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U.S. To Charge Chinese Hackers With Espionage


Nov 18, 2010
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WASHINGTON, May 19 (Reuters) - The United States on Monday plans to announce espionage charges against several Chinese individuals, accusing them of spying on American companies and stealing trade secrets, according to media reports.

The U.S. Justice Department, in filing the charges, is publicly accusing China with such cyber spying for the first time.

A Justice Official did not dispute the reports but declined to give further details.

Attorney General Eric Holder and other U.S. officials are planning to hold a news conference at 10:00 a.m. EDT (1400 GMT) "to announce a criminal indictment in a national security case."

The reports did not name the Chinese government officials or companies targeted by U.S. officials, but NBC News said they include those in the energy and manufacturing sectors.

"They used military and intelligence facilities to commit cyber espionage against U.S. companies," one U.S. official told NBC News.

A separate report by the Wall Street journal said the U.S. planned to charge five people allegedly linked with the People's Liberation Army.

American officials have long been concerned about hacking from abroad, especially China.

On Sunday, a top Chinese Internet official called for Beijing to tighten its own cyber security, citing "overseas hostile forces."

An FBI official last week told Reuters to expect multiple cyber security-related cases, including indictments and arrests, in the coming weeks.

U.S. To Charge Chinese Hackers With Espionage


$100 says there will be people here on PDF- who won't know the difference between military spying and economic spying . ;)
Well, what do we do against NSA then? It has hacked Huawei and many Chinese companies as well.

WASHINGTON, May 19 (Reuters) - The United States on Monday plans to announce espionage charges against several Chinese individuals, accusing them of spying on American companies and stealing trade secrets, according to media reports.

The U.S. Justice Department, in filing the charges, is publicly accusing China with such cyber spying for the first time.

A Justice Official did not dispute the reports but declined to give further details.

Attorney General Eric Holder and other U.S. officials are planning to hold a news conference at 10:00 a.m. EDT (1400 GMT) "to announce a criminal indictment in a national security case."

The reports did not name the Chinese government officials or companies targeted by U.S. officials, but NBC News said they include those in the energy and manufacturing sectors.

"They used military and intelligence facilities to commit cyber espionage against U.S. companies," one U.S. official told NBC News.

A separate report by the Wall Street journal said the U.S. planned to charge five people allegedly linked with the People's Liberation Army.

American officials have long been concerned about hacking from abroad, especially China.

On Sunday, a top Chinese Internet official called for Beijing to tighten its own cyber security, citing "overseas hostile forces."

An FBI official last week told Reuters to expect multiple cyber security-related cases, including indictments and arrests, in the coming weeks.

U.S. To Charge Chinese Hackers With Espionage


$100 says there will be people here on PDF- who won't know the difference between military spying and economic spying . ;)
Well, what do we do against NSA then? It has hacked Huawei and many Chinese companies as well.

if there has been industrial espionage prove it. hacking the networks is not same as stealing companies intellectual property to pass on to your own private / public sectors.

there is a difference between spying for military purposes or security purposes vs . spying to steal others trade secrets to benefit local companies

THIS ABOUT THEFT... not spying
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So spying is ok then?

What makes you so confident that NSA only did spying, not stealing???

So you trust the NSA more???

Apparently Germany, Brazil and many other countries think otherwise.

if there has been industrial espionage prove it. hacking the networks is not same as stealing companies intellectual property to pass on to your own private / public sectors.

there is a difference between spying for military purposes or security purposes vs . spying to steal others trade secrets to benefit local companies

THIS ABOUT THEFT... not spying
So spying is ok then?

What makes you so confident that NSA only did spying, not stealing???

So you trust the NSA more???

Apparently Germany, Brazil and many other countries think otherwise.

It is very simple, if you have proof then produce it. spying is okay... stealing, theft of intellectual property is not...

for non chinese it means - their fathers, mothers , sons and daughters work hard to develop a technology, invent, invest and start a business where they employ fellow citizens in those companies... to then have the chinese GOVERNMENT come and steal your intellectual property to give it to their local companies.

This is in plain speak calling thieving .
The weird remark for you is that only China seems to do the IP stealing, Non-Chinese do not???

Industry espionage happens to every country and every country does the same, including U.S., Russia, U.K., Germany, France, Israel, ... and etc...

Your one-way thinking reminds me that why others call indians as slaves of western masters.

Evidence??? I think every country has its evidence including China. However, China is not intended to make such issues confrontational. However, now it is going to be a tic for tac from now on.

It is very simple, if you have proof then produce it. spying is okay... stealing, theft of intellectual property is not...

for non chinese it means - their fathers, mothers , sons and daughters work hard to develop a technology, invent, invest and start a business where they employ fellow citizens in those companies... to then have the chinese GOVERNMENT come and steal your intellectual property to give it to their local companies.

This is in plain speak calling thieving .
The weird remark for you is that only China seems to do the IP stealing, Non-Chinese do not???

Industry espionage happens to every country and every country does the same, including U.S., Russia, U.K., Germany, France, Israel, ... and etc...

Your one-way thinking reminds me that why others call indians as slaves of western masters.

Evidence??? I think every country has its evidence including China. However, China is not intended to make such issues confrontational. However, now it is going to be a tic for tac from now on.

You are a classic reason why we think the real chinese IQ is below par. You can't comprehend a simple thing as GOVERNMENT SANCTIONED industrial espionage vs hackers in other countries. U.S., U.K., Germany, France, ... do not have their governments sanctioning industrial
espionage for the sole purpose of feeding it to their industries.

no wonder you guys are know for steal, copy and paste... not innovate
You are the classical indian slave of western masters.


What makes you believe those other governments do not steal???

They do that all the times.

You are a classic reason why we think the real chinese IQ is below par. You can't comprehend a simple thing as GOVERNMENT SANCTIONED industrial espionage vs hackers in other countries. U.S., U.K., Germany, France, ... do not have their governments sanctioning industrial
espionage for the sole purpose of feeding it to their industries.

no wonder you guys are know for steal, copy and paste... not innovate
The weird remark for you is that only China seems to do the IP stealing, Non-Chinese do not???

Industry espionage happens to every country and every country does the same, including U.S., Russia, U.K., Germany, France, Israel, ... and etc...

Your one-way thinking reminds me that why others call indians as slaves of western masters.

Evidence??? I think every country has its evidence including China. However, China is not intended to make such issues confrontational. However, now it is going to be a tic for tac from now on.
China do not have anything worthy of 'industrial espionage' for the US. As far as China's economic rise go, 99.999% of that rise came from acquiring technologies and education from the West. So the difference, in US view, is that when we perform any kind of espionage, it is for national security purposes, whereas with China there are no differences between economic and national security.
Oh, really???

For u.s., it is national security, for other countries, including China, it is then not???

At the end, if China do not have anything worthy of... , why the heck u.s. and other western countries chant China threat day in and day out???

What kind of weird logic???!!!

China do not have anything worthy of 'industrial espionage' for the US. As far as China's economic rise go, 99.999% of that rise came from acquiring technologies and education from the West. So the difference, in US view, is that when we perform any kind of espionage, it is for national security purposes, whereas with China there are no differences between economic and national security.
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