 2 together so they just shot it down.
The cruise attitude of airline is more than 10km. Igla cannot reach. To pull it off, this kind of SAM artillery need good radar and other ground unit support.

The only suspicious bad guy is Ukraine government.

This is laughable. The russian terroristd already admitted it.
The cruise attitude of airline is more than 10km. Igla cannot reach. To pull it off, this kind of SAM artillery need good radar and other ground unit support.

The only suspicious bad guy is Ukraine government.

Dont talk shit! Ukrainian government does not shoot passenger planes. only crazy rebels with questionable command structure do such things!
The cruise attitude of airline is more than 10km. Igla cannot reach. To pull it off, this kind of SAM artillery need good radar and other ground unit support.

The only suspicious bad guy is Ukraine government.

Again,maybe you're impared or something...the separatist were bragging on twitter that they shot down an Ukr plane just after the air liner crushed.What eludes you ?
Dont talk shit! Ukrainian government does not shoot passenger planes. only crazy rebels with questionable command structure do such things!

I do not think rebels can pull this off. I was former infantry.

Again,maybe you're impared or something...the separatist were bragging on twitter that they shot down an Ukr plane just after the air liner crushed.What eludes you ?

The separatist denied.

The Fingerpointing Begins: Ukraine Accuses Rebels Of Shooting Down Airplane, Rebels Deny | Zero Hedge
Ukrainian and US using thus to Blane Russia. This is 100% done by the terrorist US regime.

Separatists have no such weapons to shoot down commercial airliners.

too bad that separatists celebrated the shot down. What now? let me try to bend it into your propaganda world. So you think the seperatists are ukrainian agents. lol
Ukrainian and US using thus to Blane Russia. This is 100% done by the terrorist US regime.

Separatists have no such weapons to shoot down commercial airliners.

Of course they have. Soviet junk is available everywhere in Ukraine.
The thing is that the plane was flying at 10.000+ metres,at that altitude it should have been obvious that it was not a Ukr military plane as it was about to leave Ukr ai spece in a few minutes but those brainless monkeys at the radar on the ground couldn't put 2 and 2 together so they just shot it down.

Previous day they shot an ukrainian fighter at 20k ft..... they might have thought of a possibility of an aircraft took off from far away base and flying in this area... May be?
Whatever the cause might be..I think its very reckless of airlines to fly over dangerous zones to save some money. Maybe someone in the administration now has realized this.

Also why such events happening to Malaysian airlines only? There def. is something going on behind the scenes. Much more than shooting down.

But seriously...295 people that had nothing to do with anyone's conflict paid the price for some moron's lunacy.

Green line - the usual route of flight, red - today's route. Avia controllers sitting in Kiev - they led aircraft.
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