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U.S. tells India weapon sales to Pakistan will continue


Jan 1, 2010
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The top U.S. military officer told Indian leaders Friday the United States will continue to sell weapons to Pakistan, and that the sales do not pose a threat to India.

Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Admiral Mike Mullen says he is confident the weapons the United States is selling to Pakistan are being used for their intended purpose - to fight al-Qaida and related terrorist organizations. But he says he urged Indian leaders to continue to discuss their concerns with him and other U.S. officials.

"We certainly understand the concerns and at the same time I don't believe that we've sold any weapons to Pakistan which greatly imbalance the capability between the two countries."

The admiral said the United States does not monitor the exact location or use of each item it sells to Pakistan, but his confidence they are being used properly is based on the increased trust between the U.S. and Pakistani governments built up in recent years.

U.S. officials also noted that the United States has sold sophisticated weapons to India, and is working on more sales, possibly including fighter jets.

Admiral Mullen praised recent improvements in U.S.-Indian relations, including an agreement signed Friday by the American ambassador and India's Home Minister to create a Counterterrorism Cooperation Initiative. The initiative includes a plan for cooperation on cyber security, which Admiral Mullen cited as a key area for U.S.-Indian cooperation.

The admiral welcomed the recent India-Pakistan dialogue, but said he was "discouraged" when the talks broke down. And he said he shares concerns about the activities of Pakistan's intelligence service, the ISI, which has been accused of supporting terrorist groups including the Haqqani network in Afghanistan and Lashkar-e-Taiba, which carried out the Mumbai attacks in 2008. Mullen says the ISI needs to "fundamentally change" its strategic approach.

"The ISI is an organization that has operated within Pakistan in concert with what it believes are its own national interests. And at the same time, there's an awful lot about them that I don't know," he said.

The admiral said some elements of the ISI clearly operate on orders from the Pakistani government.
Admiral Mullen said he expresses his concerns about ISI to Pakistani leaders on a regular basis, and he will do so again when he meets them later in this trip through the region.

US Tells India Arms Sales to Pakistan Will Continue | USA | English

CrY mE a RiVeR:sniper:
Now, Indian government will shut up their mouth and than open it again, when America will sell some military equipment again.
India should only object freebie weapons even it is junk given to pak.

If pak is buying with hard $$ cash, India should encourage to buy more and be happy.
India should only object freebie weapons even it is junk given to pak.

If pak is buying with hard $$ cash, India should encourage to buy more and be happy.

Your second sentence seems to be impossible since India has always tried to negatively influence Pakistan's defense deals.
Looking forward to F35 being awarded to NATO Ally Pakisani Airforce

Tides are changing , and I see a F35 flying with green flag pretty soon
Height of stupidity by Indian government and minister's. How many times I read similar news in a month, if you have to protest do it once and get over it. Also why cannot you do it inside and shut your mouth, why you have to do this in front of media.
hahahah this news is sooo funny what are we ghetting now? JUNK! soo in the future JUNK! i think we need more JUNK! eh? i think we should stop ghetting JUNK! and start paying attention to some real miltary equipment eh fell free to disagree
Height of stupidity by Indian government and minister's. How many times I read similar news in a month, if you have to protest do it once and get over it. Also why cannot you do it inside and shut your mouth, why you have to do this in front of media.

Right. We also express our objections on US military sales to India but those dialogues take place behind the scene. Media do not need to know everything.
have as many as weapons you want but kindly do not use it against us or to destabilize us, because we know your intentions about Kashmir. This leads to war and you will use same weapons you received from West. That is one reason to shout. It doesn't matter whether one listens to us or not but it becomes a record that USA supplied the weapons to fight against Terrorists(Perceptions changes here) and they were/are used against India. It doesn't effect US(might is right) it effects Pakistan's image of responsibility. And then we get enough material to drag you from collar in the court and globalize you as a terror state. Then goes down your image, people call you terrorists, they relate it with Islam and hence gives more rise to actual terrorism, your economy falls, you are bank corrupted, becomes irresponsible, etc and etc.

Ultimately we are shouting for you, so that you have some respect in the world and listed among growing states and responsible states. But in that also there is a lot of hatefulness shown against us. Very Bad!
The weapons are provided for Paksitan Military/Navy/Airforce for current operations

And are for use for our defence needs.

As for Kashmir we already proposed a diplomatic solution , backed by UN , just by spreading maps with India claiming Kashmir does not changes reality that its a disputed land , and needs to be resolved on table in peaceful manner

Getting sentimantal about land whose inhabitant feel special with Pakistan is wrong , I know its 60 years its hard but a strong diplomatic approach is solution

But if India insists that it has 2 enemies Pakistan/China , and want to flex its muscles based on , its Flankers , I am sure that we can fix the realities quickly.

I mean why on earth would you push , trash in China's face, when you can't even handle Pakistani Forces. Its like a school yard kid talking big , and they piss off 1 kid , and while he is backing off he stumbles with a school wrestling champion China , and you know what will happen to that nerd kid next

A diplomatic solution is ideal for region - its good for Pakistan , its good for India and China will also be happy and could start a new empire in region Pakistan/India/China all the way to europe via turkey
I think West should provide Pakistan these lethal weapons on short time lease with MoU that weapons should committed to only current operations of Defense( fighting against Taliban). And if tampered West should take serious actions involving sanctions against the state.
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The weapons are provided for Paksitan Military/Navy/Airforce for current operations

And are for use for our defence needs.

As for Kashmir we already proposed a diplomatic solution , backed by UN , just by spreading maps with India claiming Kashmir does not changes reality that its a disputed land , and needs to be resolved on table in peaceful manner

Getting sentimantal about land whose inhabitant feel special with Pakistan is wrong , I know its 60 years its hard but a strong diplomatic approach is solution

But if India insists that it has 2 enemies Pakistan/China , and want to flex its muscles based on , its Flankers , I am sure that we can fix the realities quickly.

I mean why on earth would you push , trash in China's face, when you can't even handle Pakistani Forces. Its like a school yard kid talking big , and they piss off 1 kid , and while he is backing off he stumbles with a school wrestling champion China , and you know what will happen to that nerd kid next

A diplomatic solution is ideal for region - its good for Pakistan , its good for India and China will also be happy and could start a new empire in region Pakistan/India/China all the way to europe via turkey

A Senior Member like u also start trolling then what is left out?? If u really think we can't even handle ur forces effectively why do u think the "ultimate deterrent" is brought up again and again by ur mighty army. This was done at the time of kargil too. Even now whenever they want to make a point they speak about this (read surgical strikes). If they are really so great and invincible no self respecting one speaks of nukes , saying hey if u attack me i will use this. Ur not a newbie so make constructive comments.
We are not buying american weapons to threat India. They are merely for self defence purpose (and reverse engineering between the lines).
We have the chinese source for offensive weapons. USA + India go cry a river to China.
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