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UAE ISRAEL Peace Agreement

Even our historic support, militarily, to the Arab nations against Israel, was rooted in Pakistan's own opposition to Israel, and not done at the behest of the Arabs
So General Zias operation against Palestinians in Jordan was in Pakistan's own interest?
Who was harboring Uzair Baloch terrorist and Kalboshan Indian spy? Was it Israel or Iran?
Actually why are you sheltering in norway? You are so opinionated go to pakistan and fight
Well no matter what....one day they will pay. 2006 war in Lebanon showed they are vulnerable and that's why they wont engage Hezbullah now

They have nukes. Until the Arab states develop their nukes, no one can stop Israel. Hezbullah is not a lethal force compared to what Israel and US have.

They engaged multiple Arab states in '67 and won. There's essentially nothing stopping them from moving into the West Bank. But they do have a valid concern and that is enmity with the Arab states they're surrounded by, long term that can turn into wars which can threaten their existence.

If they can trade that concern for pre-67 borders which was the 48 partition plan followed by Palestinian-Israeli war, then that is a win.
Quaid had to appease to mullah factions back then too, he was a secular but at several speeches he had to say that the country is being made for Islam to appease mullahs so it doesn't fractures the country. Basically used religion to unite masses.

He wasn't an appeasing person if you don't know about Quaid. Try to read the diary of his Doctor mentioning religious views & strong faith of Quaid even on his death bed and how Quaid spoke for Pakistan and sees it. Here is a reference to the same if you interested to know more about Quaid...quoted by none other than PM of Pakistan..

They have nukes. Until the Arab states develop their nukes, no one can stop Israel. Hezbullah is not a lethal force compared to what Israel and US have.

They engaged multiple Arab states in '67 and won.
UAE need better economy and technology from Israel not nukes
Well no matter what....one day they will pay. 2006 war in Lebanon showed they are vulnerable and that's why they wont engage Hezbullah now
Don't overestimate Hezbollah's capabilities. Israel can't engage Hezbollah on Hezbollah's turf without suffering significant casualties, but Hezbollah can't really take the war to Israel in a way that would threaten Israel's existence or cause any significant damage.

Israel is completely capable of carrying out stand-off strikes that can cause a significant amount of damage to Hazbollah and Lebanon without any major consequences to Israel proper.
They have nukes. Until the Arab states develop their nukes, no one can stop Israel. Hezbullah is not a lethal force compared to what Israel and US have.
This is correct...however Israelis love life more than they love money.
I have seen one family lose every son and a mother dressing her last son for the battle with the israelis in Lebanon.
Nukes are nit toys to be used any time
[In response to @jamahir--the thread got moved here]

I think this is what's going to happen down the road anyway: A bi-national state. Palestinians are far too numerous, are far too concentrated geographically, and have a far higher birthrate to be lost like the Native Americans did. So One day--there will be one bi-national state of Israel-Palestine. But that cannot be a state where there are ghettos and Palestinians are nothing more than slave-labor.

BTW, this is such a load of crap to say that 'Jews have a right to exist' blah blah. Time and again, the Arab World , and by extension the Muslim world, extended complete offer for peace. The most vivid being the 2002 offer by KSA: If Israel were to go to the pre-1967 lines. But Israel never had that intention and never will. Don't be surprised after gobbling up the West Bank Israel will occupy and annex Southern Lebanon up to the Letani River on some 'security' excuse. Israel is already planning to Annex the Golan Heights.

Israel is a classic colonial enterprise and it's sad to see a seasoned left-leaning person like you (Jamahir) doesn't see it that way.
What Pakistan needs to do is:

1) Break off from KSA influence, they have only caused terrorism in our country. However, be good with them if they do stuff according to our interests.
2) Forget religion in geopolitics.
3) Mend relationship with Israel which in return will get us closer to USA.
4) Have positive relationship with both USA and China.
5) Don't go full on in China camp, balance between both USA and China.
6) Go hardcore in terms of developing Gwadar and finishing CPEC phases, have influence over all central asian countries.
7) Accept current LOC as perma borders with India after they accept revisation of indus water treaty (make it more in our favour)
8) Ask China to divert both rivers which are going from Tibet to Kashmir region... direct to GB (Don't know how feasible is this)
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