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Ukraine bolsters border with Moldova's breakaway region of Transnistria


Apr 8, 2014
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Ukraine bolsters border with Moldova's breakaway region of Transnistria - watch on - uatoday.tv

1000 Ukrainian soldiers patrolling border with Moscow-backed Transnistria

Ukraine is reinforcing its border with Moldova's Russian-supported breakaway region of Transdniestria by sending 1,000 national guard troops to support local border guards.

Andriy Biloborodchenko, Ukrainian State Border Guard spokesman: "The Border Guards and the National Guards are acting here shoulder to shoulder performing the tasks on the state border of Ukraine, performing the tasks on the border check-points which are located within the territories of the controlled border areas."

Ukrainian border forces have been digging trenches along the Transdniestrian part of the border with Moldova to prevent illegal crossings.

The Ukrainian authorities have long called the region problematic. Transdniestria, on Ukraine's western border, is a short drive from the southern port city of Odesa, and the presence of about 1,200 Russian soldiers in the breakaway territory has caused unease.

The National Guard, sent to bolster border security, has taken an active part in the so-called "anti-terrorist operation" against Russian-backed militants in the east of the country.

Viktor Bodnar, Border guard inspector: "They were at the area of ATO (anti-terrorist operation), we were at the area of ATO. These unites have worked in the areas of ATO, at the eastern borders. These young men understand that they have to work here and we are helping them. And the exchange of experiences is going on very consistently and very well."

The Transdniestria region declared independence from Moldova in 1990, but it has not been recognised by any sovereign state. Its government is backed by Russia. Ukraine first reinforced its border in March, 2014 amid fears of the formation of Russian-backed militant groups in Transdniestria.

Oh,they're worried now....They weren't so worried in the 90's when they actively supported that shithole in the war.You get what you paid for Ukraine.
The irony ....:))

On the other hand, we're becoming buddy's with the Ukrainians, so let's all forget what happened there in the 90's
The irony ....:))

On the other hand, we're becoming buddy's with the Ukrainians, so let's all forget what happened there in the 90's

Neah,let's watch from the sidelines as they slaughter each other and than pick up the pieces.I hear Cernauti is a lovely city.
Neah, fa-te frate cu dracu pana treci podul...

Ukraine is a much needed buffer between us and you know who...having "novorossiya" reach Odessa is a no-no, and much more important than Cernauti.

Daca e sa obtinem ceva din asta, acel ceva va fi sub forma unor conditii mai bune pentru minoritatea noastra din Ucraina.
Neah, fa-te frate cu dracu pana treci podul...

Ukraine is a much needed buffer between us and you know who...having "novorossiya" reach Odessa is a no-no, and much more important than Cernauti.

Daca e sa obtinem ceva din asta, acel ceva va fi sub forma unor conditii mai bune pentru minoritatea noastra din Ucraina.

Cel mai bine pentru noi ar fi ca razboiul sa dureze 10 ani ,sa se sfasie intre ei,timp in care noi sa ne intarim si sa devenim un stalp de stabilitate in zona.Oricum,nu as colabora cu Ucrainienii,ne sunt la fel de dusmani cum ne sunt si Rusii.
Makes sense. Any possible invasion from Russia would definitely see a force come from transnistria
Cel mai bine pentru noi ar fi ca razboiul sa dureze 10 ani ,sa se sfasie intre ei,timp in care noi sa ne intarim si sa devenim un stalp de stabilitate in zona.Oricum,nu as colabora cu Ucrainienii,ne sunt la fel de dusmani cum ne sunt si Rusii.

Da, numai ca nu stiu daca o sa se intample asta....daca Ucrainienii nu sunt ajutati nu stiu cum o sa reziste inca 1 an, cu Rusia pompand arme si soldati acolo cu gramada si ei fara economie si cu armata pe craci..

Iar intre rusi si ucrainieni, ii prefer pe ucrainieni. Nu ca sunt mai buni, ci ca sunt mai "slabi". Si, repet, Rusia nu trebuie sa ajunga la Odesa...mai bine ne facem frati cu Ucrainieni decat asta..

@AMDR if Russia doesn't connect with Odesa, that's not a issue. You can't move troops there
Da, numai ca nu stiu daca o sa se intample asta....daca Ucrainienii nu sunt ajutati nu stiu cum o sa reziste inca 1 an, cu Rusia pompand arme si soldati acolo cu gramada si ei fara economie si cu armata pe craci..

Iar intre rusi si ucrainieni, ii prefer pe ucrainieni. Nu ca sunt mai buni, ci ca sunt mai "slabi". Si, repet, Rusia nu trebuie sa ajunga la Odesa...mai bine ne facem frati cu Ucrainieni decat asta..

@AMDR if Russia doesn't connect with Odesa, that's not a issue. You can't move troops there

Ai perfecta dreptate dar treaba ajutarii armatei ucrainiene cade in sarcina vesticilor si a americanilor,noi nu trebuie sa fim implicati.Orice resursa care poate fi disponibilizata trebuie indreptata spre intarirea noastra sau a Moldovei.Ii putem sustine verbal si la nivel diplomatic,si atat.
Da, pai nu e ca si cum trimitem noi oameni acolo, iar de bani nici nu se pune problema....dar...le trebui munitie....si multa...si de care (tip) noi avem si ailalti din NATO nu prea

Sincer, sunt 100% ok cu decizia de a livra cate ceva, daca se ia
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15:41 Oct. 23, 2016
Ukraine's Border Service: The detainees have nothing to do with military service and couldn't conduct surveillance

"The State Security Committee" (SSC) of separatist Transnistria has claimed about arresting 6 citizens of Ukraine for alleged spying, among them one employee of Ukraine's State Border Service.

Hromadske Radio news agency reports, the incident happened on October 19 nearby the village of Rotar, Camenca District of Transnistria.

"Operational servicemen of the border unit have arrested 6 citizens of Ukraine who had been conducting a surveillance in the area of training of the SSC detachments", the statement of the SSC of Transnistria reads on its website.

The spokesman of Ukraine's State Border Service Oleh Slobodian told Hromadske Radio that the detainees didn't hold any surveillance.

"Citizen Maliuta has nothing to do with a military service or State Border service. He worked period-to-period as a fireman in one of the (Border Service) departments", the press secretary explained.

"They were arrested somewhere near Ukraine's borderline and were transferred to Russian military representatives in the Transnistrian part of Moldova as military persons conducting a surveillance", Slobodian added.

The detainees are still kept in the non-recognized republic of Transnistria.

The events in Transnistria, a "breakaway" formation separated by the Kremlin from Moldova, were instigated after the declaration of independence by Moldova in 1991. The Russian-speaking part of the Transnistrian population feared the creation of a "nationalistic" Moldovan state seeking ties intensification with its historically close neighbor – Romania. The conflict developed into the Russia-negotiated ceasefire with Moscow sending to Transnistria a contingent of "peacekeepers", which is still based there.

The conflict is considered unresolved, and occasional negotiations on the crisis are held by Moldova, Ukraine, Russia and the West.

What is a breakaway region?

The events in Transnistria, a "breakaway" formation separated by the Kremlin from Moldova, were instigated after the declaration of independence by Moldova in 1991. The Russian-speaking part of the Transnistrian population feared the creation of a "nationalistic" Moldovan state seeking ties intensification with its historically close neighbor – Romania. The conflict developed into the Russia-negotiated ceasefire with Moscow sending to Transnistria a contingent of "peacekeepers", which is still based there.

Passport of Ukrainian sitizen captured by Transnistrian KGB (by kgb-pmr.com)

Russian proxies said Ukrainians were spying on Transnistrian KGB troops training

Ukrainians, detained today on the border with unrecognized russian-backed 'state' of Transnistria (or 'Pridnestrovskaya Moldovskaya Respublika', 'PMR') were liberated, read the statement from the spokesman of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine Oleh Slobodian which was aired by 5th Channel.

As reported, the ‘State Security Committee' (KGB in Russian) of separatist pro-Russian ‘republic of Transnistria' claimed they arrested 6 citizens from Ukraine for alleged spying, among them one employee of Ukraine's State Border Service.

Earlier today Oleh Slobodian told that the detainees didn't hold any surveillance and had nothing to do with a military service or State Border service. One of them worked part time as a fireman in one of the Border Service departments.

"They were arrested somewhere near Ukraine's borderline and were transferred to Russian military representatives in the Transnistrian part of Moldova as military persons conducting a surveillance", Slobodian added.

As reported, in September Ukraine's Security Service disclosed number of released captives and those still held hostages by Russia and its proxies. In turn, Putin announced that there are no Ukrainian hostages in Russia.
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