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An attack of burj al arab, burj Khalifa, dubai mall or mall of the emirates will start an exodus
The arabs will be defeated and leave humiliated from Yemen.
It has yet to happen... keep counting the days.

An attack of burj al arab, burj Khalifa, dubai mall or mall of the emirates will start an exodus

You can try with support of Dickhead Fighters from Pakistan, but this will eventually hurt Iran and Pakistan.
@lonelyman @haidian @viva_zhao

C'mon where is your concern for the Yemeni people and their sovereignty?
So you believe the war Saudi and UAE initiated is wrong? What's Erdogan's stance on this war?

In my view, it's all about power. Saudi and UAE want to keep Yemen under control. While Iran has different view. It looks like war between sectarian, but it's all about interest and power.

Who can stop this war? US. US can stop providing military equipment and assistance, but Saudi just bought 100 billions of them.

US can stop threatening Iran, then Iran has less motivation to support those proxy wars.

It's US who create those bloody wars, and tension. Not China.

So don't ask China. Ask your NATO master who back stabbed you many times and is sanctioning Turkey right now.
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So you believe the war Saudi and UAE initiated is wrong? What's Erdogan's stance on this war?

In my view, it's all about power. Saudi and UAE want to keep Yemen under control. While Iran has different view. It looks like war between sectarian, but it's all about interest and power.

Who can stop this war? US. US can stop providing military equipment and assistance, but Saudi just bought 100 billions of them.

US can stop threatening Iran, then Iran has less motivation to support those proxy wars.

It's US who create those bloody wars, and tension. Not China.

So don't ask China. Ask your NATO master who back stabbed you many times and is sanctioning Turkey right now.
Its not about me, im just wondering what you guys think, you jump up and down on every Turkish thread but are silent on this one for some odd reason.
Its not about me, im just wondering what you guys think, you jump up and down on every Turkish thread but are silent on this one for some odd reason.
To be honest. I never dislike or like Turkish, Chinese don't hate or love Turkey at all.

As long as Turkey stop interfering China sovereignty issue in Xinjiang, we have no problem at all.

China and Turkey has much more mutual interests, including Eurasian transportation cooperation, military, financing, ME and many others.

China is more than happy to let Turkey join in SCO, and join in China-Russia camp.

China - Russia camp can provide good deal, including better financing terms, military cooperation, real TOT of fighter jet, air-defense system and many others.

We do love to see a more independent Turkey, not another vassal state like many other smaller countries.

To be very honest, Turks are smart people, otherwise Turks won't build the Ottoman Empire and last so long. It's a great achievement, and I do believe Turkey will get rid of West and be more and more independent. It's all about ambition and pride and long term interest of the Turks people.

As long as Xinjiang is not an issue(None of the Islam countries point fingers), Turkey and China could be best friend, like Pakistan and China relationship.

All the other stuff in Syria is rhetoric. The day Kurds is abandoned, their future is dark.
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It has yet to happen... keep counting the days.

You can try with support of Dickhead Fighters from Pakistan, but this will eventually hurt Iran and Pakistan.

Why do you have to drag Pakistan in every gcc VS others thread? You've developed this habit of mentioning Pakistan almost with contempt. If it wasn't for your khassi tribe Pakistan would have been running circles around the - - - - - -.
Yemeni people love KSA. They live and work in KSA in millions from decades.
Saudis and Emirates enjoy support of american,French,England and a coalition of Arab countries like Egypt, Sudan and etc .. what they use is British cluster bomb and their fighter jet are filled with American air fueling and drop bombs on Bazar, stadium and school by the help of american and aforementioned countries while Arab mercenaries fight the battle .. their air space is protected by american air defense systems and most importantly as you truly mentioned is indisputable fact that Saudis indeed enjoy the true love of Yemeni people 24/7..
The only problem is by hearing it a question pops up in my mind ... why the war is taking this long?5years?
If the so-called Yemenis people love Saudis why they just don't through a red carpet for their beloved neighbor in their cities? and why they are fighting them? I think Yemenis do not know love or are confused otherwise a lover would not hurt his beloved, :(
Go where? Do you think what is going on in yemen as foreign invasion. It's local civil war and I am pretty sure ain't nobody is going anywhere. Do think this is the US or soviet union scenario with Vietnam and Afghanistan.

This is completely different the invader here don't simple tire out and another thing to take into consideration is that they are local so I can pretty much guarantee you ain't nobody going anywhere at all. Yemen is few kilometers from the holy land and it's basically the backyard let that sink in.

Or in other words

What are you blabbering about? Saudi and UAE coalition will eventually be defeated and leave Yemen

It has yet to happen... keep counting the days.

You can try with support of Dickhead Fighters from Pakistan, but this will eventually hurt Iran and Pakistan.

Yeah I will. You keep polishing boots of your Saudi masters.

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