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UK Labour party clarifies position on Kashmir issue

The diaspora can play its role, but it needs an economically strong and prosperous Pakistan to really shift policy. Even with that, there will be little more than strong public statements. The Indian diaspora has significantly more clout than the Pakistani diaspora in the US, but has the US sanctioned Pakistan? Despite stacking the State Department with pro-India hawks, have the recommendations of people like Christine Fair, in terms of punitive actions against Pakistan, been implemented, despite Pakistan having significantly less economic clout than India or no utility vis a vis the US’s goal of ‘containing China’?

Of course Pakistan’s nuclear weapons erode the advantage of the Indian economy & Indian American influence, which gets back to my point that neither India nor Pakistan will be able to leverage the global community in any significant way against each other. India’s current advantages will be eroded with Pakistan’s economic progress and even the FATF restrictions are a silver lining in that much of the actions being pushed will also have a significant impact on black money/money laundering due to corruption, which in turn will help Pakistan’s economy & domestic security in the long run.

Most of the diaspora is looking for all their own well being. They better be looking out. In UK you had a few thousand protestors in London out of 1.2 million Pakistani/Kashmiri community. In USA 2nd and 3rd generation Indian/Pakistanis intermarry with others and could care less.

USA and India relationship is bound by economic interests. In the long run it is a much more lasting bond than nukes or Afghanistan. Pakistan has not prevented NSG waiver, NSG membership or other measures that USA has pushed for India. China stopped India's NSG membership for its own reasons. Ever wonder why American allies like Saudi Arabia and UAE are closer to India recently ?
That is not what I'm saying, but the reality. Ask any Pakistani here on PDF and they will tell you the same. Besides, search about it on google.

Heard the above for over 30 years. People used to say that the indian lobby in america are so powerful that they were going to stop Pakistan from becoming a nuclear weapons state. We all know what happened with that one.
Tell me, the most powerful elite in America and the world are the White-Anglo-saxon-Protestant elite. Do you honestly think they give a damn about what the gangoos want especially as they consider them to be an inferior race?
All i have is my point of view.

other pov include annexing Afghanistan, nuking India and have China an access to Middle East.

what is your solution for this financial blackmail by India?
Pakistan needs to take care of India and Kashmir, before its too late. Otherwise financial and military gap would become way to great. Right now situation is hard, later it will become impossible. Afghanistan, Bangladesh, FATF, terrorism, internal traitors will all die down.

War will reset lot of things, back to zero. Indian have much to lose.
Most of the diaspora is looking for all their own well being. They better be looking out. In UK you had a few thousand protestors in London out of 1.2 million Pakistani/Kashmiri community. In USA 2nd and 3rd generation Indian/Pakistanis intermarry with others and could care less.

USA and India relationship is bound by economic interests. In the long run it is a much more lasting bond than nukes or Afghanistan. Pakistan has not prevented NSG waiver, NSG membership or other measures that USA has pushed for India. China stopped India's NSG membership for its own reasons. Ever wonder why American allies like Saudi Arabia and UAE are closer to India recently ?

A few, insignificant handful of indian Muslims marrying Pakistanis mean nothing. In London, Pakistanis, Turks, Arabs & South Americans intermarry with one another. Doesn't mean anything.

NSG Waiver has not stopped Pakistan from having thermonuclear/H-bomb capability since early 2011........:azn::


PS America and China are global superpowers wheras india is the world's biggest open-sewer. Why would they rely on india's economy?........:lol:
Not really. india has over 600 million of the world's poorest people and some of the most powerful politicians in the UK are Pakistani. The chancellor of the exchequer of the UK is Sajid Javid, a Pakistani. He literally controls the finances of the UK and is 2nd only to the British prime minister. The mayor of London, Sadiq Khan is also a Pakistani.
I'm not talking about people in India. But in UK. Neither the politicians, but the people who funds and support their parties. Also the second guy to prime minister is first Secretary of state not the Finance secy.
A few, insignificant handful of indian Muslims marrying Pakistanis mean nothing. In London, Pakistanis, Turks, Arabs & South Americans intermarry with one another. Doesn't mean anything.

NSG Waiver has not stopped Pakistan from having thermonuclear/H-bomb capability since early 2011........:azn::


PS America and China are global superpowers wheras india is the world's biggest open-sewer. Why would they rely on india's economy?........:lol:

We are talking about Pakistani Americans marrying Whites & Hispanics

This figures are official figures. Most Pakistanis do business in the UK or drive Taxis, most likely than not they wouldn't declare their true income. The Indians income is reflecting the fact that some of them may be in good professional jobs where it is deducted at source and included in the official figures.

By the way, I am definitely in the 20% bracket, if I am classified as Pakistani in the figure, which I doubt.
Money, what money!!
We Pakistanis are well off in the UK too. It is not only Indians.
India on the other hands is trying to strong arm every nation against Pakistan and blackmailing them due to the trades. It is not going to work. More and more countries are understanding it and gradually they would be out of the influence of the Indian and would reject the strong arm tactics of the Indians.


see by yourself, average household income of Indians in UK is even better than thats of whites there, and its double than that of Pakistanis, now you know why Indians everywhere are and will be in commanding position.
I'm not talking about people in India. But in UK. Neither the politicians, but the people who funds and support their parties. Also the second guy to prime minister is first Secretary of state not the Finance secy.

Can you provide evidence of your claims?

We are talking about Pakistani Americans marrying Whites & Hispanics

WHERE is the evidence for Pakistanis marrying Whites and Hispanics?

It's brilliantly worded, keeps the same stance while using pacifistic overtones and words.

Let the Pakistani's and Indians fight it out, lets keep our vote share intact:woot:
When did Pakistan test Thermonuclear Weapon ?

could enable <> "have already built"

Stop Giving Fake proofs.
Pakistan Doesn't have Thermonuclear Warhead. Provide valid proof of your claim.

At the very least, it has the capability. Read the evidence thoroughly before you comment:


Not going to, as a UK citizen these are basics one should know.

In other words, you have NO EVIDENCE of these "facts"...........:lol:
I think it's foolish to pretend Pakistani Brits have done as well economically as Indian Brits. Anecdotally, I feel most Indian Brits have developed their community shrewdly, whereas only some Pakistani Brits have. Data may be skewed in recent years by Afghan refugees who came in on Pakistani passports but there is no way to quantify that and it wouldn't alter the overall picture.

I'm simply saying there is no point denying the strengths of our opponents. Pakistanis in UK are playing catch up and the sooner we realise this, unite behind each other instead of dragging our Pakistani politics overseas and relying on the same corruption that past leaders have relied on, the more we will be able to uplift ourselves. It honestly isn't enough of an excuse that islamophobia has any significant role either, as Arab and Turkish communities fare relatively well.

Many things need to progress with the Pakistani UK community, but Indians should be cautious now that we know your true fascist agenda. Whatever we say or do, we will be terrorists to Hindustan and its overseas diaspora. This fact alone should be enough to galvanise our youth and wake us up from our naive aman kee asha fantasy that we have been wallowing in for decades.

Even if Pakistanis have stashed cash away better than others, what does that create in terms of actual influence? Nothing. It is simply a rehash of the Nawaz Sharif approach to economic development, which we are better off avoiding at all costs.
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