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UAE Slams Turkey’s ‘Colonialist Delusions’

Who is stopping Arabs from showing symbolic support to Kashmiris? a small statement supporting Kashmir's right to self determination according to United Nations resolutions wont harm anyone. who are they afraid of?

They think money gives them power over another country.
Who is stopping Arabs from showing symbolic support to Kashmiris? a small statement supporting Kashmir's right to self determination according to United Nations resolutions wont harm anyone. who are they afraid of?

They follow the money than principles.
Pakistan wins Saudi, UAE support on Kashmir


Propaganda piece.

Today is anniversary of uniletral revocation of special status of Kashmir by India. Where is support for Kashmiris?

Today Modi laid Foundation stone of pagan temple on site of centuries old Mosque built by founder of Mughal Empire i.e Emperor Babur.

You were silent, you are silent, I don't think it's bcoz Arab fear India or anything, it's to show Pakistan that their support to Kashmir is tied with Pakistan parroting their narrative, taking parts in Yemen, Syria etc campaigns. Go against Turkey which Pakistan will never. However Pakistan have no such condition for Palestine, we will continue our diplomatic support for Palestine. We will support Saudis when they talk of alliance among Muslims like we supported International Muslim coalition against terrorism. But we will not support one Muslim state against other.
Replace Egyptians with Turks and replace Emirati with Qatari and it seems to make sense too??

Sounds hypocritical.

Literally Turkey saved Qatars *** against Saudi Arabia.

The relationship between them is you scratch my back and I will scratch yours. Even a muppet like you could not figure it out. What a shame.
UAE mall was burnt yesterday... i hope Turkey did to slap small UAE ***, thats how you do to small dogs..
spoken like true pagan.

Islam belongs to Allah (swt). not Arabs.
I always call regime supporters as arab pagans. Sultan Shelim was harsh with arab pagans, so was Omar (RA) and Abu Bakr (RA) both were harsh with arab pagans.
Its time to teach these arab pagans a lession inshaAllah
I heard Turkey is building a base in Oman.

UAE better watch out, they’ve created so many enemies in the region to the point that they would side with Turkey in a heartbeat against them.

All UAE companies and investments are being halted by the new Oman Sultan Haitham bin Tariq because of the agressive attitude of MBZ and MBS in Yemen and Qatar. Besides Oman Kuweit also wants Turkey to step in and establish a base over there to counter balance SA and the UAE. This base is going to happen take my word for it.
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