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UK asked to nab Indian army chief, home minister over Kashmir 'war crimes'

Sure.....that complaint will LIB (land in bins) soon.......How many such complaints have been filed against US since 1945 when they killed thousands in atomic explosion, Korean war, Vietnam war, Gulf wars, War on terrorism.....a total of 34,128......and what happened to them.....LIB..as I said
In the end only self interest matter
As opposed to mass rapes and ethnic cleansing in iok

Calling everything genocide because the PA did it in Bangladesh does not make it so. The atrocities commited by the PA is well documented.

The mass abductions in Balochistan, besides the news blackouts..god knows what all the PA has done in Balochistan.

The targetted harassment of the Kashmiri Pandits in Kashmir by terrorists backed by the PA is what is culpable to genocide.

People living in glass houses should not throw stones, buddy.
UK asked to nab Indian army chief, home minister over Kashmir 'war crimes'
  • 11 HOURS AGO

Law firm Stoke White says it has submitted evidence including 2,000 testimonies to UK police documenting how troops led by General MM Naravane and Home Minister Amit Shah were directly involved in alleged war crimes and torture in disputed region.
Hakan Camuz, director of international law at Stoke White, says he hopes the report would convince British police to open an investigation and ultimately arrest the officials when they set foot in the UK.
Hakan Camuz, director of international law at Stoke White, says he hopes the report would convince British police to open an investigation and ultimately arrest the officials when they set foot in the UK. (AP)
A London-based law firm has filed an application with British police seeking the arrest of India's army chief and a senior Indian government official over their alleged roles in war crimes in disputed Kashmir.

Law firm Stoke White said on Tuesday it submitted extensive evidence to the Metropolitan Police's War Crimes Unit documenting how Indian troops headed by General Manoj Mukund Naravane and Home Affairs Minister Amit Shah were responsible for the torture, kidnapping and killing of activists, journalists and civilians.

The law firm's report was based on over 2,000 testimonies taken between 2020 and 2021. It also accused eight unnamed senior Indian military officials of direct involvement in war crimes and torture in Kashmir.
"There is strong reason to believe that Indian authorities are conducting war crimes and other violence against civilians in Jammu and Kashmir [India-administered Kashmir]," the report stated, referring to territory that is part of the Himalayan region.
The request to London police was made under the principle of "universal jurisdiction," which gives countries the authority to prosecute individuals accused of crimes against humanity committed anywhere in the world.

First such legal action against India
The international law firm in London said it believes its application is the first time that legal action has been taken abroad against Indian authorities over alleged war crimes in Kashmir.
Hakan Camuz, director of international law at Stoke White, said he hoped the report would convince British police to open an investigation and ultimately arrest the officials when they set foot in the UK.
Some of the Indian officials have financial assets and other links to Britain.

"We are asking the UK government to do their duty and investigate and arrest them for what they did based on the evidence we supplied to them. We want them to be held accountable,” Camuz said.
The police application was made on behalf of the family of Zia Mustafa, a jailed rebel fighter whom Camuz said was the victim of an extrajudicial killing by Indian authorities in 2021, and the behalf of human rights campaigner Muhammad Ahsan Untoo, who was allegedly tortured before his arrest last week.

Kashmir is divided between India and Pakistan, which both claim the region in its entirety. Muslim Kashmiris support rebels who want to reunite the region, either under Pakistani rule or as an independent country. In Indian-controlled Kashmir, tens of thousands of civilians, rebels, and Indian troops have been killed in the past two decades.
Kashmiris and international rights groups have long accused Indian troops of carrying out systematic abuse and arrests of those who oppose rule from New Delhi.

'Chronic impunity'
In 2018, the UN human rights chief called for an independent international investigation into reports of rights violations in Kashmir, alleging "chronic impunity for violations committed by security forces."
India has denied the alleged right violations and maintains such claims are propaganda meant to demonise Indian troops in the region.
The law firm's investigation suggested that the abuse has worsened during the coronavirus pandemic and under Hindu nationalist leader Narendra Modi's rule.

Its report also included details about the arrest of Khurram Parvez, the region's most prominent rights activist, by India's counterterrorism authorities last year.

Parvez, 42, worked for the Jammu and Kashmir Coalition of Civil Society, which has written extensive reports about Indian troops' use of violence and torture. The rights group has been demanding a fair probe into thousands of single or multiple mass graves in the disputed region.
Other accounts in the report discuss journalist Sajad Gul, who was arrested earlier this month after he posted a video of family members and relatives protesting the killing of a rebel commander.

'Many more applications' possible
Human rights lawyers have increasingly used the universal jurisdiction principle to seek justice for people who were unable to file criminal complaints in their home countries or with the International Criminal Court, located in The Hague.
Last week, a German court convicted a former Syrian secret police officer of crimes against humanity for overseeing the abuse of thousands of detainees at a jail near Damascus a decade ago.

Camuz said he hoped the request to British police seeking the arrest of Indian officials will be followed by other legal actions also focusing on Kashmir.
"We are sure this is not going to be the last one, there will probably be many more applications," he said.

Achha 😂😂😂
Forget the world. Tell me what do you believe being a kiwi of Pakistani descent? Do you think whatever is indian regime doing in kashmir wrong or not?

Yes.....Being a rational person I believe both India and Pakistan are doing wrong....Kashmir was given a choice to choose between the two during partition...
Pakistan made first mistake by sending tribal forces there to occupy it...this gave the erstwhile King opportunity to sign treaty of accession with India and hence India occupied 2/3 of it with Pakistan 1/3 of it.

Then you invaded Kashmir (ops Gibraltor) in 1965 thinking local population will side with you but it failed...India position became stronger and encouraged it to be more brutal with their dealings of any opposition from Kashmiris

Then you introduced terrorism by diverting remnants of Afghan Mujaheddin to Kashmir...this gave India excuse to kill people/increase atrocities in the name of their war against terror ...

Then you tried Kargil...but that too failed and you got defamed in the world...India's position further strengthens in the eyes of the world as a victim while you as aggressor.

Then you kept sending terrorists (Freedom fighters for you) in the form of LeT, JuM, HM and many more.....world considered them s terrorist organisations and again India's argument got further strengthened...and encouraged them to be more brutal with Kashmiris with an excuse of dealing with terrorism....

You kept raising hopes of Kashmiris as a primary supporter of their cause, openly supported Hurriyat etc...but when India revoked Article 370...you proved to be a meek spectators and shattered the hopes and confidence of Kashmiris....

So in Summary, Both India and Pakistan, in the lust of the land made the poor Kashmiris suffer.
Yes.....Being a rational person I believe both India and Pakistan are doing wrong....Kashmir was given a choice to choose between the two during partition...
Pakistan made first mistake by sending tribal forces there to occupy it...this gave the erstwhile King opportunity to sign treaty of accession with India and hence India occupied 2/3 of it with Pakistan 1/3 of it.

Then you invaded Kashmir (ops Gibraltor) in 1965 thinking local population will side with you but it failed...India position became stronger and encouraged it to be more brutal with their dealings of any opposition from Kashmiris

Then you introduced terrorism by diverting remnants of Afghan Mujaheddin to Kashmir...this gave India excuse to kill people/increase atrocities in the name of their war against terror ...

Then you tried Kargil...but that too failed and you got defamed in the world...India's position further strengthens in the eyes of the world as a victim while you as aggressor.

Then you kept sending terrorists (Freedom fighters for you) in the form of LeT, JuM, HM and many more.....world considered them s terrorist organisations and again India's argument got further strengthened...and encouraged them to be more brutal with Kashmiris with an excuse of dealing with terrorism....

You kept raising hopes of Kashmiris as a primary supporter of their cause, openly supported Hurriyat etc...but when India revoked Article 370...you proved to be a meek spectators and shattered the hopes and confidence of Kashmiris....

So in Summary, Both India and Pakistan, in the lust of the land made the poor Kashmiris suffer.
So Pakistan's only fault was it relentlessly tried to save kashmiris from becoming another native Americans or aboriginal Australians and this somehow makes Pakistan as evil as India who is literally carrying out genocide there. Well can't say I was surprised when you conveniently ignored multiple genocides starting from jammu massacre in which hundreds of thousands of Muslims were slaughtered while ranting Against Pakistan. Funny how you mention that accession which isn't even worth the paper it's written on but ignored operation polo and occupation of junagarh and Hyderabad. And you call yourself rational. Ironical isn't it?
So Pakistan's only fault was it relentlessly tried to save kashmiris from becoming another native Americans or aboriginal Australians and this somehow makes Pakistan as evil as India who is literally carrying out genocide there. Well can't say I was surprised when you conveniently ignored multiple genocides starting from jammu massacre in which hundreds of thousands of Muslims were slaughtered while ranting Against Pakistan. Funny how you mention that accession which isn't even worth the paper it's written on but ignored operation polo and occupation of junagarh and Hyderabad. And you call yourself rational. Ironical isn't it?

I see... so why this recentness seized when it was required the most...August 2019? I know Pakistan has been crying Wolf about Indian genocide for a long time, but why world is not convinced? Is there some laxity in your relentless efforts ? to me Lip service is not a relentless try.
Jammu massacre happened in Oct-Nov when J&K was a state under Hari Singh...it was not not part of India to be fair.

On accession , Hari Singh could have gone merging the state with you had you not invaded his boundaries as his population was in favour of going to Pakistan. Post brutalities committed by your tribal forces, even population backed off. As oppose to Hyd/Junagarh where only Nawabs wanted to merge with Pakistan and majority of population was against it......It became easy for India to invade and occupy it.....
I see... so why this recentness seized when it was required the most...August 2019? I know Pakistan has been crying Wolf about Indian genocide for a long time, but why world is not convinced? Is there some laxity in your relentless efforts ? to me Lip service is not a relentless try.
Jammu massacre happened in Oct-Nov when J&K was a state under Hari Singh...it was not not part of India to be fair.

On accession , Hari Singh could have gone merging the state with you had you not invaded his boundaries as his population was in favour of going to Pakistan. Post brutalities committed by your tribal forces, even population backed off. As oppose to Hyd/Junagarh where only Nawabs wanted to merge with Pakistan and majority of population was against it......It became easy for India to invade and occupy it.....
When did the world ever care about people dying in a far away country. They let Jews die in Germany untill their own asses were on fire, they also let colonizers wipe out an entire group of Human races in "New world".
Just because the world is silent because of economic reasons it doesn't mean the genocide isn't happening. Open your eyes for once and stop being a genocide denying cunt.

Are you seriously telling me the cow piss guzzling dot head who literally skinned alive Muslims would have let them chose country of their choice? It seems your grip on history and geopolitics is about as much strong as your ability to larp
It would be wise for UAE to pull out their investments from IOJK before things go sour.
What are you talking about you idiot?
Here you are spreading more stupidities.

If everyone is already aware then why do you or anyone else listen to the news?
To know what happens next, you retarded moron! Keeps out boring lives entertained!

Why are you bothered?
Wasting you time online, practising hypocrisy, I see.
Why is there a multi billion dollars industry for the express purpose of sharing information?
One word entertainment.

Everyone is aware, so why bother.

Please for once try and sound a little intelligent, I know it's hard for you, but please just try.
You know, you can try crying about it all day, all year long. It won't matter at all. This has been happening since what? 60s? or even earlier? No one gives a damn.
To know what happens next, you retarded moron! Keeps out boring lives entertained!

One word entertainment.

You know, you can try crying about it all day, all year long. It won't matter at all. This has been happening since what? 60s? or even earlier? No one gives a damn.

Oh Lord, you really are an idiot par excellence.
What colour is the sky in your fantasy world, Pink?

Hope you'll decide to join the rest of us in the real world, and discuss facts, till then auf wiedersehen, you fool.
Sometimes actions speak louder then results.

This is unlikely to get results, but it creates an atmosphere of awareness, plus it continues to give hope to the people of Kashmir that their voice is being heard. It matters, it matters heck of a lot.
A civilian can perform citizen's arrest if they come across these Nazis in the UK or any other part of the world.
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