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UK more crowded than India, China


May 14, 2010
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UK more crowded than India, China

Britain has 45million more people than its natural resources can support

By Mike Swain 9/07/2010

Britain has 45 million more people than natural resources can support.

We are the world's 17th most overpopulated nation ranked on ability to live by our own means, which can sustain only 15 million.

Out of 130 countries studied by experts, 77 are said to be "overpopulated" by consuming more natural resources than are available within their borders.

Singapore is the most overpopulated with a 99% dependency on other nations' supplies followed by Israel with a 93.9% rating and Kuwait 93.5% Our rating of 25.8% is based on today's average standard of living.

The Overpopulation Index, produced by the Optimum Population Trust, is the first such table.

Chairman Roger Martin warned: "You don't have to be a little Englander to conclude that being so dependent puts us in a vulnerable position."

Read more: Britain has 45million more people than its natural resources can support - mirror.co.uk
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UK more crowded than India, China

2010-07-09 12:20:00

Statistics reveal that Britain is more crowded than India and China.

According to the Overpopulation Index, England is the most crowded country in Europe and the fourth most crowded in the world.

Singapore, Israel and Kuwait occupy the first three positions, while the UK is ranked 17th in the list of 130 countries.

Sir Andrew Green, of MigrationWatch UK, said: "It's obvious to everyone that England, particularly the South-east, is heavily overcrowded.

"According to official figures two-thirds of population growth in the next 20 years will be as a result of immigration. Such an increase in our population will put even further pressure on our public services such as housing, schools and hospitals."

According to the Daily Express, the Overpopulation Index is thought to be the first study to rank countries according to the "sustainability" of their populations and how dependent they are on other nations for resources.

Researchers measured the "ecological footprint" of each country's citizens to judge the resources they were consuming and how many people they could sustain if they had to be self-sufficient. They gave the UK a self-sufficiency rating of just 25.8 per cent. At current levels, our dependency on other countries' resources is predicted to increase to 90 per cent by 2032.

OPT chairman Roger Martin said: "The UK is moving the wrong way up the league table because of continuing rapid population growth. The position for England is even worse.

According to the index, the world as a whole is overcrowded by two billion - the difference between its population and how many it can support sustainably.

UK more crowded than India, China
Poor UK, send them all back. Enoch Powell was right.. :D
The important part, many have neglected is the Israel's dependene on import! It is quite remarkable and not much discussed ever!
Wow 93.9%
well indeed britain and espacially London is overpopulated. But like Ahmed said they have got one thing, that is brain :)

For example if the wheat is short. Sell 15-16 aircrafts to a poor country and bring all of their wheat in UK. If Sugar is short, sell 20-25 heavy machineries to another poor country and bring all of their sugar :lol:

They are smart peoples, they can still afford it
UK is overpopulated despite the fact that millions of people migrated to USA, Canada, Australia and NZ over last centuries.
UK is overpopulated despite the fact that millions of people migrated to USA, Canada, Australia and NZ over last centuries.

The reason the uk is overpopulated is because the government won't stop mass immigrating people into the uk.

They are taking in millions of people from africa and the middle east and despite the overcrowding and the peoples dislike, the government refuses to stop.
The reason the uk is overpopulated is because the government won't stop mass immigrating people into the uk.

They are taking in millions of people from africa and the middle east and despite the overcrowding and the peoples dislike, the government refuses to stop.

Do you object to immigration? :what:

In fact, your ancestor is not aboriginal, your country is setup by Western immigrants.
Do you object to immigration? :what:

In fact, your ancestor is not aboriginal, your country is setup by Western immigrants.

No i don't object to immigration in my country, Australia.

I am clearly talking about the uk. The uk is severely overpopulated, and everyone has the right to object to immigration in the uk, especially the indigenous people of the uk.
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