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UK jury finds Altaf Hussain not guilty in 'encouraging terrorism' case


Mar 21, 2007
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UK jury finds Altaf Hussain not guilty in 'encouraging terrorism' case

Atika Rehman
February 15, 2022

A UK jury on Tuesday found MQM supremo Altaf Hussain not guilty on two counts in the incitement to violence trial.

Hussain was charged with "encouraging terrorism" in an incendiary speech relayed from the United Kingdom to his followers in Pakistan on Aug 22, 2016. He was arrested and released on bail before charges were filed in 2019, three years after Scotland Yard launched an investigation into speeches made in the UK that allegedly encouraged violence in Karachi.

Hussain had pleaded not guilty to the charge filed under Section 1(2) of the Terrorism Act (TACT) 2006.
The indictment had been split into two separate counts, both relating to the offence of “encouraging terrorism”, contrary to section 1(2) of the Terrorism Act 2006.

The charge as stated by the UK police was that Hussain had “on August 22, 2016 published a speech to crowds gathered in Karachi, Pakistan which were likely to be understood by some or all of the members of the public to whom they were published as a direct or indirect encouragement to them to the commission, preparation or instigation of acts of terrorism and at the time he published them, intended them to be so encouraged, or was reckless as to whether they would be so encouraged”.

The Met Police at the time had also said: “Hussain was previously arrested on 11 June [2019] on suspicion of intentionally encouraging or assisting offences contrary to Section 44 of the Serious Crime Act 2007. He was released on bail and subsequently charged as above.”

Arguments in the case had concluded last week. Although it was initially expected that Hussain would take the stand, ultimately his counsel shared with the court that he decided against it.
Justice May had said that Hussain’s decision was his right and that the jury could conclude that he did not give evidence at trial to undermine and contradict his speeches.

The MQM founder has lived in self-imposed exile in London since the early 1990s, when he applied for asylum. He was later granted British citizenship. From London, Hussain has played an active role in politics, regularly broadcasting political speeches to his followers in Karachi.
Why would British intelligence allow their asset to be sentenced ?
Looks like British Justice system is a joke comparable to Pakistan . Every rich corrupt ruler, dictator and mass murderer is safe and secure in London .
It's still way better than Pakistan's... that's overstretching it
It's still way better than Pakistan's... that's overstretching it

Absolutely not.

My grandfather saw the British rule. If there was a dispute between two goras or two coloured people Justice was served .

But when it came to dispute between gora and coloured… Gora always won . This is the way British Justice system works. It is there to protect their bitches …..
I called Scotland yard to register my complain when this despicable man made that speech. Lines were chocked and they were running recorded messages that they are aware of the issue and you dont need to call, but I did and spoke to the operator anyway. Some judges knows better then the thousands who register their complain?

In this is a lesson to all state institutions of Pakistan, that when it comes to protecting national interests, all need to sing from same hymn sheet. Judiciary, establishment, government, military, etc.
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Altaf is no more than a used condomn…. Used by the British and they will treat him as such…. They have no shortage of new ones including some with bad backs and hearts ….
Why have any expectations of others when you yourself cannot prosecute anyone?

Money talks.
we were giving them hundreds of persons of interest to them during mushraf war on terror after 9/11

And the brits now couldn’t even give us are most wanted terrorists that is a big snack in our face. And we still spy for them MI5 on Pakistanis returning to Pakistan of suspicion bin this agreement

Go fck yourself U.K.
Pakistan has a long history of going to courts for legitimate purposes but appointing either unqualified attorneys or using weak evidence for the cases its fights. Either do something right or don’t waste public money by doing a shoddy job.

But since this is Pakistan and it’s government and state are made up of Pakistanis so half hearted shortcut focused shoddy jobs are part of the culture and explains the outcome of this case as well.
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