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UK officer calls for US special forces to quit Afghan hotspot

Tiki Tam Tam

May 15, 2006
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UK officer calls for US special forces to quit Afghan hotspot

High civilian toll as teams rely on air strikes to provide cover

Declan Walsh in Islamabad and Richard Norton-Taylor
Friday August 10, 2007
The Guardian

Tension between British and American commanders in southern Afghanistan erupted into the open yesterday as a senior UK military officer said he had asked the US to withdraw its special forces from a volatile area that was crucial in the battle against the Taliban.

British and Nato defence officials have consistently expressed concern about US tactics, notably air strikes, which kill civilians, sabotaging the battle for "hearts and minds" and infuriating Hamid Karzai, the Afghan president.

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Hop Along Cassidy

These things will occur when a mix of different types of troops are employed because of the differing mindset that is singular to each country.

Notwithstanding, in a Counter Insurgency environment, it is essential not to alienate the local population. Wanton killing or heavy armed tactics is obviously not the answer. A great amount of sensitivity is required, even if one may feel like emptying a whole magazine in anger or disgust. Unless one is dead sure that one is a terrorist, one should desist from firing with the inevitable result of killing or maiming.

Afghanistan is important to the US and ISAF cause since it is important that Afghanistan turn out to be a success story in the pall of gloom that floats heavy over Iraq! Unlike, the govt in Iraq, which is practically lameduck, the Afghan govt has at least some sheen of governance.

Hotheadedness in Afghanistan will only bring in an Iraq like situation.
It just confirms the widely held view that the US doesn't know the first thing about counter-insurgency operations.
The US military is meant to fight against organized armies. They're still learning to fight guerrillas.
They will never learn to fight guerillas until they rid themselves of the arrogance that they alone know everything and they are the sole inheritors of the Planet Earth!
They will never learn to fight guerillas until they rid themselves of the arrogance that they alone know everything and they are the sole inheritors of the Planet Earth!

For That sir, a fall from grace is definitly required for them. Which will happen, as is the case with all powers through out the history of the little planet.
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