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UK gathers warplanes, military hardware in Cyprus base near Syria

Gyp 111

Oct 6, 2012
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“Warplanes and military transporters” have reportedly been moved to Britain’s Akrotiri airbase in Cyprus in the latest sign of the allied forces’ preparations for a military strike on Syria amid bellicose rhetoric against the Syrian government.

Two commercial pilots who regularly fly from Larnaca, Cyprus, claim to have spotted C-130 transport planes from their own aircraft and small formations of possibly European fighter jets from their radar screens, according to the Guardian.

Akrotiri airbase is less than 100 miles from Syria, making it a likely hub for a bombing campaign. Residents near the airfield confirmed to the Guardian that “activity there has been much higher than normal over the past 48 hours.”

The upsurge in flight activity has been denied by a spokesman for Britain’s airbases in Cyprus, Reuters reported, also citing Cyprus’s Foreign Minister Ioannis Kasoulides as saying that he doubted the airbases would be used if Western powers did take action against Syria.
“I have the impression that the British bases won’t play any primary role… because they are not needed, but we will have to see,” Kasoulides told Cypriot state radio.
Downing Street says armed forces are drawing up contingency plans for military action in Syria, Reuters reported.

UK Prime Minister David Cameron on Tuesday recalled members of parliament from their summer break for an urgent discussion. The session is due to be held on Thursday to vote on a possible military response to the alleged chemical attack in Syria.

Meanwhile, top military officials from ten Western and Middle Eastern nations – led by US Joint Chiefs Chairman Gen. Martin Dempsey and his Jordanian counterpart – met in Amman, Jordan, to discuss potential military action in Syria. This follows reports that Dempsey presented potential military options to the White House over the weekend.

On Friday, Reuters revealed the US Navy was expanding its Mediterranean presence with a fourth ship capable launching long-range, subsonic cruise missiles to reach land targets in Syria.
British military assets already near Syria include four warships, the Navy’s flagship HMS Bulwark, a helicopter carrier and two frigates near Albania. Meanwhile France – another key player in the possible conflict – has its jet fighters stationed in the United Arab Emirates if needed
The Obama administration has little doubt the regime of Assad deployed chemical weapons on the outskirts of Damascus last week, killing hundreds, US Secretary of State John Kerry said on Monday.

Reports from Syria of chemical warfare “should shock the conscience of the world,” Kerry said, adding that the indiscriminate slaughter of women and children carried out by the Assad regime constitutes a “moral obscenity.”

President Barack Obama has yet to make a determination about how the US will respond, Kerry said, but a decision would be forthcoming.

US officials told the Washington Post late Monday such an attack would likely be limited to no more than a couple of days. According to the sources, determining when the attack would take place depends on an intelligence report on Syria’s culpability for the chemical attack, consultation with allies and the US Congress and a determination that an attack by US and its allies follows international law.

“While investigators are gathering additional information on the ground, our understanding of what has already happened in Syria is grounded in facts, informed by conscious and guided by common sense,” Sec. Kerry said. “The reported number of victims, the reported symptoms of those who were killed or injured, the first-hand accounts from the humanitarian organizations on the ground . . . these all strongly indicate that everything these images are already screaming at us are real: that chemical weapons were used in Syria.”

While top US officials hint at some unequivocal evidence implicating the Syrian government in the chemical attack, anonymous sources told NBC News late Monday the US is planning to release evidence as soon as Tuesday “to prepare the public for a possible military response.”

Meanwhile, Russian President Vladimir Putin said Monday during a phone call with British Prime Minister David Cameron that there is no evidence such an attack had occurred. “President Putin said that they did not have evidence of whether a chemical weapons attack had taken place or who was responsible,” a British government spokesperson said after the meeting.

Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov confirmed during an emergency press conference in Moscow that the US, Britain and other countries have assembled a “powerful force” and are “readying their ships and planes” for a possible invasion in Syria.

“Official Washington, London and Paris say they have incontrovertible evidence that the Syrian government is behind the chemical attack in Damascus, but they have not yet presented this evidence,” Lavrov said, expressing particular outrage with the newly introduced possibility of NATO staging a strike on Syria without a United Nations mandate.

UN investigators were in the Damascus area Monday, taking samples from the site of Wednesday’s alleged chemical attack in an eastern suburb. The UN team was quickly forced to return to the government checkpoint to replace their car, which “was deliberately shot at multiple times by unidentified snipers in the buffer zone area,” a spokesman for the UN secretary-general, Martin Nesirky, said.

The United Nations assured that it was still possible for the team of experts to gather necessary evidence despite the time elapsed since the alleged attack. Ban Ki-moon added that the UN will “register a strong complaint” to both the Syrian government and opposition forces as a result of the attack in an effort to stem future aggression against investigation teams.

Back in Washington, White House press Secretary Jay Carney weighed in with a statement of his own Monday, saying use of chemical weapons on a widespread scale outside of Damascus on August 21 was “undeniable.”

“As Ban Ki-moon said last week, the UN investigation will not determine who used these chemical weapons, only whether such weapons were used – a judgment that is already clear to the world,” Carney said, adding that it is “profoundly in the interest of the United States and the international community that that violation of an international norm be responded to.”

Further, neither Sec. Kerry nor Carney stated what countries agree or disagree with the American narrative of Assad’s alleged chemical attack. Carney did say the president is seeking guidance from members of the US Congress on using force against Syria.

Pursuant to the War Powers Resolution, passed in the US in 1973, use of military force is limited to instances when a formal declaration of war has been declared, specific statutory authorization is granted or during a national emergency. Without immediate congressional approval, the President can commit troops without a declaration of war. In that case, the President must submit a report to Congress on the details of that action. Then after the 60-day period, Congress must approve further action, though the War Powers Resolution has been violated by US presidents in the past. The White House posited in 2011 that US military action without congressional approval in Libya did not violate the War Powers Resolution based on US forces’ supposed limited role in the NATO-led campaign.

While western forces appear ready for possible military action against Syria, Obama said in an interview Friday the United States should be wary of “being drawn into very expensive, difficult, costly interventions that actually breed more resentment in the region.”

Obama went on to express reservations for becoming involved in the 30-month Syrian conflict due to a lack of international consensus.

“If the US goes in and attacks another country without a UN mandate and without clear evidence that can be presented, then there are questions in terms of whether international law supports it, [and] do we have the coalition to make it work?” said Obama.

US Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel confirmed late last week that US military forces are preparing for the possibility that President Obama would order a strike.

“The Defense Department has a responsibility to provide the president with options for contingencies, and that requires positioning our forces, positioning our assets, to be able to carry out different options — whatever options the president might choose,” Hagel said Friday, adding a decision must be made quickly given “there may be another (chemical) attack.”

UK gathers warplanes, military hardware in Cyprus base near Syria | EUTimes.net
Crap.... those bastards just made me a target........... :blink:
There'll be no action from us until the MP's have debated.
Wait for the report, what if the rebels are responsible?
The whole of the middle east is a hell hole. :frown:
the us led military coalition are trying to swift their scandals in their shameful subversive internet operations all to Syria!
There'll be no action from us until the MP's have debated.
Wait for the report, what if the rebels are responsible?
The whole of the middle east is a hell hole. :frown:

You really think your star-spangled bigger allies will wait for any report?

US was itching to attack Syria and this has just given an excuse.
You really think your star-spangled bigger allies will wait for any report?

US was itching to attack Syria and this has just given an excuse.
By us I meant the UK.
I like to think the US would wait, given the mistakes made in Iraq there is no room for error this time.
By us I meant the UK.
I like to think the US would wait, given the mistakes made in Iraq there is no room for error this time.

I get your point buddy. But I was referring to a US-led intervention. That's how it is always done isn't it? they lead the forefront while you, the Germans and other Europeans cover their flanks.

But anyway, do you really think US has learnt anything in the last 40 years?

It still continues to foolishly believe that its firepower can control jehad. It cannot. Instead of trying to tame it, it should have crushed it soon after Soviet war was over. These FSA sickos are just another name for AQ types. And your friends from ocean across have still not gotten the point.

Jihad cannot be tamed. When muslim monarchs of Middle East failed at it, what makes you think you and your bigger friends can tame it?

Again, Europeans and Americans are putting this region in serious danger by supporting these lunatics.
I get your point buddy. But I was referring to a US-led intervention. That's how it is always done isn't it? they lead the forefront while you, the Germans and other Europeans cover their flanks.

But anyway, do you really think US has learnt anything in the last 40 years?

It still continues to foolishly believe that its firepower can control jehad. It cannot. Instead of trying to tame it, it should have crushed it soon after Soviet war was over. These FSA sickos are just another name for AQ types. And your friends from ocean across have still not gotten the point.

Jihad cannot be tamed. When muslim monarchs of Middle East failed at it, what makes you think you and your bigger friends can tame it?

Again, Europeans and Americans are putting this region in serious danger by supporting these lunatics.
The rebels are just as bad, agreed. And yes I certainly wouldn't want them to come to power.
If they were responsible for the attacks, how could you punish them? As the rebels they have few targets to be bombed.
At the same time Assad is a ****. I would be content to let them kill each other if civilians were not being killed.
What is to be done?
The rebels are just as bad, agreed. And yes I certainly wouldn't want them to come to power.
If they were responsible for the attacks, how could you punish them? As the rebels they have few targets to be bombed.
At the same time Assad is a ****. I would be content to let them kill each other if civilians were not being killed.
What is to be done?

This David cameron scum needs to be kicked out of the office.
He is trying to help the same type of people who murdered lee rigby not long ago
There'll be no action from us until the MP's have debated.
Wait for the report, what if the rebels are responsible?
The whole of the middle east is a hell hole. :frown:

The MPs hardly matter, DC will take the decision & more importantly we cant do much by ourselves the US have to take the first steps like always!
This David cameron scum needs to be kicked out of the office.
He is trying to help the same type of people who murdered lee rigby not long ago
Errr no.
He wishes to punish the regime for using chem. weapons to act as a deterrent against their future use.
This David cameron scum needs to be kicked out of the office.
He is trying to help the same type of people who murdered lee rigby not long ago

Mate this is international politics not that simple, very complicated.
The MPs hardly matter, DC will take the decision & more importantly we cant do much by ourselves the US have to take the first steps like always!
He'll only take action with the support of the MP's (which he probably has). To do otherwise would be political suicide.
You're probably right, but France was the first to go into Libya so it can happen.
We're also well positioned with our base in Cyprus.
Errr no.
He wishes to punish the regime for using chem. weapons to act as a deterrent against their future use.

What a kid you are. He knew automatically that it was bashar and not the rebels and you also know that?
You're just another brainwashed kid.
What a kid you are. He knew automatically that it was bashar and not the rebels and you also know that?
You're just another brainwashed kid.
Wow, I was just working on the assumption that Assad used the weapons, the report is yet to be released. I will make my mind up fully when that report is released...
Hardly brainwashed.
If you read the thread you will notice my distaste for the rebels.
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