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Ukraine financial fall-out exposes Russia's economic weakness


how will it be worse ? do you have a bad habit of brandishing people a title just because they disagree with you ?

Well,you seem to think we are "brainwashed","fed by propaganda"

thats wait to be seen


Did you change the definition of cheer leading , or should i only post news which you prefer to see ? stop being so hyper sensitive

i wish to see no victors here,just people calming the **** down and a country not being torned apart

Russia Test-Fires ICBM to Target in Kazakhstan | Defense | RIA Novosti

Thanks,just saw the news on CNN.,it was a programed test,the US knew and it was told about it by the Russians prior to the crisis.Nothing special.
. . .
Its serious but Media , propaganda and Social media just making it worse

Well, here I think the events are more serious than being concerned about whatever social media is making out to be. If fighting breaks out there then it might descend to syria like situation.
Well, here I think the events are more serious than being concerned about whatever social media is making out to be. If fighting breaks out there then it might descend to syria like situation.

Not going to be Syria for sure .. This is a conventional war which will end quick enough (if war starts ,which is unlikely) . Don't think it can turn into a bloody civil war especially with Russia openly backing Crimea and eastern Ukraine
Not going to be Syria for sure .. This is a conventional war which will end quick enough (if war starts ,which is unlikely) . Don't think it can turn into a bloody civil war especially with Russia openly backing Crimea and eastern Ukraine

And what if they decide not to go openly but put fire from below. I'm saying the options are many and the consequences, under all circumstances are gonna be bad.
And what if they decide not to go openly but put fire from below. I'm saying the options are many and the consequences, under all circumstances are gonna be bad.

There is a Autonomous govt. in Crimea and there are autonomous govt. being formed in eastern Ukraine as well... All the govt. has to do is ask for Russian help like Crimea did for Russians to cross the border ... Russia does not want an unstable neighbor ..
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