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U.S. War with China “Inevitable,” Author Glain Says

^Remember, that UK was still an empire before the war, although she was a dying power, but she still had her obligations to keep on mainland Europe. Technically, UK did not choose to join the war but instead dragged into it by her various allies.
You will become a superpower. People become jealous of rich, powerful nations. You may have no choice but to fight.

I'm actually sure of that.

The US subscribes to the demand driven theory of economy. War is the ultimate demand. It not only IS demand, it CREATES demand that was not present before, for everything - weapons, electronics, food, oil, maitanance, hospitals, funerals, etc. That is why, under the US model, war makes money.

In China, our demand is not yet at the expected level. We are substituting investment and, less significantly, exports for the missing demand. But when these mechanisms are no longer enough, we will have no choice but to go to war.
^Remember, that UK was still an empire before the war, although she was a dying power, but she still had her obligations to keep on mainland Europe. Technically, UK did not choose to join the war but instead dragged into it by her various allies.

UK wasn't dragged into the war. UK only got involved in the war after Nazi Luftwaffe's air strikes on various British cities and most importantly London.

Battle of Britain - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I'm actually sure of that.

The US subscribes to the demand driven theory of economy. War is the ultimate demand. It not only IS demand, it CREATES demand that was not present before, for everything - weapons, electronics, food, oil, maitanance, hospitals, funerals, etc. That is why, under the US model, war makes money.

In China, our demand is not yet at the expected level. We are substituting investment and, less significantly, exports for the missing demand. But when these mechanisms are no longer enough, we will have no choice but to go to war.

There will be wars over oil, water, food, energy, land. Can you imagine if everyone in China lived like an American? We'd run out of resources. I really don't see how we are going to get out of this.
There will be wars over oil, water, food, energy, land. Can you imagine if everyone in China lived like an American? We'd run out of resources. I really don't see how we are going to get out of this.

Dyson sphere - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

LOL, just kidding. :P

But yes, the priority needs to be in "renewable energy". China is in fact already the largest investor in renewable energies, because in 20-30 years when the resources start to run out, we will need a way to sustain ourselves.

How China overtook the US in renewable energy | News | guardian.co.uk
There will be wars over oil, water, food, energy, land. Can you imagine if everyone in China lived like an American? We'd run out of resources. I really don't see how we are going to get out of this.

No one can live like an American, ever again, in the future. The planet cannot support this. Even if half the population was nuked away, it wouldn't be possible.

However, we can choose to not live like Zimbabwe.

The future is one of scarcity. China is a country faced with immense scarcity in everything except people and aggregate IQ. All countries will be scrambling to be the ones maintaining their standard of living; this gets exponentially harder as GDP/capita rises. The time of scarcity will hit at around 2020 when population outpaces food and oil supplies, assuming no revolutionary energy source is created or solar gets competitive enough such that running on solar electricity alone, solar modules can be manufactured.

The US takes up too much of the world's resources. Disproportionately much. There is a solution. The end of the US as a nation state will solve all problems. The sacrifice of 300 million people will let the world's 3 billion poor live.
We went to war in 1939.

Well that was just declaration of war on Germany. We didn't do much to help Poland.

'On 3 September 1939 France and Britain, followed by the countries of the Commonwealth, declared war on Germany but provided little support to Poland other than a small French attack into the Saarland.'

In fact we conceded Czech territories with ethnic German population to Hitler, against the wishes of the Czechoslovak government, in exchange for a promise of no further territorial demands.

Actual action for us only started when we invaded Iceland in 1940 and then Battle of Britain. :)
Can your entire navy be concentrated within the firing range of the Tomahawk?

The problem for your assumption too, is that you assume our air force is not already forward deployed. We left our flank towards India open and concentrated our airforce in the east, in the probable direction of US attack. India still doesn't dare attack us with a skeleton army in Tibet, because even this skeleton army is enough to kick them back down the Himalayas. Geography dictates that our southwest is safe.

Even 1 missile getting through CIWS can sink a destroyer or cruiser. We have over 1000 figher planes in our air force and 300 strike fighters in our naval aviation. There's also 47 ultraquiet diesel electric subs to get through, 5 nuclear attack subs, 26 destroyers and 51 frigates. There are also 132 Type 022 stealth missile boats with radar cross section < 10 m2, comparable to the size of waves on the ocean and easily rejected by radar at missile firing ranges as noise.

If it was that easy, you would've done it a LONG time ago.

im pretty sure you do, but there's at least 300 P3/P8 from SK, Japan, Taiwan, and USA looking for those submarines/missile boats and they are armed, not to mention the ocean is littered with submarine sensors (hydrophones or something like that), and ur submarines are all based on the kilo, yes they are quiet but im pretty sure they can be detected early enough. and ur boats would have to get really close as ur longest range missile has less range than the tomahawk. and i dont think a general is stupid enough to leave a flank open especially if BJP is in power and NO DOUBT 15-25% of your force will be there to defend Tibet oh and dont forget about the blockade.
im pretty sure you do, but there's at least 300 P3/P8 from SK, Japan, Taiwan, and USA looking for those submarines/missile boats and they are armed, not to mention the ocean is littered with submarine sensors (hydrophones or something like that), and ur submarines are all based on the kilo, yes they are quiet but im pretty sure they can be detected early enough. and ur boats would have to get really close as ur longest range missile has less range than the tomahawk. and i dont think a general is stupid enough to leave a flank open especially if BJP is in power and NO DOUBT 15-25% of your force will be there to defend Tibet oh and dont forget about the blockade.

Yes, land attack cruise missiles always have longer ranges than antiship missiles except the DF-21. Speaking of which, account for that yet? But we can use our own land attack cruise missiles and destroy US bases throughout the Pacific.

P3/P8 are armed with anti-sub weapons. They're slow and unmaneuverable: easy food for fighters and interceptors.

Nope, China has NEVER put more than 5% of forces in Tibet. It is simply impossible for India to stage a mass scale invasion. I don't care if India had Hitler. If India knew what was good for it, it wouldn't even think about thinking about invading China. It would gain nothing, and the price for trying would be severe.
The US air force is not going to bring the whole air force to attack China. It cannot.
The USAF does not need to bring our entire force to defeat the PLAAF. Cripple the PLAAF and China is wide open.

The US navy also cannot, for the same reason, deploy all 11 carriers against. China. I'm assuming they'll deploy 8 at max.
Just 2 or 3 will cripple the PLAN.

Was the US Air Force bigger and more experienced than the Vietnamese Air Force? Yet, why were only a few hundred Vietnamese planes downed, vs. 3000+ US planes and 5000+ US helicopters? The US is highly experienced in bombing civilians. Not so much in fighing large scale wars of attrition against even states the size of Vietnam.
The other conscript rejects at your other playgrounds will swallow this up without any bit of critical thinking. But try bringing this to worldaffairsboards or f16.net and you will be laughed off the Internet.

The North Vietnamese Air Force specialized in hit-and-run tactic and because of their much smaller number, they would naturally suffer less losses. On the other hand, the US violated North Vietnamese airspace at will and most of the losses came from air defense missiles, not air-air combat. Operation Bolo showed that Soviet/Chinese training and tactics were worthless against the USAF, even when the MIG-21s were used. Operation Bolo destroyed nearly half of the MIG-21s and forced the North Vietnamese to ground them for several months to review if the Soviet-Chinese training and tactics were worth keeping.
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