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UAE Playing Double Game Against India??


Sep 20, 2014
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News just trickled as to how UAE double game hit India hard. India had help nab the runaway UAE princes off Goa coast and hoped that UAE will reciprocate by handling over a wanted terrorist by the likes of Farooq Devdiwala but this was not to be as UAE played a massive double game handing him over to Pakistan. This has hit India hard, with a massive diplomatic loss of face. Lets start from the start,

Case 1 – Runaway UAE Princess

In march 2018, Sheikha Latifa Mohammed Al Maktoum – who goes by Latifa – reportedly went missing off the coast of Goa, in India, with American national Jean-Pierre Herve Jaubert, a former French intelligence agent and author. It is said she wanted to escape her life in Dubai that seemingly was making her uncomfortable. She makes good her escape with couple of friends and Jean-Pierre Herve Jaubert; with whom she was in a yacht. While they maintained radio silence but had apparently kept a satellite phone on.

That allowed the UAE authorities to track them, and then cordon them off Goa coast with help from Indian Nav or Indian Coast Guard. Indian Navy or Indian Coast Guard not only tracked her yacht but stood guard when reportedly UAE Special ops team or Indian MARCOS raided the boat and captured both of them. Both of them were beaten and kept in a black site for sometime after which she was taken back to Dubai, where is she now no one knows.

Why India Did It

India probably had hoped that by helping the UAE government capture a person who just wanted freedom to live her life; UAE will be obliged to help India in return to nab terrorists, gangster and other criminals who had made UAE, especially Dubai their safe haven. But that was not to be, how read on

Case 2 – Runaway Indian Terrorist

In may 2018, Farooq Devdiwala, a member of Dawood Ibrahim gang wanted in numerous cases including murder of former Gujarat Home Minister Haren Pandya in 2003 in the aftermath of Gujarat riots. Devdiwala was also believed to be involved in various other terror cases in Gujarat and Mumbai. He was arrested in UAE on a tip-off from Indian intelligence agencies. India had hoped that by getting its hand on this wanted criminal a lot of conspiracies and criminal activities can be unearthed or stopped.

Likewise India provided all details including DNA samples, case dairy and more to prove that this man Farooq was Indian and wanted in many cases. But that was not be, apparently Pakistan impressed on UAE by presenting false documents claiming him to be a Pakistani. Apparently Pakistan’s ISI has a special cell to keep Indian criminals who are useful to them out of reach of Indian authorities if they are arrested on foreign soil. In july 2018 Pakistan succeeded in taking Farooq Devdiwala away from India’s clutches.

Why India Let It Happen

Probably India had hoped that since India by helped the UAE government capture the runaway princess, in quid pro quo UAE will definitely reciprocate by nabbing criminals found on their soil. India probably was complacent and didn’t press hard, and result is Farooq Devdiwala is now in Pakistan.

Now What After UAE Double Game

So all this turns out to be a big egg on India’s face as India lost a major diplomatic battle to Pakistan, and paid price of overly trusting UAE. What is more disturbing is the apparent double game played by UAE. When UAE needed India’s help to capture runaway princess seeking freedom, India readily obliged; but when time came for UAE to help India, it simply refused to help India grab a terrorist despite being provided DNA proof. This is literally a huge kick in India’s back by UAE. Now India must not overly trust UAE and conduct snatch operations in UAE to nab terrorist and other criminals. Also now ir is even more important to grab Munna Jhingada arrested and wanted in India about the 2000 attempt on life of Chota Rajan in Bangkok. But will India succeed remains to be seen, hope Thailand too does not kick India on its butt. This is a huge diplomatic failure of the government. Hope it learns.

wow great indian diplomacy handed UAE girl in a hope that another country will reciprocate with no aggreement in place hahhah indians are that dumb?:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

News just trickled as to how UAE double game hit India hard. India had help nab the runaway UAE princes off Goa coast and hoped that UAE will reciprocate by handling over a wanted terrorist by the likes of Farooq Devdiwala but this was not to be as UAE played a massive double game handing him over to Pakistan. This has hit India hard, with a massive diplomatic loss of face. Lets start from the start,

Case 1 – Runaway UAE Princess

In march 2018, Sheikha Latifa Mohammed Al Maktoum – who goes by Latifa – reportedly went missing off the coast of Goa, in India, with American national Jean-Pierre Herve Jaubert, a former French intelligence agent and author. It is said she wanted to escape her life in Dubai that seemingly was making her uncomfortable. She makes good her escape with couple of friends and Jean-Pierre Herve Jaubert; with whom she was in a yacht. While they maintained radio silence but had apparently kept a satellite phone on.

That allowed the UAE authorities to track them, and then cordon them off Goa coast with help from Indian Nav or Indian Coast Guard. Indian Navy or Indian Coast Guard not only tracked her yacht but stood guard when reportedly UAE Special ops team or Indian MARCOS raided the boat and captured both of them. Both of them were beaten and kept in a black site for sometime after which she was taken back to Dubai, where is she now no one knows.

Why India Did It

India probably had hoped that by helping the UAE government capture a person who just wanted freedom to live her life; UAE will be obliged to help India in return to nab terrorists, gangster and other criminals who had made UAE, especially Dubai their safe haven. But that was not to be, how read on

Case 2 – Runaway Indian Terrorist

In may 2018, Farooq Devdiwala, a member of Dawood Ibrahim gang wanted in numerous cases including murder of former Gujarat Home Minister Haren Pandya in 2003 in the aftermath of Gujarat riots. Devdiwala was also believed to be involved in various other terror cases in Gujarat and Mumbai. He was arrested in UAE on a tip-off from Indian intelligence agencies. India had hoped that by getting its hand on this wanted criminal a lot of conspiracies and criminal activities can be unearthed or stopped.

Likewise India provided all details including DNA samples, case dairy and more to prove that this man Farooq was Indian and wanted in many cases. But that was not be, apparently Pakistan impressed on UAE by presenting false documents claiming him to be a Pakistani. Apparently Pakistan’s ISI has a special cell to keep Indian criminals who are useful to them out of reach of Indian authorities if they are arrested on foreign soil. In july 2018 Pakistan succeeded in taking Farooq Devdiwala away from India’s clutches.

Why India Let It Happen

Probably India had hoped that since India by helped the UAE government capture the runaway princess, in quid pro quo UAE will definitely reciprocate by nabbing criminals found on their soil. India probably was complacent and didn’t press hard, and result is Farooq Devdiwala is now in Pakistan.

Now What After UAE Double Game

So all this turns out to be a big egg on India’s face as India lost a major diplomatic battle to Pakistan, and paid price of overly trusting UAE. What is more disturbing is the apparent double game played by UAE. When UAE needed India’s help to capture runaway princess seeking freedom, India readily obliged; but when time came for UAE to help India, it simply refused to help India grab a terrorist despite being provided DNA proof. This is literally a huge kick in India’s back by UAE. Now India must not overly trust UAE and conduct snatch operations in UAE to nab terrorist and other criminals. Also now ir is even more important to grab Munna Jhingada arrested and wanted in India about the 2000 attempt on life of Chota Rajan in Bangkok. But will India succeed remains to be seen, hope Thailand too does not kick India on its butt. This is a huge diplomatic failure of the government. Hope it learns.

In diplomatic arena, things don't go like this..there must have some reason which prompted them to handover this criminal..
It may be that India could not provide relevant evidence..
To get Dna etc is not much difficult for intelligentsia...
It can't be that simple - either Hindustan failed to provide the proper evidences as compare to Pakistan (DNA doesn't prove the nationality) or What UAE gets in return from Pakistan valued more for UAE as compare to maximum loss they calculated Hindustan can cause for ditch (if it really is a ditch). Looks like Hindustanis forgot their own punch line that "There are no permanent friends and enemies but interests"
It can't be that simple - either Hindustan failed to provide the proper evidences as compare to Pakistan (DNA doesn't prove the nationality) or What UAE gets in return from Pakistan valued more for UAE as compare to maximum loss they calculated Hindustan can cause for ditch (if it really is a ditch). Looks like Hindustanis forgot their own punch line that "There are no permanent friends and enemies but interests"

This wasn’t a case of trusting UAE, it was a barter, one they reneged on if the news is to be believed.

Nevertheless, lesson learned I suppose. It’s better to have the princess in your custody and then have the swap rather than let the Emiratis have possession of the prisoner from the onset.

Minor inconvenience if at all for learning a huge lesson.
Good for Pakistan. Hope the criminal was worth it for whatever they traded to the Emiratis for him.
This wasn’t a case of trusting UAE, it was a barter, one they reneged on if the news is to be believed.

Nevertheless, lesson learned I suppose. It’s better to have the princess in your custody and then have the swap rather than let the Emiratis have possession of the prisoner from the onset.

Minor inconvenience if at all for learning a huge lesson.
Good for Pakistan. Hope the criminal was worth it for whatever they traded to the Emiratis for him.

Lol. Portraying it as trade is nice face saver. Yes we got what we wanted. But the question is about RAW and its failure. UAE is a third country and Indian Laws don't imply there. In the international game you need to have evidence. In India Modi's speech is considered as evidence but not in the world around India.
the land of snake charmers got charmed by the Arabs.
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