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UAE and Dassault Rafale Multi-Role Fighter to an industrial partnership


France doesn't have the same relationship with Israel like America and other EU nations apart from the fact that they proliferated nuclear weapons to them. Good shot!
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France doesn't have the same relationship with Israel like America and other EU nations apart from the fact that they proliferated nuclear weapons to them. Good shot!

Still doesn't have the same policy on armament that America has towards Egypt. The deal with the French for the M-2k under Sadat included building them under license in Egypt, something the American administration would never allow (regarding jet aircraft).
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i think UAE go for 30 eurofighter and 30 rafale with this they have both countries and manufacturers in their pocket and they have duties of two next generation fighter jets at their disposal and also huge brand of new weapons range to their armory it is better to have two best jets in their poclet along with f 16 they made hell of a package with this i think UAE dont need any jets for atleast 2 to 3 decades and iceing on the cake if they get dozen of SU 35 and SU 37 doing this russia will also be in their pocket as well i suggest HH MOHAMMAD BIN ZAYED he is airforce chief and high rank officer who decides the deal go for both UAE is like mother country to me most of my family lives their i love UAE

France doesn't have the same relationship with Israel like America and other EU nations apart from the fact that they proliferated nuclear weapons to them. Good shot!

And you think the West wanted Pakistan to have nukes, without Pakistan and KSA trolling them :rofl:

i think UAE go for 30 eurofighter and 30 rafale with this they have both countries and manufacturers in their pocket and they have duties of two next generation fighter jets at their disposal and also huge brand of new weapons range to their armory it is better to have two best jets in their poclet along with f 16 they made hell of a package with this i think UAE dont need any jets for atleast 2 to 3 decades and iceing on the cake if they get dozen of SU 35 and SU 37 doing this russia will also be in their pocket as well i suggest HH MOHAMMAD BIN ZAYED he is airforce chief and high rank officer who decides the deal go for both UAE is like mother country to me most of my family lives their i love UAE

KSA has the Typhoons
The UAE go after the DR

KSA has the F-15s
The UAE has the F-16s
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I think those Mirages are going to Libya. They would have been the best replacement for our MS Squadron for the Navy.

Whom does Libya fear of war? IMO.. it would be foolish for Libya to spend on airforce.
Whom does Libya fear of war? IMO.. it would be foolish for Libya to spend on airforce.

Their last wars with other nations were with Egypt in 1977 and Chad 1978-1987. The Libyans have sought the aid of the Egyptian military in rebuilding their military with the first batche of Libyan officers graduating from the Egyptian military academy this year.
Rafale is the best plane , but since its develop it failed to market. Recent Indian pact gave a life to this plane. And now they should be thankful for UAE invest some money. Otherwise Rafale production was on verge of closing. Plane is too expensive and maintenance cost is too high.
I hope that hey agree on a contract soon,same for India.I absolutely love the Rafale and it makes me sad that it hasn't got some export contracts allready,it's a superb piece of machine,come on UAE go for it it! after that Qatar and Kuweit,126 planes for India,over a 100 for the 3 GCC members and Rafale production will take a well deserved breath of fresh air.
no matter what people think Rafale is the sexiest platform out there! Eurofighter is good but Rafale is a class apart!
The UAE doesn't buy Aircrafts because they look shiny and nice, but rather for their effectiveness, I was sure that the UAE won't go after the Typhoons since KSA has a customized version for the GCC's military demands, so now it's all left to the French, either to sell more advanced Aircrafts which the UAE asks for, or else.
I hope that hey agree on a contract soon,same for India.I absolutely love the Rafale and it makes me sad that it hasn't got some export contracts allready,it's a superb piece of machine,come on UAE go for it it! after that Qatar and Kuweit,126 planes for India,over a 100 for the 3 GCC members and Rafale production will take a well deserved breath of fresh air.

no matter what people think Rafale is the sexiest platform out there! Eurofighter is good but Rafale is a class apart!
I like both, I would love to see our RSNF getting their hands on the Rafael, and the Typhoons with the RSAF.
@anonymus my fellow, please feel free to join us :D!

I do not have a lot to say on this issue as i have not followed it from start.:D

I like both, I would love to see our RSNF getting their hands on the Rafael, and the Typhoons with the RSAF.

That would not be a wise thing to do.

1. Two different type of planes would increase maintenance cost.

2. Rafale is not head and shoulders above EF. Both are of same generation. Only a stealth plane would justify diversification of inventory.

3. One of the reason that UAE is buying Rafale is that it is already operating Mirage 2000 and already has ground facilities to handle rafale which would reduce life cycle costs.
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The take back of 60 Mirage 2000-9

In the end, Paris has a master card even if it must be handled carefully : the take-back of 60 Mirage 2000-9. At this point, Abu Dhabi has set the following rule, one explains to "Les Echos", those who will win the deal will be responsible for selling these aircrafts, half of them are nearly 30 year old. As this is a French weapon, Paris has a veto right on their re-export.

To satisfy this rule, BAE therefore needs accurate information - for example to assess the cost of the buy back - that Paris obviously refuses to provide for not favoring the Dassault rival. It is fair game. But what if Abu Dhabi finally choose the Eurofighter? will france block the Mirage resale and the deal and therefore break the trust patiently rewoven?

Meanwhile, the Americans did not remain inactive. They negotiate the sale of twenty F-16 to replace the out of service part of their 80 [F16 fleet] and the installation of Nato Link 16 throughout the fleet. It also seems that this should be accompanied by a large package of air-to-ground missiles. With the hope that, in the end, the Emirates replace these devices with F-35.

Les Echos
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I am sure that UAE would be happy with their Mirage-2009s and they would go for a JV in 5th Generation rather than buying expensive things. Also if they want to sell Mirage-2009s then they will sell them to South American countries which really love them a lot and even they love Rafaels, EF-2000, Grippen and JF-17 too.
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I am sure that UAE would be happy with their Mirage-2009s and they would go for a JV in 5th Generation rather than buying expensive things. Also if they want to sell Mirage-2009s then they will sell them to South American countries which really love them a lot and even they love Rafaels, EF-2000, Grippen and JF-17 too.

Maybe, but I guess the DR is just too expensive.
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