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U.S. To Charge Chinese Hackers With Espionage

I have no relationship with Chinese government and I have zero relationship with CCP as well. So next time, accuse me of something else. :)

As for brainwashed, I can say that you are just such a typical example of those western-admiring indians, or in another way, indian puppies of western masters.

I just feel so sorry for you and similar indians like you. The former british empire really ruins india not only in the past, even today and also in the near future.

So sad.

you been brainwashed into being such a slave to your government that you repeatedly show your lack of comprehension between espionage by a government vs. espionage of technology for the SOLE purpose of feeding ITS PRIVATE INDUSTRIES...

you can spy all you want, everyone in the world does so... but when you steal technology to feed it to private industries its called intellectual property theft. You chinese are nothing but 'Government sanctioned' criminals in this matter
Even the Americans (white) themselves are embarrassed about this claim knowing that the U.S is doing exactly the same thing and not making a big fuss about it. Meanwhile, we have two American wannabes here that can't help but to celebrate the news.This is the exact result when they know india/vietnam couldn't put up anything against China therefore hiding behind the U.S flag is all they can do for all their fantasy prides.

Opps, my apologies for not considering you both @JayAtl @gambit as American, like the whites here does. :rofl:
poor germany... it needs to check who they allow in.

Indeed, even long before anyone heard of Chinese industrial spying.

Here from 1998
Hintertür für Spione | ZEIT ONLINE

or here from 1994/95
Enercon: Ingredienzien der Infamie - manager magazin

Both cases from our "great" friend on the other side of the pond.

The Snowden papers even revealed that the US embassy (just a few hundred meters away from all important institutions of Germany) is used as a spy hub with directional antennas on the roof.
Chall bay...... biassed salay........ tell me something, do you, yourself, believe what you've written? Talk about messed up logic!

if there has been industrial espionage prove it. hacking the networks is not same as stealing companies intellectual property to pass on to your own private / public sectors.

there is a difference between spying for military purposes or security purposes vs . spying to steal others trade secrets to benefit local companies

THIS ABOUT THEFT... not spying
Chall bay...... biassed salay........ tell me something, do you, yourself, believe what you've written? Talk about messed up logic!

Commandatore , we are talking about " ethical spying " and " unethical spying " whilst assuming that the Govt of the United States isn't involved in the latter . What has the world come to ? Have we all heard anything more twisted than this ever ? :D
Sure , why not ? Please let us all know , if it produces any real results except for the cosmetic ' face ' value it has . Let the Americans and their supporters start to try to differentiate between espionage and industrial espionage and explain how the former is " legitimate " since its well the magical word ' national security ' all over again and the former's well not acceptable and needs to be stopped by Beijing . Unfortunately it happens though , that the NSA has been found involved in a lot of things even the ones which are " not acceptable " and " morally wrong " for people here and before we jump in , start to argue that it hasn't been proven , lets just say that so hasn't been the official involvement of Govt China . The credibility of both the claims is the same .
Meri jan, all degrees of "wrong" are wrong! :D

Commandatore , we are talking about " ethical spying " and " unethical spying " whilst assuming that the Govt of the United States isn't involved in the latter . What has the world come to ? Have we all heard anything more twisted than this ever ? :D
Chall bay...... biassed salay........ tell me something, do you, yourself, believe what you've written? Talk about messed up logic!

curious to hear- what is " messed" part of the logic.

Since early man, spying has always been in place. Then- Since the birth of a civilized era, spying by countries for defense/military/security purposes has been an accepted practice. If it were illegal you would not have governments officially have agencies called the CIA/ MI6/RAW/ISI etc etc...

what is not acceptable in the modern era is using those agencies for stealing technology that has no defense related/ military purposes rather for the sole purpose to giving it to your won private companies to cheat others in the economic field

Let me give you an example of what China( government) does:
A Pakistani company
has innovated/ discovered a new technology to make cars run just on water- no more dependence on oil. A first in the world and they patented the technology. Because of this the Pakistani company spend millions building the infrastructure to bring it to market, hired 1000 new employees ( great for the economy and its citizens) and is very successful.

NOW- In comes chinese government and has its hackers break into yours systems and steal the technology. They then pass it off to local companies. These companies now start competing, resulting in great losses to the pakistani company- who then have to lay off 600 people.

another example of what the chinese government are doing:

A pakistani company is bidding for a 1 billion dollar project. The chinese are also bidding for it. The chinese government then comes in , issues orders to its hackers to go break into the pakistani companies systems and find out what the pakistani government has bid, then tells its private companies about that figure so they underbid and win it.

both scenarios are common criminal like thieving! which is disallowed under international laws...
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Even the Americans (white) themselves are embarrassed about this claim knowing that the U.S is doing exactly the same thing and not making a big fuss about it. Meanwhile, we have two American wannabes here that can't help but to celebrate the news.This is the exact result when they know india/vietnam couldn't put up anything against China therefore hiding behind the U.S flag is all they can do for all their fantasy prides.

Opps, my apologies for not considering you both @JayAtl @gambit as American, like the whites here does. :rofl:
No need for apologies. I always say racists, like yourself, should always be proud of what they are. Although, in the end, no matter how flawed the US is in terms of race relations, the US will always be the better country and society than your China.
No need for apologies. I always say racists, like yourself, should always be proud of what they are. Although, in the end, no matter how flawed the US is in terms of race relations, the US will always be the better country and society than your China.

And China will always be the better country and society than your Vietnam.

You sounded like you're the only one here living in the States :rofl: Keep calling me racist while I'm doing you a favor of trying to wake you up from your wet wet dream.
And China will always be the better country and society than your Vietnam.
You think that will offends me ? I have always say that Viet Nam is an economic shithole -- thanks to communism.

But I am not here to speak for or defends Viet Nam. I am here as an American, something you will never be able to claim, even if you are a legal US citizen given how you view the US.

You sounded like you're the only one here living in the States :rofl: Keep calling me racist while I'm doing you a favor of trying to wake you up from your wet wet dream.
And what 'favor' is that ?

Bottom line is: Leave US. Now. :lol:
You think that will offends me ? I have always say that Viet Nam is an economic shithole -- thanks to communism.

And you think your previous statement will offend me? :lol: Oh and I gotta agree with you Vietnam is indeed a shithole, whether if it's communism or not though.

But I am not here to speak for or defends Viet Nam. I am here as an American, something you will never be able to claim, even if you are a legal US citizen given how you view the US.

Pshh, I'm a citizen too, and I ain't waving my passport all over the place like you. :usflag:

And what 'favor' is that ?

Bottom line is: Leave US. Now. :lol:

You proved my point once again, hiding behind the U.S flag is all you can do :rofl:
And you think your previous statement will offend me? :lol: Oh and I gotta agree with you Vietnam is indeed a shithole, whether if it's communism or not though.
And China is not such a shithole ? Care to guess how many Chinese wanting to come to the US ?

Pshh, I'm a citizen too, and I ain't waving my passport all over the place like you. :usflag:

You proved my point once again, hiding behind the U.S flag is all you can do :rofl:
And what flag are you hiding behind ? You are a US citizen but cheers for China. That make you a traitor in anybody's book.

But we should not be surprised by Chinese racism at all. Lee Kwan Yew pointed that out -- in Deng's face no less -- when he called China out for exploiting racial ties in overseas Chinese to incite revolutions in host countries.

Renounce your US citizenship and leave US. But never mind that figure of speech. We know you are too much of a coward to do so despite how much you may cheer for China on an anonymous Internet forum.
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