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UK Labour party clarifies position on Kashmir issue

it makes a difference whether USA is on friendly terms with India and vice versa. Otherwise they would not make an attempt to be friendly. It takes two to tango. As you pointed out India is not like a NATO ally or Japan under the America nuclear umbrella. I am not privy to the inner workings of the relationship.

Look no further from the days after 9/11 at the response of Pakistani army generals. Musharraf had to look over his shoulder to avoid a open break with USA. Even today Pakistani generals allow NATO supplies to reach Afghanistan even with drastic reduction in American aid.

If India-USA relationship is not strong why would China prop up Pakistan ? They are misers not known to give anyone a penny.

Is the Labor Party going to change anything with respect to India/Pakistan if they come to power ?

Their policy will be more progressive than the tories
Their policy will be more progressive than the tories
Mark my words: nothing will change

Yes, that's how discussions work - 'I' put forward an opinion and provide arguments in support of 'my' opinion. If 'you' disagree, 'you' are supposed to provide arguments explaining why 'my' opinion is incorrect.

Alternately, you could just say you don't have a clue or don't wish to engage.

"I don't see India taking punitive actions against China, economically or militarily, at the behest of the US. So what are the tangible returns for US investment in a strategic relationship with India?"

For starters has India joined OBOR ?
Can somebody here tell me how to open a new thread? Contacted the management but no reply. Thanks.
UK Indians should not buy into this balanced act of Labor party

Defeat them,
stop donating funds to them.

That is the only lesson political parties learn.

No use believing these Labor snakes, crush them and let them come crawling on their knees begging.
THEN, we can start conversation with them in language they understand.

Indeed. Word is already getting around in one of my networks in UK big time.

Our strategy we are focusing on:

Since they are "clarifying"/"climbing down"...the best way is to of course vote against labour (if you formerly did)....but in polling survey and exit polls, state you intend to/voted labour. This way multiple things are done in same stroke.

Better pavlovian input for Labour regarding this issue...since it will seem to them this climbdown got ppl "back" since they got feedback from bad polling data regarding our demographic. This will thus lead (predictably) to them pushing blame on other groups (white male patriarchy etc) after the result.

But they still get the pain inflicted on them where it matters....and they are none the wiser for where, why and how.

It is best to handle these things with minimum fuss and minimum attention...and focus on maximum result.

Funding issue can come later, thats more long term and will draw unnecessary attention now. Best leave it as final carpet to pull before you turn the light off....since there is still some utility and inertia with labour still for now....and no real point in making it total black and white game this early.

Point is to make bulk voting people as connected and as aware as possible these days with the networks at hand first....and follow sound strategy.
If India-USA relationship is not strong why would China prop up Pakistan ? They are misers not known to give anyone a penny.
China wants to use Gwadar. This is independent of how powerful and influential India is.

Indeed. Word is already getting around in one of my networks in UK big time.

Our strategy we are focusing on:

Since they are "clarifying"/"climbing down"...the best way is to of course vote against labour (if you formerly did)....but in polling survey and exit polls, state you intend to/voted labour. This way multiple things are done in same stroke.

Better pavlovian input for Labour regarding this issue...since it will seem to them this climbdown got ppl "back" since they got feedback from bad polling data regarding our demographic. This will thus lead (predictably) to them pushing blame on other groups (white male patriarchy etc) after the result.

But they still get the pain inflicted on them where it matters....and they are none the wiser for where, why and how.

It is best to handle these things with minimum fuss and minimum attention...and focus on maximum result.

Funding issue can come later, thats more long term and will draw unnecessary attention now. Best leave it as final carpet to pull before you turn the light off....since there is still some utility and inertia with labour still for now....and no real point in making it total black and white game this early.

Point is to make bulk voting people as connected and as aware as possible these days with the networks at hand first....and follow sound strategy.
You're assuming the Hindu vote in itself will effect the decisive swing from Labour to conservative in the marginal UK constituencies. Carry on.
You're assuming the Hindu vote in itself will effect the decisive swing from Labour to conservative in the marginal UK constituencies. Carry on.

Yep, we are a totally insulated, ghettoized group with no broader contact and reach with other groups.

Carry on.
Yep, we are a totally insulated, ghettoized group with no broader contact and reach with other groups.

Carry on.
I didn't imply what you are hinting at. There are however far greater matters that will influence "other groups" beyond your "ghetto" that will swing them from Labour to Tory than the little bucket list of Hindutva complaints doing the rounds in various networks these days. Voters will swing from Labour to Tory...but sadly not for the reasons and efforts you may have deluded yourselves into believing. So yeah, carry on claiming credit for Brexit indecisiveness revolts and antisemitism blowback.
At the very least, it has the capability. Read the evidence thoroughly before you comment:


Are you a grade 5 student ? Your Link says this :

In addition, plutonium-based fission weapons could enable Pakistan to build deliverable thermonuclear weapons (i.e., hydrogen bombs).

Does it say Pakistan has the H bomb Technology?

Could enable. Doesnt mean having it. Pakistan has NO H weapons nor the H weapon Capability.

btw the logic of the author itself is flawed as :

US had Huge number of Fission bombs by the time they tested an H bomb. The Irony was.. even after having Tested the H bomb.. it took Years after that to make it "deliverable".

The Miniaturization of H bombs and hence its deliverability has nothing to do with the possession of "plutonium based fission weapons".

Its just like having a Missile and saying that we can reach the moon ..just ...like US as we have the technology. True. Saturn V was a Huge V2.

But it takes huge huge effort , time, research to make it happen.
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What do you know, you couldnt even comprehend the purpose of SEZ's in the other thread

I know what SEZs are. I can see SEZ worked in China.

Is the Labor Party changing policies towards India/Pakistan/Kashmir when they come to power ? I say they are not.
Feel free to digress
Are you a grade 5 student ? Your Link says this :

In addition, plutonium-based fission weapons could enable Pakistan to build deliverable thermonuclear weapons (i.e., hydrogen bombs).

Does it say Pakistan has the H bomb Technology?

Could enable. Doesnt mean having it. Pakistan has NO H weapons nor the H weapon Capability.

btw the logic of the author itself is flawed as :

US had Huge number of Fission bombs by the time they tested an H bomb. The Irony was.. even after having Tested the H bomb.. it took Years after that to make it "deliverable".

The Miniaturization of H bombs and hence its deliverability has nothing to do with the possession of "plutonium based fission weapons".

Its just like having a Missile and saying that we can reach the moon ..just ...like US as we have the technology. True. Saturn V was a Huge V2.

But it takes huge huge effort , time, research to make it happen.

indians used EXACTLY the same argument above to claim that It was impossible for Pakistan to EVER become a nuclear weapons state with or without Chinese assistance..........:azn:
I know what SEZs are. I can see SEZ worked in China.

Is the Labor Party changing policies towards India/Pakistan/Kashmir when they come to power ? I say they are not.
Feel free to digress

They are more vocally outspoken for certain, so you clearly dont know what your talking about
They are more vocally outspoken for certain, so you clearly dont know what your talking about

Labor Party is not going to impose sanctions on India over Kashmir. They are not going to lift a candle for Pakistan in international forums
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