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Mar 1, 2019
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Dozens of UAE vehicles arrive in Taiz

Source of Al-Mayadeen TV revealed that the UAE is continuing to equip a new battle on the front of Taiz to mobilize troops and transport weapons, noting that the arrival of an Emirati vessel was monitored at the oil port in the Aden facility.

Al-Mayadeen TV reported that the Emirati vessel emptied 100 armored vehicles, military vehicles and various ammunition, while the UAE forces established a new port for warships behind Al-Tun factory in Al-Makha city. Exclusive scenes at the end of September showing the arrival of three merchant ships loaded with dozens of armored vehicles and more than a thousand mercenaries trained in one of the UAE camps in Djibouti.


This just verifies that both Saudi Arabia and UAE have zero intention to ever exit Yemen until the last houthi is killed and they seem to be patient and will out-last the houthi who is locked down and besieged rather easily who are about to crumble and they actully lost territories recently (the city of al-Fakher have fallen to the Saudi and UAE led camps few days ago)

Is just one of these battles where you are screwed either way. They will never exit that area period it's way to important for them and they have endless resources and man-power to recruit while the houthies are starving and won't be able to hold on much longer.
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UAE must feel confident it can foil any abqaiq like attack. Otherwise they wouldn't have stepped up after announcing plans to pull out.
Lets hope arabs wake up before its too late.
They dont have endless resources and they will never win military objectives using mercenaries as soldiers. Good waste of $$ though.

There's no choice but to fight the menace of terrorism in every shape.
US has given enough $ to Iran to match, don't worry there.

Well it's an act of suicide, surly Yemeni people would stand against this aggression too.
Yemeni people love KSA. They live and work in KSA in millions from decades.

Time for houthis to follow through on their promise to strike UAE.

Ghat eating houthis are almost annihilated, it's the IRGC and proxies, who are operating in these voids.
If Houthis was any bit of force, these vehicles would have been engaged in battle.
Terrorist IRGC tactics are ambush, on flying objects and border patrol vehicles.
Never seen the pussies engaging in real fight.

UAE must feel confident it can foil any abqaiq like attack. Otherwise they wouldn't have stepped up after announcing plans to pull out.
Lets hope arabs wake up before its too late.

It appears to be a combing operation, can't guess it's scale.
The arabs will be defeated and leave humiliated from Yemen.

Go where? Do you think what is going on in yemen as foreign invasion. It's local civil war and I am pretty sure ain't nobody is going anywhere. Do think this is the US or soviet union scenario with Vietnam and Afghanistan.

This is completely different the invader here don't simple tire out and another thing to take into consideration is that they are local so I can pretty much guarantee you ain't nobody going anywhere at all. Yemen is few kilometers from the holy land and it's basically the backyard let that sink in.

Or in other words
Glorious Saudi and emirati forces will finaly defeat the barefooted houthis it seems... watch out.. PDFs Baghdad bob said so..

next news headline... UAE crying about a drone strike crippling their oil and tourist industry, and blaming Iran for "unprovoked aggression". and hoping and expecting the US will fight for a bunch of dumb wahabis they are trying to milk all the way to the bank...

even monkeys learn their lessons and wouldn't touch a hot stove twice.... these are sub-apes were talking about here.
Turkey should condemn this strongly.
Im waiting for the CPC trolls to lecture us about countries sovereignty and human rights.

Cmon guys where are you?

maybe doing snake style with jacky chan?
even monkeys learn their lessons and wouldn't touch a hot stove twice.... these are sub-apes were talking about here.

You will eventually cry river of tears and when you have left no tears you will eventually cry red ink.

The Houthis have gone into ''IRON HANDS'' one that dosen't tire nor lets go. The realization will hit home sooner or later for you that this is not what you thought all along
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You will eventually cry river of tears and when you have left no tears you will eventually cry red ink.

The Houthis have gone into ''IRON HANDS'' one that dosen't tire nor lets go. The realization will hit home sooner or later for you that this is not what you thought along

sure thing Baghdad bob.... or should I call you Riyadh Jassem instead?
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