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UK, Scotland announce referendum terms that could see Britain break up

Russia was the successor state of Soviet Union in UNSC, so will be United Kingdom of England, Wales and Northern Ireland if Scotland declares independence.

But why you dragged India in the discussion, India would get UN membership when UNSC would be expanded, we have to wait till then.

That's a good point, but Russia also still had the political clout and muscle to be considered as an integral nation for the spot. The UK of course has slid further and further from the limelight for the past 40 years, and there have been calls to make the UNSC more indicative of today's realities rather than the victors of WW2. Who knows what such a large change as this might bring, it essentially opens up Pandora's box.

Just like USSR's seat went to Russia the same way UK's seat will go to Britain

Britain as a political entity wouldn't exist. You might have to get used to calling it England from now on, don't worry we Americans have a headstart! :cheesy:
If the demand is so low I struggle to see how it would get to the point where a referendum is given on the issue! You are right it is still a few years off, but that also means its a few years to get the message out, a few years to fill today's 14 and 15 year olds heads about the issue.

They have made an issue out of nothing. There is a party which encourages people to go independent and UK knows that their movement means nothing to the common masses. So what they are doing is showing to the world that they would even prepare to split in amicable manner if this is the will of the public. The government itself knows that the demand for independence is so low that it is almost extinct. If there were significant number of supporters behind this movement, there would rather be arrests being made every now and than.
UK, Scottish authorities to announce terms of referendum that could see breakup of Britain | Fox News

If Scotland should vote for independence, this of course would mean the breakup of the United Kingdom, meaning the United Kingdom, as a political entity, no longer exists. Of course a non-existing political entity can not have a place on the UN security council, and so there will actually be a spot open.

Looks like India's time has come?
Depends on certain points,
1> How much $$$ ireland contributes to UK economy ??
2> How much arms from UK will be transfered to it ??
When it will happen we will talk about it, by then India doesn't deserve UNSC seat currently. I know its very important for us to get that seat but our Per capita income, HDI, Governance, etc are still very low compared to the big five..
That's a good point, but Russia also still had the political clout and muscle to be considered as an integral nation for the spot. The UK of course has slid further and further from the limelight for the past 40 years, and there have been calls to make the UNSC more indicative of today's realities rather than the victors of WW2. Who knows what such a large change as this might bring, it essentially opens up Pandora's box.

Majority of UK's population live in England.
They have made an issue out of nothing. There is a party which encourages people to go independent and UK knows that their movement means nothing to the common masses. So what they are doing is showing to the world that they would even prepare to split in amicable manner if this is the will of the public. The government itself knows that the demand for independence is so low that it is almost extinct. If there were significant number of supporters behind this movement, there would rather be arrests being made every now and than.

Honestly I hope you are right. It would be rather sad to see the UK, an entity that had such a large effect on the world, go this way. Essentially commiting political suicide, a whimper.
The UK will still exist even if Scotland did separate. I guess it would just be 'The United Kingdom of England, Wales and NI.'
Only 5 million people live in Scotland, so obviously most of the power resides in England.
I think the vote will be close but polls show that most are against independence.
Ultimately I think more power will be given to the scottish government.
Depends on certain points,
1> How much $$$ ireland contributes to UK economy ??
2> How much arms from UK will be transfered to it ??
When it will happen we will talk about it, by then India doesn't deserve UNSC seat currently. I know its very important for us to get that seat but our Per capita income, HDI, Governance, etc are still very low compared to the big five..
As per wiki, 84% of the UK population resides in England alone. Geographically they are highly dependent on England and far beyond the rest of the world. They have higher GDP per capita comparing to England and most of the European countries so there is really no point why they would want to seek independence.
Don't understand what's the need to bring India into this discussion, i mean, no matter what happens with UK, India certainly don't want a place in UNSC only b'coz some other country has vacated it's seat. India deserves it's own place in UNSC & it may take time but India will surely get it's place one day.
the UK will remain united ---the indian union will be broken up into the independent states and the individual nationalities will be liberated form new delhis criminal rule ---
Just can't stop laughing at the irony of the situation, UK partitioned India in 1947 so that it could gain many things out of it, now here we are talking about India gaining while UK is on the verge of partition , we have come a full circle :lol:
Just can't stop laughing at the irony of the situation, UK partitioned India in 1947 so that it could gain many things out of it, now here we are talking about India gaining while UK is on the verge of partition , we have come a full circle :lol:

We wont come a full circle until its actually partitioned :lol:
It isn't written anywhere that be UNSC is limited to 5 nations so he premise that the UK leaving he UNSC would free up a seat is not true. The UNSC could exist with 4 players. However at this time he call is to expand the UNSC to greater 5 seats so that nations like India, Germany and possibly Brazil can have seats. Whatever way the Scotland vote goes India's position should remain unchanged it has every right to be on be UNSC and even wih a full union the UK's position on get UNSC in his day and age is pretty absurd when even in he EU it is not be most powerful nation and nations like Germany,Japan and India are without permanent seats at the UNSC.
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