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UK is not for 'Tibetan independence'

I've never heard or read about Tibetans performing ANY human sacrifices to ANY God before.
This piece of Chinese propaganda is the first to do so, and since no other source has confirmed it, I'm going to assume it's a CHINESE LIE, to justify their oppression of the Tibetan monks.

Because you are used to brainwashing by the western lies, cheerleading indian

The True Face Of The Dalai Lama

The Dalai Lama writes, "In Tibet there was no special discrimination against women." The Dalai Lama's authorized biographer Robert Hicks argues that Tibetan women were content with their status and "influenced their husbands." But in Tibet, being born a woman was considered a punishment for "impious" (sinful) behavior in a previous life. The word for "woman" in old Tibet, kiemen, meant "inferior birth." Women were told to pray, "May I reject a feminine body and be reborn a male one."

Lamaist superstition associated women with evil and sin. It was said "among ten women you'll find nine devils." Anything women touched was considered tainted*so all kinds of taboos were placed on women. Women were forbidden to handle medicine. Han Suyin reports, "No woman was allowed to touch a lama's belongings, nor could she raise a wall, or 'the wall will fall.' A widow was a despicable being, already a devil. No woman was allowed to use iron instruments or touch iron. Religion forbade her to lift her eyes above the knee of a man, as serfs and slaves were not allowed to life the eyes upon the face of the nobles or great lamas."

read on troll!

the brits are looking for economic gains only

not to trust their verbal drivels
Tibet is not going to be independent. and thats fact.
UK is clever, they have always sided with the strong and strengthening side. They play clever diplomacy.
Ah, well, then I can't respect you (and anyone who thanks such a bullshit statement) at all anymore.

Who the hell care about you and your respect? you are nobody to us.

Do you even have any credit to talk Tibet? Did you ever donate money to poor Tibetans? Have you ever done anything good for human beings? Talking is cheap. Especially stop talking like a convenient idiot.
Who the hell care about you and your respect? you are nobody to us.

Do you even have any credit to talk Tibet? Did you ever donate money to poor Tibetans? Have you ever done anything good for human beings? Talking is cheap. Especially stop talking like a convenient idiot.

In the end, Tibetans have to liberate their lands which have been occupied by PRC by force.

Moral support of people against imperialism will always be there.

Imperialism and colonization is out of place in the 21st century world ... PRC will fall on its face if it tries to go against the tide of mankind.
In the end, Tibetans have to liberate their lands which have been occupied by PRC by force.

Moral support of people against imperialism will always be there.

Imperialism and colonization is out of place in the 21st century world ... PRC will fall on its face if it tries to go against the tide of mankind.

United Nation Special Committee on Decolonization.
China is not on the list !

The United Nations and Decolonization - Committee of 24
I have to say there are people who are just too stupid to be taught.

In U.S., I can also say every people born here has a fair chance to be the president. In reality, really???

If all family has such a fair chance, how could 95% of the tibetians be slaves, aka serfs???

BTW, descendants from those serfs were serfs as well!!!

As for the 7 years in tibet, I could not believe that you quote from a former nazi.

As for the slave system in tibet, why don't you check all of the main library with books related to the dark age of tibet past???

And from every Tibetan family young boys were trained as monks, so the entire population had a fair chance at that so-called "easy life". And I have no doubt the monks helped out the needy whenever they could.

Just before China annexxed Tibet (there goes your right to say you don't interfere with other countries, eh) by gross military action, and physically destroyed many monestaries and killed many monks and outlawed (by death penalty if i'm not mistaken?) their religion (instead of just working on what you called slavery and leaving the rest of the religion in tact), the young dalai lama (yes, the currently living dalai lama) had started to improve his own religion (for instance by freeing many of the prisoners held by corrupt tibetan monks) (see seven years in tibet torrent, download with µTorrent - a (very) tiny BitTorrent client). You Chinese did not "free Tibetans from slavery", you robbed them of their cultural identity with deaththreats, murder, forced labor punishments and more nasty draconian measures.
Even what the Chinese government does to it's own people can be called dictatorial to a very evil level in many cases.

Now as to what type of restoration I mentioned? How about the Chinese government not only fully and publicly allowing the Tibetans to practice their religion again, get rid of that slavery factor (if it even exists) by peaceful pursuasion only, and PAY SOME OF THE RE-CONSTRUCTION COSTS FOR MONESTARIES THAT WERE PHYSICALLY DESTROYED BY THE CHINESE GOVERNENT.
Who the hell care about you and your respect? you are nobody to us.

Boy, you like to make enemies, do you... arrogant aggressive fool.

Do you even have any credit to talk Tibet? Did you ever donate money to poor Tibetans? Have you ever done anything good for human beings? Talking is cheap. Especially stop talking like a convenient idiot.

yea, i develop software that I let non-commercial and government projects use for free.
and I stand up to oppressors on online forums, something that takes time and patience, something I consider valuable for those who can't defend themselves from oppression. and eh, isn't that exactly what i'm doing right here, you nitwit laughably-foolishly-aggressive small China man?.. :P
I have to say there are people who are just too stupid to be taught.

In U.S., I can also say every people born here has a fair chance to be the president. In reality, really???

ha, Obama has just proven they can indeed :)

If all family has such a fair chance, how could 95% of the tibetians be slaves, aka serfs???

95%?? where's your non-Chinese-written proof for that?

BTW, descendants from those serfs were serfs as well!!!

Nope, apparently the monks just asked the kids themselves (from EVERY tibetan family, per generation) whether or not they wanted to be a monk.

As for the 7 years in tibet, I could not believe that you quote from a former nazi.

you're missing the fact that Hitler forced his entire population to be Nazis and go to Hitler jeugend during their youth.

and if i'm not mistaken, this particular nazi you mentioned, said in that very movie that he did not like being used by the nazi regime as poster explorer boy.

As for the slave system in tibet, why don't you check all of the main library with books related to the dark age of tibet past???

you shouldn't destroy monestaries or outlaw an entire religion (thus robbing those people of their cultural identity) with brutal military force, even if that religion really does have bad elements/habits. You may change the bad habits of such a religion through persistent peaceful diplomacy and economic ties, but not through an invasion and brutal occupation of a soverign nation with a different culture.

we westerners have a book like you have 'the art of war', ours is called 'the prince', by machiavelli.
machiavelli explains that in order to properly rule any territory that a government annexes (due to military tactical reasons usually), one must always leave the original inhabitants of annexed territory their own culture and their current level of taxes as much as possible. read that book to understand why.
Have you ever been to tibet???

What do you mean by "destroy monestaries or outlaw an entire religion"???

When did CCP outlaw tibet Buddhism??? As for "destroy monestaries", all I see is contradictory since the CCP government has given tons of money to beautify those temples.

As for the nazis, I cannot believe there are people this stupid to offer that remarks.

ha, Obama has just proven they can indeed :)

95%?? where's your non-Chinese-written proof for that?

Nope, apparently the monks just asked the kids themselves (from EVERY tibetan family, per generation) whether or not they wanted to be a monk.

you're missing the fact that Hitler forced his entire population to be Nazis and go to Hitler jeugend during their youth.

and if i'm not mistaken, this particular nazi you mentioned, said in that very movie that he did not like being used by the nazi regime as poster explorer boy.

you shouldn't destroy monestaries or outlaw an entire religion (thus robbing those people of their cultural identity) with brutal military force, even if that religion really does have bad elements/habits. You may change the bad habits of such a religion through persistent peaceful diplomacy and economic ties, but not through an invasion and brutal occupation of a soverign nation with a different culture.

we westerners have a book like you have 'the art of war', ours is called 'the prince', by machiavelli.
machiavelli explains that in order to properly rule any territory that a government annexes (due to military tactical reasons usually), one must always leave the original inhabitants of annexed territory their own culture and their current level of taxes as much as possible. read that book to understand why.
Boy, you like to make enemies, do you... arrogant aggressive fool.

yea, i develop software that I let non-commercial and government projects use for free.
and I stand up to oppressors on online forums, something that takes time and patience, something I consider valuable for those who can't defend themselves from oppression. and eh, isn't that exactly what i'm doing right here, you nitwit laughably-foolishly-aggressive small China man?.. :P

What a f*ucking idiot. if you want to be our enemy, go ahead, we can smash your tiny brain with one finger.

Develop software for free? Does it have any value? I bet it is some stupid software no one heard before.

Your country invaded Iraq and Afghanistan, caused millions death, you did not do anything about, you don't care at all. And you did not do anything good for poor people, yet keep talking like saint. Ohh, son, stop talking here, go fu*ck your mother and have some fun.
Boy, you like to make enemies, do you... arrogant aggressive fool.

yea, i develop software that I let non-commercial and government projects use for free.
and I stand up to oppressors on online forums, something that takes time and patience, something I consider valuable for those who can't defend themselves from oppression. and eh, isn't that exactly what i'm doing right here, you nitwit laughably-foolishly-aggressive small China man?.. :P

At the Simla Accord in 1914 Britian agreed that Tibet was under Chinese suzerainty. All countries recognized Tibet as part of China from 1912-1949 and nobody recognized their declaration of independence in 1912 and no country exchanged embassies with them. There was not a single embassy or consulate in Lhasa.


Every single country in the world recognized Tibet as part of China from 1912-1949 when it was de facto "independent". Even britain at the 1914 Simla Accords said that Tibet was under China's suzerainty.

Another thing - 98% of the population of Taiwan is Han Chinese. :omghaha: the official name of Taiwan is the Republic of China and we never dropped our claims to Tibet, including arunachal pradesh.

The entire Tibetan Khamba community on Taiwan OPPOSES Tibetan independence and the Dalai Lama. The Mongolian and Tibetan affairs commission on Taiwan worked with Khamba Tibetan guerillas NOT to fight for Tibetan indepence, but to reestablish the Republic of China government on mainland China. The Dalai Lama was forced to make his followers cut off all ties with Taiwan's MTAC because the Khambas refused to recognize his government and supported the one China policy.

Mongolian and Tibetan Affairs Commission - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Taiwan claims the entire spratly and paracel island chain in the South China sea and does not recognize Vietnam or the Philippines claims. Taiwan also claims Tibet and we even blocked outer Mongolia from entering the UN with America's help up to the 1960s because we claimed outer mongolia too. :cheesy:


United Nations: Package Deal - TIME


This was produced by the American government - note that BOTH Mongolia and Tibet are depicted by the Americans as part of the Republic of China.

(01) Why We Fight: "Battle of China (ca. 1944) 1/5 - YouTube

And speaking of Tibet, I can say the same. Ask a Tibetan exile about Taiwanese Khamba Tibetans (who oppose Tibetan independence), ask them about Pandatsang Rapga and the Tibet Improvement Party or the Mongolian and Tibetan Affairs Commission snd they will draw blank stares. Its a taboo topic for the Dalai Lama's followers to even mention them or that there are Tibetans who oppose Tibetan independence.


Pandatsang Rapga - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Tibet Improvement Party - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Mongolian and Tibetan Affairs Commission - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Dalai Lama omits all mention of his predecessors irridentist aggresion.

Sino-Tibetan War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Speaking of which, the Tibetan "government" only controlled the U-Tsang region of Tibet and western Xikang. It had no control over eastern Xikang (now in Sichuan), Qinghai, or Gansu where many ethnic Tibetans lived. It never conducted a census in any of those territories. Yet it claims to know the exact number of Tibetans who lived in China while it didn't control these lands and claim they were genocided.

In addition to Khamba Tibetans being mostly loyal to the Republic of China (Taiwan) and opposing Tibetan independence, most Amdo (Qinghai) Tibetans swore alleigance to the Governor and warlord of Qinghai Ma Bufang who was allied to the Republic of China government and a KMT member.


There are three different kinds of Tibetans, those from U Tsang, Amdo, and Kham.

Most of the Dalai Lama's establishment was based in U Tsang. Amdo and Kham were not controlled by Tibet. Amdo Tibetans were loyal to the Muslim warlord Ma Bufang, who was allied to the Republic of China government, and Khamba Tibetans were also allied to the Republic of China government. They made up the backbone of the Tibet Improvement Party which was pro Republic of China and against the Dalai Lama.

Even in U Tsang, opponents of different factions at the Dalai Lama's court were either pro or anti Republic of China, some of them were against separatism.

The Amdo and Khamba Tibetans did not oppose the CCP because they are separatists. They opposed the CCP because they were pro ROC and KMT and Khamba fighters took orders from the Republic of China Mongolian and Tibetan Affairs Commission in Taiwan and not the Dalai Lama. They were also angry about land reforms, not because they wanted to join the Dalai Lama and separate from China.

Most of the Tibetan community in Taiwan are Khambas and aren't separatists.
Brits want to maintain a strategic relationship with their biggest Asian trade partner obviously
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